

Living life to the fullest wasn't an option Death wasn't a choice Resurrection was a coincidence Being whole was his birthright The missing link between two worlds Bringing both peace and destruction

ellives · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Rude Awakening


Elder Mikhail stood up to address the council, as they began to grow rather rowdy. "as we all know the reason behind the birth of this council was to stop an anomaly from breaking loose," all heads nodded in unison "well the greatest anomaly of all has been released" taking a look round the table.

everyone begins to murmur amongst themselves "what could it possibly be that causes the council to summon everyone".

"I know you are all wondering what it is" he speaks to quiet their growing discomfort. "SEEDS OF CHAOS" everyone begins to whisper to themselves again "I believe we all know of this anomaly, it poses the greatest threat to mankind"

Another elder speaks up, "yes, I believe we should know of this chaos, but I believe I speak for the assembly when I say that's utter bullcrap" he looks around gaining the favor of the other elders present

"Elder Naut, I have no idea why you of all the Elders present here would say that", Elder Mikhail turns to look at Elder Naut whose expression had a satisfied look "we both are the oldest council members present, and as such you of all should be aware as too the severity of the situation"

"Elder Mikhail, I'm sorry it's coming to your hearing this late, but we ….." turning to look at the other members of the council "we don't believe in the eradication, but rather in the reformation of this anomaly" Elder Naut begins to speak up causing the once rowdy hall to become quite once more

"what do you mean by the reformation of an anomaly?" looking at everyone at the table "are you all insane?" noticing the glares being shot at him

"oho, Elder Mikhail, if its insanity then you could say we've all gone mad, and as for the reformation, I am glad to inform you it has been a total progress" looking at the baffled Elder Mikhail "we have been able to reform one of the so-called in-quote 'SEED OF CHAOS' and due to the methods we used, I can assure or rather guarantee you their un-waning loyalty." as he signals the guards to open the doors for the board to see

3 young figures approach the round table, radiating an eerie aura, as their eyes were covered, leaving the elder's imagination to run wild. the trio came to a halt in front of elder Mikhail. the elders remained fixated on the trios as they were astounded by the potential the three showed.

reading the atmosphere Elder naut took the opportunity to introduce the trio before the council " I introduce our finest work yet and the first to successfully go through the reformation process successfully, Dorothy Sanchez, Theo McCall, and Chris Stratford" as the three-step forward while being introduced.

Elder Mikhail could no longer hide his anger and dissatisfaction "WHAT IN THE HOLY NAME OF JOSEI IS GOING ON HERE" looking at the elders present " you were all doing this behind my back, and where did you get the funding for the project"

"careful Elder Mikhail we aren't children so you shouldn't be raising your voice." earning the vote of the crowd as he sees it as an opportunity to overthrow Elder Mikhail, "what we, or rather I did was simply take the weakest team we had to the lab, had them infused with the seed of chaos, although there were some difficulties, we still emerged victoriously." pointing at the three figures standing

glancing at Elder Mikhail to see his rather perplexed facial expression" and as for the funding of the project, you funded the project, as your signature here proves it", he takes out a paper from his robe and rose it for all present to see

Elder Mikhail sensing a ploy to remove him from the high table didn't argue but rather chose to remind them of the outcome "you do not understand the gravity of what you are doing" looking at Elder Naut with a look that showed pity "the five seeds of chaos must never come across each other" standing up to leave the council as he understood trying to change the perspective of the elders would have to do more than just talking"

"and what would happen if they eventually cross paths," Elder naut asks to satisfy the hunger of the elders. as he was never told what would happen if they ever met

