
reincarnator survival in DC

quick note befor the synopsis. this is a test fic for myself to practice writing romance and intimate incounters, so it’s basically going to be porn with plot but I’m still going to do my best to write a great story. ——————————————————— the story is about a young man who has been reincarnated into the dc universe. one day, after a certain incident, he is invited to an experience like any other…. let me know what everyone thinks.

Kyroru · Komik
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7 Chs

(ch4) meeting Lois Lane and Clark Kent

After hearing that the daily planet was here for the appointment Anthony set up he looked over at the time. 'They're over an hour early.'  Anthony thought to himself. With Mercy still sitting in his lap, he moved over to press the intercom to respond. This cause mercy to grind into Anthony's dick even more as she continued to kiss his neck.  Clearing his throat, Anthony composed himself and pressed the intercom, "thank you. Please tell them I'm still in a meeting and will be down shortly." He told the receptionist and she gave her confirmation. 

Once the intercom went off Anthony refocused his attention on mercy, resting his hand on her hips giving light squeezes. Feeling his attention back on her she leaned back a little looking at Anthony. "Should we continue the, 'meeting' sir?" She asked as she started to gyrate her hips. 

Groaning From her movements Anthony grabbed her hips and ground hard into her making her let out a drawn out moan. Then with reluctance he let go and motion for her to get up, to which she obeyed with a pout on her face. "Sadly we should end it here. I can't really keep the daily planet waiting, who knows what they will write in there article if I do." With that said they went about cleaning up the mess in the office and made themselves presentable. 

After everything was in order Anthony noticed the disappointment on Mercy's face, so he walked up to her, placed a hand under her chin to tilt her head up and gave her a kiss. Leaning back from the kiss  mercy was in a daze as Anthony said, "we can continue our little fun at a later date. For now let's talk about what I expect from lex corp going forward." 

Mercy, getting out of her daze, got a serious expression. "Yes Mr Luthor." 

Anthony waved her off, "remember I said call me Anthony in private. I don't really like going by Luthor, reminds me too much of my brother."  

With a flushed face mercy replied, "ah, y-yes, umm A-Anthony." 

Anthony nodded, "good. Anyway first thing, stop any plans that are about attacking Superman." 

Mercy tentatively asked, "does that mean stop all research and production on kriptonite weaponry?" 

Anthony thought for a moment, remembering someone like zod he replied. "No continue development on any kriptonite weapons and equipment, just in case we meet a being like Superman who isn't so friendly." Mercy nodded to Anthony's reasoning. "Second, I'm a fairly busy guy and seeing as you're the most familiar with lex corp, I will be leaving you as acting CEO. Nothing you're not used to I'm sure." With mercy's nod of understanding he continued. "Lastly I have a project that we will be implementing as soon as possible, this project will eliminate our power costs and also allow us to corner  the energy market." 

Mercy's eyes widen. Eliminating lex corps power cost by itself would save a significant amount of money, with all the project lex corps conducts. Mercy was about to ask a question but Anthony stopped her, "I'll give you the details for the project later. All you need to know is that it will take place under lex tower and will require a large space. I trust I can leave you with arranging that." Mercy was stunned for a moment but schooled her features and simply nodded to Anthony's command. 

Anthony then clapped his hands together, "Alright, now I think I shouldn't keep our guest waiting any longer." Anthony said as he then put his one arm around mercy's waist, pulling her close, and started walking to the elevator. Mercy could only follow along, leaning into Anthony's embrace as they walked with her cheeks crimson. 

They both seemed to have calmed themselves down during the elevator ride, because as soon as the elevator door opened they both were back into their professional personas. Mercy, exiting first, couldn't help let out a small "eep" as Anthony playfully pinches her butt on the way out. Thankfully for her no one seemed to notice as she looked around. She then sends a mock glare at Anthony, who simply smirked at her. "You head out and get started on what I said while I go to my meeting." She still had a glare on her face but she nodded her head and turned to walk away. Anthony watched as she seductively swayed her hips knowing exactly what she was doing. Anthony simply admired the view for a few more seconds before turning and walking to the main lobby. 

