
CHAPTER 59 Begging For Brigade 3

  I couldn't believe this... I immediately looked at my master, Fleet Admiral Jose asking for help. He nodded at me and mouthed 'later' at me. Smiling, I nodded my head. I couldn't just let him proceed to the next topic without finalizing it.

  As the meeting adjourned, I decided to leave first and didn't wait for General Cairo and General Benedict. I went straight to the corridor, sitting there.

  "General Rachelle!"

  I turned when I saw the fuming mad of Jack again. I smiled wryly and balanced myself to the railings.

  "No! Please, General! You still have work to do!" I chuckled as I could almost see him clutching his hair in annoyance.

  "I'll continue my work tomorrow. I promise!" I raised my hand, smiling.

  He shot me a glare. "I don't believe you at all. Argh!" He stomped his foot. "Get down there, General! Do you want to die?" He sighed in exasperation.