
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Migration of humans

(Please read the author's note below)

Miss light went up to the board and tapped on a red button on the side,the board suddenly lighted up and displayed the words


Miss light gave out a tired sigh as she begun her class. Before she spoke though, she swept her gaze over everyone in the class as almost everyone was still mesmerized by her beauty and her odly green eyes.

"So to start," Miss light said as she cleared her throat.

" The earth we are living on is actually not our earth as you already know . At least the one we are originally from." As she said this everyone still had a calm look. Asdek could remember the shock he was in when he heard this information as a kid. He almost had a heart attack even.

"Let's start with the comparison of the celestial bodies of this galaxy and our initial galaxy." She said as two pictures of peculiar galaxies were shown on the high tech board behind her. One had a milky white color and another had a somewhat blue color.

"The galaxy we migrated from is this milky colored galaxy known as the Milky Way galaxy. It is roughly a couple hundred times smaller than the galaxy we live in, the Azure galaxy." Just as Miss light said this, the image of the Milky Way galaxy shrunk while the Azure galaxy increased with in size. The Azure galaxy was around two hundred times bigger than the Milky Way, according to the statistics of the Awakened Force (AF).

"The Earth we were living on at first is small and couldn't contain our rapidly growing population. Some idiots even formed groups to commit mass murder in order to reduce the population of the world. Thankfully a crew of of astronauts test driving our first light speed spacecraft discovered a bigger and inhabitable planet. The planet Jupiter, said to be the largest planet in the earth's solar system, and can fit approximately 1,300 earths inside it's vast interior is of a very small size compared to the planet this planet we are living on right now." She said as two different scenes were shown on the board. One was a huge brown planet with a small blue dot by its side. The blue dot was labeled 'Earth 1' and the huge brown planet was labeled 'Jupiter'.

On the other scene was a huge blue planet labeled 'Earth 2' with a small brown planet the size of a tennis ball lying beside a basketball. The former was clearly Jupiter since it was labeled as such. It was indeed small. Miss light then brought another projection. This projection were two yellow stars. One was bright yellow….. at least it was brighter than the other other one. There were the words Sun and then Mega star(sun) the former clearly being the one from the Milky Way and the later from this Azure galaxy.

Miss Light did the class a favor by talking about it a little.

" Well the one labeled as 'Sun' is the one from the Milky Way it's very small in comparison to the mega star of our galaxy. It is actually the size of MW's Jupiter compared to earth." She said as the planet and their projections just vanished. She then straightened herself and drew in a deep breath.

"Well, human awakening happened after we settled on this planet." She begun to narrate a story.

"But before I continue, I'd like for you to know that in the beginning awakening wasn't rampant as this. When we were residing in the MW galaxy, we had awakened humans, but these people were few and far in between. We now term them as Gen 1 awakened. Their abilities were not all that outstanding but they were still strong. The strongest of them all was THE TYRANNICAL BLOOD EMPEROR. There is not much information on him so I don't have anything to talk about him."

As Asdek heard this name his body unwillingly shook as his heart skipped a few beats. He had tried to move on but well it wasn't easy. He couldn't just move on after he's lived 312 years in such an insignificant amount of time, just 16 years wouldn't cut it. He knew he needed a lot more time than 16 years. He just took in a large amount of air, in doing this he could calm his wildly racing heart a little. He decided to concentrate on the lesson and to his surprise Miss light was staring right into his eyes. He also felt the prickly gaze of his classmates on him, it made him feel…. awkward.

Miss light flashed him a dazzling smile. Asdek was now totally puzzled as to why the gazes of everyone here was now fixated on him.

"You seem to be …. well, crying" Miss light said as she still had that dazzling smile that could melt the hearts of the coldest of men on her face.

"Huh…?" Asdek said in a baffled tone as he reached to touch his cheeks. And there it was, tears all on his face. He had suddenly cried so much that his nose was wet. That slight moment of reminiscence had brought such overwhelming emotions that had overcome him.

He quickly wiped his face and gave a smile.

"what's wrong?" Miss light said as she looked into the eyes of Asdek trying to figure out what was going on by reading his expression. But apart from the confused look in his face there was nothing much to read from his expression.

Asdek just sat there lost for words he was totally flabbergasted.

"Sorry it's just the resurfacing of some memories I thought I had forgotten, please proceed, I'm okay now" Asdek said in a somewhat bashful tone though his face now unfazed and totally straight.

"Alright, as you wish" Miss light said still with her dazzling smile.

"Well these Gen 1 awakened humans were the major reason why we were able to settle here on this planet, since this planet was not uninhabited but was very much inhabited with powerful beasts. Humans located a large stretch of land filled with relatively weaker creatures. These creatures were slaughtered in other for us to make shelter and settle. Though the creatures were slaughtered we lost more than 95 percent of the awakened we sent. And after around 50 years there were frequent cases of awakenings. People say it was the universe trying to help us spread on the planet. Well there's no scientific explanation for the awakening of humans so….well with time people took it as the truth."

After this lengthy talk she took another deep breath and said

"Well the planet is only 36 percent explored. And the part of the planet with the deadliest beasts is called the Black continent. There are beasts that could trample over the whole civilization of humans in one night single handedly but have stayed on their part of the continent and do not fight unreasonable fights. This information also is not privy to anyone hence I myself don't know enough to even tell you anything" she said as she gave out a sign.

Of course some of the students here felt as if what miss light said was a little bit exaggerated no one spoke as they were now totally engrossed in the lesson.

I know the story has multiple plot holes. Don’t worry I’ll fix them in future chapters. Thanks for reading. I really appreciate it.

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