Entering the lobby, Anthony could see at the front desk that there was a well built man, about six foot with short tidy black hair, in a blue suit and wearing glasses. This is none other than Clark Kent or also known as Superman, 'how do people not see the resemblance? Just shows how the logic is in this world.' Anthony thought to himself. But that's not what was drawing the attention of the lobby. No, that belonged to his petite companion, Lois Lane. She had Long raven hair, wearing a purple suit coat with a short white mini skirt. Who, at this time, was leaning over the main desk yelling something at the receptionist. Her perky butt was sticking out, making her white mini skirt ride up her ass, revealing her long slender legs. If she bent over any more she would be revealing her entire butt to the public. Funnily enough when looking around no one seemed to be staring at her obvious sex appeal, and was more watching the irate woman yelling. Anthony could see that Clark was trying to calm her down but she was outright ignoring him. 

After admiring the view, Anthony finally decided to save the poor girl behind the desk from further verbal abuse. Walking up Anthony could hear the end of what was being said, "-over 20 minutes now. This is highly unprofessional." Anthony could hear Lois say. 

"Lois, I think you should calm down." Clark said to Lois, trying to de-escalate the situation. 

"No smallville. We have to show a backbone or these people will think they can walk all over us." Lois said irritated. 

The girl behind the desk was about to say something but Anthony cut her off. "I'm deeply sorry for the wait Ms Lane."

Hearing the voice and recognizing it, Lois turned abruptly with a finger raised. "Well it's about ti-" she stopped mid sentence when she finally saw Anthony and her face turned crimson. She looked at Anthony up and down and couldn't place it but he seemed more attractive somehow. She has seen him countless times before during the press conferences he has had with his own company, but now there seems to be a certain charm around him that caused Lois to just stare into Anthony's eyes. 

Amused by Lois's reaction Anthony replied, "well yes, again I apologize for the wait. I thought our appointment time was a bit later. I would never dream of purposefully keeping the lovely Lois lane waiting."

Lois went a deeper shade of red at being called lovely by Anthony and was rendered speechless, still staring at Anthony. Before it became awkward Clark came in extending a hand out, " greetings Mr Luthor. I'm Clark Kent Lois's partner." 

"WORKING partner." Lois hurriedly piped in for clarification. 

Both Clark and Anthony looked at Lois in surprise due to her sudden outburst, Clark, looking a little hurt. Lois didn't even seem to notice as she kept all her attention on Anthony. Anthony, seeing Clark's expression, couldn't help but think, 'that's rough buddy.' 

Looking at Lois hurt, Clark continued, "*cough* yes…Lois's….working partner…" she didn't notice, simply nodding in confirmation. the atmosphere then got awkward after that. 

Breaking the silence Anthony suggested, "why don't we take this to the main office. I don't think the lobby is a good place for an interview." 

Without waiting for another word, Lois rushed up and hugged Anthony's arm, resting right between her boobs and flush against  her body. "That's a great idea Mr Luthor. You're right we need somewhere more private for an interview." She then starts pulling Anthony over towards the elevator. She already knows her way around due to her already visiting lex corp multiple times for her job.

Letting himself be dragged along Anthony replies. "I'm glad you approve, but I must insist on just calling me Anthony. I don't really like going by Luthor much." 

Lois, with cheeks flushed, hugs Anthony's arm tighter. "Sure thing, Anthony, but you have to call me Lois in return." 

Anthony smiled, "sure thing, Lois." She had a beaming smile on her face as she is practically glued to his arm. All this time Clark was following behind, brooding to himself while glaring at the back of Anthony's head. Anthony could almost feel the glare coming off him. 'At least he's not using his heat vision.' Anthony thought to himself as they entered the elevator.