
CHAPTER 60 Their Clash 1

  Even he, too, was shocked from what happened seeing how his eyes widened.

  I immediately got off from him then I gasped because we came from the second floor and landed on the ground floor. I approached him and helped him to sit up as he was groaning.

  "A-Are you alright, Your Majesty?" I asked, panicking.

  My heart leaped as his eyes darted on me.

  "Y-Yes." He nodded. "How about you?" he asked and scrutinized me up and down.

  "I-I am alright. Thanks to His Majesty," I said, feeling guilty.

  We looked at each other. I suddenly felt nostalgic with the way he was looking at me. I felt like I was throwback to the times when he was still my supervisor with mischievous expression on his face. Why do I feel like I am missing those times? And he managed to steal a kiss from me again!

  Claude cleared his throat, looking away. "Next time, don't try jumping like that. You could have hurt me for trying to save you. Good thing I don't easily get to have bruises." He snorted.