

when the most strongest astral being gets tired of all his privileges, tired of the lavish life, tired of being lonely, tired of his mother who used him as a tool to gain power. Alaric seeks death but being gifted with eternal life, he tried everything at last death came. but even in death there was a loop hole, he battled with death him self to die ( that's right) he succeeded but instead of him to rest peacefully in death, the lady in charge of the reincarnated soul , knew his father , so she decide to give him another chance. he woke up in a different more modernized world , were cultivation and science blend. he was reborn( literally ) as a new born baby called astra ( ironic isn't it ) to a family called night-caller . being in a modern world as the most powerful being in a common family, he decided to leave a life of Peace and accidentally got obsessed with two thing ( a mobile phone and potato chips) he wanted a peaceful life with friends and family but fate has it ways. join astra ( Alaric) in his knew journey, will he be lucky or will fate place another card in his destiny . Warning : the MC in this story is not a super hero who will run to anyone at their time of need , he doesn't have a heart of gold or anything like that, he doesn't stand for justice or right, he is a selfish person that will do anything to get what he wants, he is a TWISTED character, so any dark humor he show is just the real him. PS : leave a review, it will really help. PSS : the cover is not mine, and I do not know the owner , if the owner wants credit or wants me to take it down, I will, my cover will be done in time

Favour_Kennedy_0315 · Fantasi
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77 Chs

CHAPTER 44 : # special student

astra was a little bit cranky since he was been denied of perfect sleep, he just stared at Danika and inwardly shook his head, he could tell that she recently just broke through to the heavenly Dipper Realm, he pitied the mortals since there was one funny thing about the cultivation ranks, first of all, everyone wants to leave an eternal life right ? and in order for you to do that you have to be an immortal, ( this part really cracks astra up ) well there is currently 13 stages before you reach to become an immortal but that wasn't the slightest bit true, after you complete the 13 stages another layer would be waiting for you, and after that, another would be there, their is permanently 16 layers before you can actually become a immortal, and if you are pardoned, you make get a servant's position in the heavenly realms, and no one on earth knew that, that's why astra always pitied the mortals . { back to the story )

" how dare you talk back at me " Danika almost shouted, she soon surrounded her body with an immense aura, everyone in the class room was struggling to breath, while astra stood there with a board expression, her intimidating aura didn't even affect him in the slightest way, she was stunned but hid it in her poker face, she redrew her aura while the class started gasping for air, as they turned to the two.

' how can a mere body refinement resist the submission ? ' Danika asked her self as she looked at the boy whom had dark circles around his eyes, showing exhaustion " okay, since you dared to sleep in my class, why don't you try the summoning, and if you fail, you will be immediately dropped and you will also receive 16 latches " she stated with a deadly glare, according to her plan, he would fail the summoning, and she would drop him and still beat him.

* sigh *

" what so you want me to summon ? " he asked as he ripped of a piece of paper from his note book and drew strange signs on it, Danika was taken aback from his question but she recovered from it and said

" a bird "


" isn't miss pain going a little too far "

" how can she tell him to summon a leaving organism "

" yeah it just the basics she taught us "

" does she want him to fail ? "

" that's the point "


" a bird huh, okay " he said as he finished drawing the weird signs on it, he simply snapped his hand and a blue bright binding light radiated from the paper and three second later the light died down, a beautiful pecking bird appeared.

" you didn't say which bird " astra said as he placed the bird on Danika hands , she was stunned, what he did was an abomination, she had been practicing summoning since she was six years old and till this point she still wasn't perfect, but this young child created a summoning ring with a piece of paper, and it actually worked, before she could react astra took the paper and shredded it to pieces .

everyone in the room was stunned and by the look of Danika they cloud tell it was a big deal, suddenly Danikas attitude took a 180° turn as she smiled, for the first time in her entire life of teaching, she smiled proudly, she finally had a special student with a remarkable talent.

" just because you know how the summoning technique works, doesn't mean you should sleep in the class, it's disrespectful " she said as she walked to a nearby window and released the bird.

( ° - ° )? ' hypocrite ' astra thought as he stared at the woman.

" lady, I didn't intentionally want to sleep during your class, it just so happens that i didn't get enough sleep yesterday " he said as the event replayed in his head

( sorry guys, and I thinks I need to start editing the old chapters, anyways...., I beg of you, give me a review, come on I dying to know what you think of this book, bye love you )