
reincarnator survival in DC

quick note befor the synopsis. this is a test fic for myself to practice writing romance and intimate incounters, so it’s basically going to be porn with plot but I’m still going to do my best to write a great story. ——————————————————— the story is about a young man who has been reincarnated into the dc universe. one day, after a certain incident, he is invited to an experience like any other…. let me know what everyone thinks.

Kyroru · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

(ch5) the interview

During the elevator ride to the main office, Lois kept hugging Anthony's arm close. Feeling his arm muscles and basically rubbing her body along his arm. Anthony was enjoying the sensations Lois was giving him very much but Clark on the other hand, who was standing right behind them, looked like he sucked on a lemon with how irritated he looked.  

Once the elevator doors opened Lois walked right into the office like she owned the place. Spotting the lounge area with a couple of seats facing one another, she made a B-line right to them. Reaching the chairs, Lois places Anthony in one while she sits in the chair directly in front of him. As she was getting herself comfortable, Clark couldn't help but say, "I don't think you should be dragging the new CEO of lex corp around his own building like that." Clark tried to keep his annoyance off his face at what was happening but was failing. 

Hearing Clark's words and remembering her actions, she got a red face in embarrassment and looked to Anthony, "I-I'm sorry I-." 

Before she could finish her sentence Anthony cut her off, "it's really not a problem. I'm not much for all that standing on ceremony stuff anyway." He displayed a smirk directed at Lois. "Plus. I like a woman that knows what she wants." He then winked at her, that had her surprised at first. but then she revealed a sultry smile as she relaxed back in the chair, and then she slowly spreads her legs, revealing her black panties under her skirt before equally slowly crossing them shut. Anthony couldn't help but take a look. When the show was over he looked back up at Lois and she smirked at him, winking back. 'Ok, either I've been in a ero dc universe for the past 20 years and not know it or this harem perk has some mild hypnosis going on.' Anthony thought to himself. And all this time Clark Kent has been unaware of everything because he's standing behind the chair lois is sitting, not seeing her sexual advances towards Anthony. 

Taking out her pen and note pad Lois asked, "let's get this interview started then." To Anthony's nod she continued while writing in her notepad, "so Anthony, what's it like being the new CEO of lex corp?" 

Anthony replied, "truth be told, it hasn't been long since I took over so it hasn't really affected much in my daily life. Plus I'm already used to such things from my own company 'Thor technologies' so I don't see much issue." Anthony wanted to name his company stark industries but he felt like everyone would question the name too much. At least with using Thor, he was still paying respect to where he got all this knowledge. 

Lois then asked a follow up question. "Speaking of your other company, how will it work with you now being the CEO of both?" 

Anthony explained. " both companies will still be working independently for the foreseeable future. Tho collaboration will most likely happen from time to time." 

"So you're keeping lex corp in tact and not merging it with your own?" Lois asked inquisitively. 

Anthony then explained. "I will be the first to tell you my brother and I didn't quite have the best relationship. But i respect what he has accomplished here and wouldn't want to crush his accomplishments over some petty rivalry."   

Lois raised an eyebrow at Anthony and questioned, "and what about his animosity with Superman?" 

Anthony had a wry smile as he replied. "I said I respect what he has accomplished at lex corp, I never said he made the smartest choices."

They both had a small laugh at that. "Speaking of Superman. Given your brother's stance, how do you feel about him." To Lois's next question even Clark perked up to see what Anthony's response would be. 

Anthony thought for a moment, gathering his thoughts for a response before answering. "I have mixed feelings on Superman. I appreciate what he does and admit he helps out many people. But during a lot of Superman's heroics he causes just as much property damage." Lois was about to say something but Anthony stopped her. "Like I said Lois I'm not against Superman, but there's a reason police officers go through training. Just the other day I read that Superman stopped a bank robbery by breaking through the roof. The police arnt going to pay for it because it wasn't their fault and I bet the bank doesn't have Superman insurance. So the bank would have to pay for it out of their own pocket."

