
Resident Evil: Resurgence

Starr_Dakota · Filem
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4 Chs

Project Requiem

"Activating Project Requiem." The computer said as a cryostasis chamber opened and a man stepped out, "Your orders are to eliminate Project Alice and Project Nemesis at all costs. You may use any means you deem fit."

"What are you talking about, and how did I get here?" The man asked as he looked around the empty room, "I don't remember anything."

"Subject's name is Nick Miller. He was a top operative for Umbrella's special forces and died in combat against against subjects infected by the T-Virus." A scientist said when the computer pulled up a video as Nick was strapping his boots on, "Debrief states that after infection, Miller continued to fight with little care for himself. The autopsy report states that he died of blood loss, not exposure to infected. After examination, his body showed that the infection couldn't spread further than the initial wound. His ferocity and his body's ability to fight the T-Virus makes him the perfect subject for Project Requiem. His body was recovered quickly, allowing us to put him in cryostasis to preserve his remaining brain functions."

"So I died protecting a company I don't remember, and they brought me back to life in order to kill anything that goes rogue?" Nick asked the computer as he put the handgun into his shoulder holster, "Can I get some more information on Alice and Nemesis?"

"Project Alice and Project Nemesis are two experiments that were created as counterparts. Nemesis is a large bioweapon designed to be extremely durable in order to eliminate his targets with little damage. Alice is a young woman with superhuman agility and strength. She is considered just as dangerous and should be handled with the utmost caution despite her stature."

"Alright." Nick said as he walked towards the exit, and once he was outside, he smirked. He had no intention of being Umbrella's tool, but he did want to try his abilities against his targets. It didn't take him long to find out that the city was under attack by the T-Virus as several zombies walked towards him, and in a matter of seconds, they were killed. He took one last look at the bodies before making his way to the sounds of gunfire. He watched Nemesis carefully as it destroyed a diner with some type of special forces inside before turning to face him.

"Sir, Nemesis has made contact with Requiem." An Umbrella soldier told the man looking at several screens, "Do you want to change its target?"

"Yes, I want to see if Requiem is worth the money we put into him." The man said as he walked over to the soldier and watched the live feed from Nemesis's vision. Nick quickly shot Nemesis in the wrist when its minigun began to spin and caused it to miss him entirely as he sprinted straight for it. He jumped and landed a fierce punch to its jaw, but his arm was grabbed before he could land on his feet. The man watched the screen with interest as Nick planted both of his feet on Nemesis's face and caused the monster to release him while stumbling backwards. Nick left, knowing that if he fought Nemesis in a wide open area then it would have the upper hand.

"So Requiem is still capable of strategy?" The man asked he as stepped away from the computer, "He is smart for a bioweapon."

"Well, that's useful." Nick said as he watched his broken arm heal quickly. After opening and closing his hand a few times, he began to explore the city in search of Alice. As he was walking through an alley, he heard something crawl along the wall above him, but when he looked up, he didn't see anything. Nick heard it again behind him and he turned around in time to see a red figure on all fours jump above him and he stepped back as it tried to lunge at him, getting a good look at it as he did. It was a strange monster with an exposed brain and long tongue. It lunged at Nick again, but he quickly grabbed its head and slammed it into the ground with a sickening squish. As he walked out the alley, he saw a woman with short black hair and two other survivors walking into a church.

"That's not Alice." Nick told himself as he began to walk the other direction and ignored the gunshots coming from inside.

"So you're down here." Nick said as he heard Nemesis's minigun under a bridge, and he junped over the rail to see Alice and Nemesis fighting. They both stopped as Nick got closer, and Nemesis roared as he turned his attention to him. Alice took her chance to kick Nemesis in its head as the minigun began to spin up, and he turned to fire it at her. Alice couldn't believe her eyes as Nick kicked the minigun upwards and caused Nemesis to shoot the bridge above them. Nemesis hit Nick with the back of its fist and sent him flying into a destroyed car, making it cave in. She watched in shock as Nemesis shot him with a rocket and decided it was time to run. Nemesis followed after her as Nick's chest healed, and a few minutes later, he climbed off of the car. He took several deep breaths as he examined his now destroyed chest armor and tore it off before he heard a phone ringing nearby. As he walked past it, the phone ahead of him began to ring, and he angrily put it to his ear.

"What?" Nick asked as he looked at the camera above him with a glare, "I know you're watching me."

"I have a way to escape this city if you're willing to help me." A man said as he watched the camera and knew that since Nick didn't hand up he wanted to hear more, "My daughter is still at the school three miles from your current location and if you rescue her for me then I'll help you."

"I'm guessing Umbrella is planning to glass the city?" Nick asked, and the silence gave him his answer, "Which direction?"

"Down the street on your right. I've called a few other groups, and your chances of success will be higher if you work with them." He said before Nick hung the phone up and gave the camera a nod. Nick followed the man's directions and saw another group going inside the school as the school came into view. When he got closer, he saw a K-9 police van near the entrance with the back open and the cages looking as if something had severely injured itself getting out.

"Dammit!" Jill yelled as the matches she threw went out before going into the gas from the stoves. Alice flicked a cigarette towards the kitchen and wrapped herself and Angie in a fireproof blanket before the kitchen exploded.

"You ok?" Alice asked her before they heard a dog running towards them from the hall, and she stepped in front of Angie to guard her. Their eyes widened as they saw Nick grab the dog by its throat as it lunged towards them, and he slammed it into the floor hard enough for it to crack.

"I wouldn't do that." Nick told Alice as she pointed a gun at his head, "I'm not here to fight you."

"How are you alive?" Alice asked him with a cold tone as she lowered her gun, "I saw that thing kill you."

"I don't feel dead." Nick told her smugly before his face turned serious, "You can stop aiming at me now."

"I'm not?" Alice asked in confusion before she saw Carlos standing around the corner with his rifle trained on Nick, "How long have you been there."

"Sorry. I figured my best bet was holding back until I knew he wasn't going to try anything." Carlos explained as he walked to them, "Though I don't think I made much of a difference."

"How long ago were you bitten?" Nick asked as he saw Carlos's bite wound, and the mercenary sighed.

"Around three hours ago." Carlos admitted as he looked at his wound with disappointment, and Alice grinned at him.

"Today's your lucky day." Alice told him as they found a nearby car and climbed in.