"all hell would break loose, Behemoth would be released from his eternal slumber and the skies shall be painted red, it shall be the end of all things living, I have lived my fair share of life, so do what you deem fit" without turning back to look at the council he began to take his leave

elder naut began to laugh which made all the members of the council begin to laugh with him at the words elder Mikhail spoke "if we can tame three what makes you think we cant tame the rest, you underestimate us old man, and that would be your downfall and behemoth is nothing but a monster made to keep us ignorant" as he begins to leave the council as the other elders follow him

realizing that his plan to overthrow Elder Mikhail has been soiled by Elder Mikhail's cool demeanor cursed under his breath "I will get you out of that sit even if its the last thing I do"


at a cottage, three men sneak quietly trying not to make any noise to alert the intruders at their home "careful boys we don't want to startle our playthings tonight" the man with the fur coat whispered, "we gonna teach them what happens when they mess with the Morgan family." the man on the suspenders voiced out his own opinions

the man in the leather shorts begins to put the key into the keyhole and turns the key till the mechanism releases a hiss showing it was unlocked "I have unlocked them doors Reggie" he turns to the man who wore the fur coat

"nice job Donald, you will receive your reward later" Reggie utters without batting an eye at Donald" let's go in Gerald" he signals as he begins to creep inside.

noticing the heat from the make-shift chimney they had, Gerald knew it wasn't long since the intruders had gone to sleep and signaled to Reggie who immediately understood and chose to keep moving forward while signaling Donald to cut off the back exit.

"well, what do we have here" Reggie voices out as they successfully surrounded the invaders, causing the invaders to realize they weren't alone which was already a tad bit late for them to act

"We have a lovey-dovey couple ayy" Gerald spoke from the corner as he grabbed the woman with his hands and pushed her to the wall" she is pretty injured, Reggie" turning around to see Reggie and Donald pinning the male invader down, before turning back to face the woman, "but it's been a month since I last felt the warmth of a woman" as he began licking the face of the Amelia

"unhand me you Riffraff "Amelia tried struggling but her injury reminded her of how weak she was presently

"she is feisty …..I like her" turning back to face Reggie who had successfully tied Williams to the chair and was currently approaching him "yeah she is, she can serve for some days before we dispose of her" Reggie spoke as he used his hand to start rubbing his glans through his clothes

Donald felt left out as he felt he was being cheated" so what is we gonna do to Mr lover boy here" he asked before standing up to approach Amelia while also repeating the same process Reggie some moments ago

"We kill him" Reggie commanded as he took out his Knife and headed towards Williams and stabbed him in his heart "this way we are sure we aren't disturbed", as he left Williams to die and he went to resume assaulting Amelia's clothes

a dejected Williams laid on the ground as tears began to fall from his eyes 'why does everyone want to kill me,.....all I wanted was to live, to live a normal life, but everywhere I go my life is threatened' Williams thinks to himself as the tears flowed profusely "WHY, WHY, WHY...…..WH...…WHY...…WHYYYYYY" Williams screamed at the top of his voice causing the three brothers to be shocked for a moment before he breathed his last breath

"seems he was a fighter" Reggie spoke before laughing and heading back to Amelia, "now where were we....oh that's right I remember, we were gonna fuck you till we satisfy our urges" he grinned as he began to pull his clothes

"𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔠𝔨 𝔢𝔰𝔪𝔞𝔧𝔲 𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔥𝔶" a deep eerie voice echoed shaking the foundation of the house as it drew the attention of everyone in the room "what be that," Donald asked while hiding behind Reggie

"𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔠𝔨 𝔢𝔰𝔪𝔞𝔧𝔲 𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔥𝔶" the voice echoed "there it is again...…. what is that?" a now frightened Gerald spoke pointing to the darkest part of the room, as a figure could be seen standing "that be your dagger Reggie" Donald pointed out the dagger which had a glistering look to it

"𝔤𝔲𝔯𝔯𝔬𝔠𝔨 𝔢𝔰𝔪𝔞𝔧𝔲 𝔯𝔢𝔤𝔥𝔶" the voiced resounded again as a streak of lightning struck the surface causing the room to light up for a brief moment but for all present to see a shriveled Williams smiling sinisterly