
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

The annoying second Year Student.

After this Miss light said some unimportant things….. they weren't important to Asdek at least. Asdek tried his hardest to stay focused since he had never felt such strong emotions like today when he thinks about his past life.

After this lesson, Miss light dismissed the class saying serious lessons will start the next day and they should just go to their dormitories or do whatever the hell they wanted. After the end of the class Jordan came right to Asdek with a curious look on his face. Before he could ask any questions though Asdek's voice entered his ears.

"Don't ask, I'm not going to answer you" After saying this he began to walk away. Jordan looked at the departing back of Asdek as he wanted to say something. He stood there in contemplation as a light bulb floated above his head.

"Oh hey Asdek!" He said as he begun to ran towards Asdek. Asdek didn't even turn his head as he continued to walk forward. Jordan got to the side of Asdek in just a few seconds as he asked him

"Will you like to visit the library?"

" I'd like to but I have urgent matters to deal with" Asdek said. He wasn't lying though, he had to perform his daily quest. Jordan had a disappointed look on his face as he sighed.

"Wait you do books?" Asdek said as his voice vividly conveyed his shock.

"Yeah. I like reading books a lot, why?" Jordan said in a surprised voice as he was baffled as to Asdek's reaction. Asdek thought since Jordan acted like a block head, he didn't find the idea of reading a thrilling endeavor.

"I thought since you go around acting like a block head all day long, you rarely do reading"Asdek now said in a normal voice after regaining his composure.

"Well I'll have you know that I'm a genius in academic knowledge" Jordan said in a boastful voice.

"Well some one is feeling narcissistic today" Asdek said as he gave a teasing smirk and begun to increase his pace.

"Anyway catch you later"Asdek said ad he walked off into the distance. Jordan was taking a different route since his destination was the library so he also moved towards the right side of the school.

Asdek currently was staring at his system screen as he made his way to the gym.

[Host's name: Asdek kubo

Race: Awakened Human

Rank: Beginner level

Level:9 exp:555/ 2569

Divine abilities: Space-time manipulation, Absorption and transformation, life impactation.

Quasi-divine abilities: blood manipulation and shadow manipulation.

Skills:blood strike, blood bullet, blood boost, blood arms, shadow shield, shadow augmentation and shadow step.]

The new skills he got from yesterday's encounter with the trouble group were both blood arms and as shadow step. As blood arm skill said, it was a skill that enabled him to create another pair of arms for the cost of 50 blood energy points per every 10 seconds. It was a very handy skill…. literally since it literally gave him extra hands. (Authors note:tried to make a joke there but ….oh well)

And the other skill shadow step, worked more like teleportation, making him dissolve into shadows and pop out of any other shadow in a 15 meter radius. It could possibly save his life in a life or death situation.

Asdek then proceeded to open the daily quest tab.

[Daily quests: Lift 100kilograms worth of weight ten times: 0/ 10

Run 10 kilometers:0/ 10

Hold your breath for one minute straight while performing squats.]

Asdek made a low 'Humph' as if all of this was bothersome as he walked into the gym. Upon entering the smell of sweat from people's bodies entered his nose as he tried his best not to make a disgusted face. He walked up to one of the treadmills. Before Asdek could even touch the treadmill, someone pulled him backwards from behind him. He turned to see a teenager wearing some gym clothes staring at him in disdain.

" That treadmill is s my favorite, you newbie get away from it or else I'll smash your face in!" This teenager said as he shoved Asdek's body to the side and got onto the treadmill. He gave Asdek who was staring at him with a confused look a proud full smile and activated the treadmill and began running on it.

The others were already occupied so he had to wait for half an hour before there was finally a vacant treadmill. He walked onto it and set it to 20km per hour. Awakened humans could handle such speed and upon running on the treadmill for another half an hour he was done.

After which he got off the treadmill. He saw the second year bastard get off the treadmill he was on. Asdek was quite a very petty guy. He would not just let things slide. In his hour at the gym he heard the bustard's name being mentioned once or twice. His name was Troy. Asdek burnt Troy's image vividly into his brain. And he swore to himself that he'll return Troy's 'kind gesture'. Asdek threw his vengeful thoughts to the back of his head and went to the weight lifting section. On his way he began wondering why when none of the treadmills were available he didn't come here instead.

"I guess I was still upset" he said to himself. He moved towards the dumbbell he was as supposed to be lifting. He walked to the 100kg dumbbell as he squatted and begun to lift it. He only groaned a little but he was able to lift it with almost no problems. He then looked at the system for his progress.

[Daily quest 2/ 3 complete ]

Asdek looked at the last quest as he took in a deep breath.

"This is not going to be nice" Asdek said. He was wondering why the usual quest that required him to hold his breath for 30 seconds suddenly increase to one minute and not just that he had to as also perform squats.

He took in another deep breath and said inwardly to the system.

"Activate timer for last daily quest" After this a message popped up in front of him.

[Timer for daily quest: Hold your breath for 1 minute while performing squats timer has been activated.]

[60 seconds remaining]


[3 seconds….. 2 seconds... 1 second….. done]

[ Daily quest has been completed]

[+ 1 strength stat]

[+ 1 stamina stat]

[+ 1 speed stat]

[+ 1 agility stat]

Asdek was now lying on the floor and panting heavily.

" Damn system! You want to kill me??" He screamed inwardly since he was still out of breath to even talk. As if the system was annoyed by what he said it came with its own retort.

[If host cannot handle just these daily quests, it'll be in your best interest to stop your path of revenge which will obviously hold much more unbearable things and think about getting a girlfriend. You sorry virgin!]

As Asdek finished reading the message his eyes nearly popped out.

"Do you have feelings by any chance??" Asdek asked in a careful tone.

Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.

Asdek08creators' thoughts