

Living life to the fullest wasn't an option Death wasn't a choice Resurrection was a coincidence Being whole was his birthright The missing link between two worlds Bringing both peace and destruction

ellives · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs


"why, why does everyone want me dead, what did I do to deserve such a cruel fate" Williams seemed lost in thought as he relived the last 1 hour over and over again in his memory

Turning to the unconscious martin by the water a thought crossed his mind, "maybe he can shed some light on the matter, but... he wanted me dead", Williams kept on having the internal battle and finally decided to help him while hoping for the best.

while looking for supplies to treat martins a cottage by the stream caught his attention, as he suddenly realized it was getting a bit late and decided it was best they stayed there for the night


Martins awoke to the chirping sounds of the crickets and the swooshing sound of the wind as the air was humid signifying that the rain had taken its toll, his effort put into trying to get up was soiled as the sudden barrage of pain rushed into his head bringing into remembrance all the events of the day.

Williams who seemed lost in thought was snapped back to reality as the low grunt of martins announced his consciousness "You should stay down, there wasn't much I could work with for the injuries you had" getting up and heading towards the kitchen to get Martins food

Martin was processing the statement and his blood rushed to his face making him blush, as he inspected his clothes and realized his attire had been changed "Did you change my attire"

"Yes I did" appearing from the kitchen with a hot bowl of soup trying to avoid eye contact with Martins while acting like as though everything was fine "eat your soup while it's hot it would help with the pain"

Stretching his hand to take the soup grabs Williams hand and pulls him in "what did you see" while staring him intently in the eyes

"Uhhhhmmm, could you let go you are hurting me, and while we are at the phase of asking questions, why don't we talk about the elephant in the room" looking back at Martins with the same look he was getting

letting go of Williams as he couldn't keep on holding his arm as he was afraid his stitches would come loose as he drifts back to his poised posture

"and that would be?" acting as though nothing happened as he began to drink the soup

"That would be how the hell does a man turn into a woman after getting shot" increasing the intonation of his voice as he emphasizes his confusion

Martins keeps on drinking the soup as though he didn't hear the question as he took in the chirping sound of the crickets, "it's a long story but before I answer that I have a question of my own" she decides to reply after the brief moment of silence passed

"OK and what would that be?" as his face looks perplexed,

"Why are you helping me" looking him straight into the eyes", I mean I was sent to bring you in, but you show me no hostility" trying to search Williams eyes for a little hint of vengeance

"the only reason I helped you was because I need answers" looking her in the eyes as a ray of lighting lit the night sky "answers to who I am and to why I am being treated like a frigging test subject"

"wait a minute, hold on .....don't tell me ...." looking confused, "how do you expect me to know all about you" looking at the confused Williams "the information I know about you is from my briefing and that's all I would ever know.

"so basically you are just a sheeple" he mutters as he starts to retreat to the little makeshift bed he had made for himself

" whats that,..... and are you sure your comfortable over there?' as he continues to sip the soup "and by the way nice soup, where did you learn to make it," he asks without once batting an eye to Williams

"a sheeple is someone who voluntarily heeds to a suggestion without critical analysis or research, and now I'm not comfortable.....and for the soup,....I'm not sure" as he tried to recall a distant memory.

"Okay, since your being sincere I might as well be sincere. I go by the name Amelia Valeria," she stops sipping the soup as she began to recall a memory

"Why did you choose to identify as a male and not a female?" he asks as he noticed how quiet she had become all of a sudden

"you are treading on dangerous territory young man, I best advice you thread carefully" she replies as she immediately returned to her previous demeanor.

"oh now I'm being called a young man" looking dazed, "why am I being called a young man ?"

"you have to earn the right to be trusted" she drops the soup bowl as she turns around to prepare to get back to bed.

"no thank you after the meal" he speaks up after a while "how often do you eat homemade food" he begins to dim the light as he heard no answer after a while" Good night"


𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒅𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆

three men begin to approach the cottage as they drew their weapons while debating amongst themselves

"I thought you said you locked the cottage " a buff man wearing a fur coat with the head of a bear being the hood over his hair concealed his facial appearances asked the other two men by his sides

"I'm pretty sure I did I'm with them keys and them keys don't come off without the door being lock" a man wearing nothing but a leather short and carrying a rucksack replied as his accent gave away his British ancestry,

"yeah he locked the door, I can vouch for that when I came to take a leak it was tight shut, so I did it by the river bed" the third man wearing goggles with drooping suspenders without any shirt on spoke up

"seems we have some stowaways, let's have some fun" as they begin to head towards the cottage "what's your say, guys, let the fun begin".