Anthony then took a tired sigh continuing, "Like I said he's a good guy, but he kinda came out of nowhere, started saving people, and because he has powers no one even tried to question him." Anthony then puts on a thinking pose. "I think I read somewhere that Gotham had someone called Batman doing the same thing most nights. But the police hate him because he's a vigilante and doing the police work." He then looked at Lois, "why is Superman treated differently." Lois was quiet and was thinking after that. She knew it was a double standard and didn't really think about it till Anthony brought it up. Anthony kept quiet that most Batman villains have the cops bought out in Gotham but it's still stands that dc logic sometimes makes no sense. Clark for his part seemed to be in contemplation, most likely thinking about all the property damage he has caused. 

They continued the interview, asking general questions about Anthony and his companies. After so long Lois finally put her notepad away, "well Anthony, I think that should about cover everything." She said before standing up. Not before letting Anthony get another peek under her skirt. 

Anthony standing up and walking over to the bar area says, "great. How about a drink before I see you both off." 

Clark tried to politely refuse. "Thank you Mr Luthor. But we really must-" 

But Lois cut him off, "aww, come on Smallville. One drink isn't going to hurt." She said walking with Anthony to the bar area. Clark only sighed in resignation as he followed along. 

Getting the drinks together they all settled around a table. Lois sitting right next to Anthony with hardly any space in between. "So Anthony, off the record, what's the next big thing you have planned." She asked after taking a few sips of her drink. 

"Is anything really off the record with you Lois?" Anthony asked and Lois could only look a little sheepish. "To answer your question I do have something planned that should gather attention." 

Lois, with her curiosity peeked asked, "oh and what would that be?" 

Anthony just shook his head, "I'm afraid you'll have to wait like everyone els Lois. I can't be giving away too much when things aren't finalized yet."

Lois, undeterred, continued as she leaned over pressing her boobs against Anthony's arm, "can't you make an exception?" She said with upturned eyes. Then she placed a hand on Anthony's inner thigh, almost touching his dick, giving a light squeeze. 

All this was under the table so Clark didn't see Lois's hand, but he was seeing her press her body on Anthony so he couldn't help but cut in, "come on Lois. He already said it hasn't been finished yet so there's no point in doing all this." 

Lois made a sour expression and was about to say something to Clark but then she felt Anthony's hand place right on her own hand that was on his thigh. "It's ok Mr Kent. She has her drive to get things done, I can appreciate that." Anthony said to Clark as he moved Lois's hand to where she could feel his dick. 

Upon feeling Anthony's dick in her hand, even through the clothes, her eyes widen at Anthony's size as she measured it with her hand. Lois was to mesmerized to notice the time pass because before she knew it they were all standing and heading for the elevator. 

Once the elevator opened up, Clark walked right in. Before Lois walked in she turned around to face Anthony. "We should meet up sometime." She pulled out her notepad, went to a blank page and wrote her phone number down. She tore it out and placed it in Anthony's hand. "Make sure and give me a call." she walked closer and, making sure to cover with her body so Clark doesn't see, gropes Anthony's groin with a seductive look, "we can get to know one another better." Before Anthony can say anything she sent him a wink and promptly turned and went in the elevator. The last thing Anthony saw before the door closed was a not quite so happy Clark Kent glaring at him, and Lois seductively licking her lips. 

Once the doors were closed Anthony let out an exasperated sigh. He then walked over to the desk and sat down. 'Great, now I'm horny. Should I call Mercy up here.' After thinking he decided against it. He's not desperate for sex to call up his 'secretary' just to fuck her. After deciding to just deal with it, Anthony pull out his phone and pressed a button. "Jarvis, you in?" 

Jarvis could then be heard over the speakers on the phone, {yes sir, I have fully integrated into all of lex corps systems and have begun to upgrade all software I have access to to, along with adding additional fire walls." 

Anthony nodded his head, "good job Jarvis. I also want you to keep a close eye on Mercy Graves. If she does anything suspicious, I want to be notified immediately.

{yes sir. Beginning monitoring of one, Mercy Graves. Can I assist you with anything els sir?} Jarvis replied then asked. 

Anthony thought for a moment but shook his head no. "That should be it Jarvis." Jarvis gave his confirmation then cut communication. Anthony then went through what he could find in the computer in his new office before calling it a day.