
CHAPTER 45 : downtown cruel

( well, it has come to my attention that I am a little bit stingy with the chapter's length, pls forgive me, I will try to make amends , anyway, I want a review so we can promote this one of a kind book * WINK * don't you think )

" how come you didn't get enough sleep " Danika asked as she returned to Astra's desk with still that same smile that freaked astra out.

' fuck !, how am I supposed to tell her that a sober snake girl tried a hot tub for the first time in her entire life and supposedly flood my room, I mean who would believe that ' and that was when the only logical idea came to play in his head.

{ LIE }

" well miss Danika, if you must know, a water pipe in my room burst and flooded the entire floor, so I had to stay up all night cleaning my room, since the cleaning service won't be available until Saturday " he lied through his teeth, and he had a compelling nature that you couldn't just doubt him, he was an expert at lying, well he couldn't be compared to xarias sister, she was the goddess of lie .

" oh, sorry to hear that, okay tell you what, you can sleep through the entire class for only this once alright " Danika said in a parenting tone which made some students faint, for the entire school, she was like a demon whom only knew how to cause pain on other and that's why they preferred to call her miss pain, they never in their entire life thought that she was able to smile or talk without spitting out venom.

" heh !, o-k-a-y " astra drew his answer as he was becoming really scared of Danika's new behavior.

" well then, let continue, shall we " she said as she turned around, all form of motherly love she was showing to astra had been flushed down the drain .

" okay next person, simon jet " she announced as the former fear of the unknown crept back into their hearts, the poor boy wasn't even able to stand up, as he fainted on the spot .

" well, his out " she said as she took a clipboard that was on her desk drawing a few lines here and there, " okay, next Jenifer Huck " she said.

this went on for hours as half of the old students were dropped leaving just a few which passed with their fingers crossed, while everyone was facing the raft of miss pain, astra was sleeping comfortably without a care in the world.


" okay, now that's over, we have a total of 32 student left, hmm, I thought it would be fewer " Danika said as the entire class face had lost their colour, their was once a time that a student refused to leave, the guy thought that because Danika was all sweet with astra, he thought that she would forgive him if he begged her and promised to do better but that wasn't the case.

" I refuse to g-" the boy sentence wasn't even finished as his body began to burn, he screamed and screamed but no one dared to stand up, or call for help, they all just watched as he burned to death.

after the incident no one said anything, even breathing became hard, as they watched Danika walked out to call the janitor, to clean up his remains, that was just downtown cruel, when the janitor was sweeping his ashes, their was not even a shred of emotion or the slightest bit of pity for the boy, that showed that the man was accustomed to cleaning up dead bodies and their remains.

* rrrhhhrrrr *

" well, class is over, see you tomorrow " Danika said with a smile as she eyes searched for a particular boy before she left.


" god, what have we gotten ourselves into ?"

" well we know that in the school, if you aren't strong enough or obedient, you fall prey "

" we all know that every school follows the jungle system, to weep up some tough soldiers to defend the nation from any attack "

" I just don't like the fact that we are been used by the government and the king "

" yeah, we are merely pawns or toys in their sick games "


while some of the old students voiced out their dissatisfaction about them been used for the military, astra simply slept through the entire thing, of cause his ears were very much still functioning, he didn't just care, no one could make him do something he didn't want to do, if he wanted to leave in peace, that was exactly what he was going to do, he didn't care if he had to commit genocide or kill innocent lives or whatever, he was willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

he clearly understands how things work in this world, and to cut it short " kill or be killed " ---- " use or be used "

and he didn't give a damn about any of that, if he was to be pissed off, he would just wipe out the entire so called government, his twisted mind set from leaving in the hard condition and torture he had to endure for years had bent his mentality and it couldn't be fixed .

He was trained and raised to be an emotionless, bloodthirsty and cruel God whom would rule over the 9 realms and that was what he was, a emotional detached person.


while Danika walked down the empty halls of the school in a good mood, she saw a few people waiting at a dark corner, it seemed they had been waiting for her.

" hey Danny , heard you killed another student " a cute childish voice asked from the dark.

" what's it too you ? " Danika asked as her eyes immediately turned cold.

" heh ?, no need to be rude, it was just a simply question " the childish voice replied a bit irritated

" what do you guys want " Danika asked as she changed her tone.

" we haven't seen Heather for quite a while, it's unlike her to be absent for days " this time another person spoke, from the voice alone you can tell it was a male , and not a pleasant one.

" that hot headed bitch, well yeah I haven't seen her either, but I know she went along with the examiners to get new recruit, who knows, she might be slacking of again, anyways I'm leaving " Danika said and continued her journey down the hall.

" were could she be ! " the childish voice asked .

[ love you all, now remember the reviews, lie actually reviews not chapter reviews, love you ]

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