
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Derivasi dari karya
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20 Chs

Cultivation and Emergency Quests.

As Asdek looked at the face of this hot headed dude his system suddenly made a ding sound in his head.


[ Emergency quest has been issued: There is an unreasonable roommate trying to take your bed. Show him his place and receive rewards. If you cannot show a fellow mortal at the beginner level their place how do you hope to screw up the gods ]

Asdek read this system notification with a dumbfounded expression on his face. The system had nowadays started using derogatory language in its quest. Last time it told him to stop being a p*ssy and perform his daily quest when the daily quest said he should lift a weight of 200 kg and he decided to skip the daily quest.

Asdek reluctantly raised his hand making it to imitate a gun and activated one of his blood abilities

[Blood bullet has been activated]

Just then a red energy begun to coagulate on the tip of Asdek's finger. It took about three seconds for the red energy to coagulate fully.


A sound was made as the small red ball of energy shot out and reached the hot headed guy's face in almost an instant. It would seem that the shot wasn't aimed at him entirely as it grazed the side of his cheek and went on to hit the wall. Upon contact with the tough wall it splattered into nothing but crimson blood on the wall.

The guy who was trying to cause a ruckus now was drenched in sweat as his life almost flashed before his.

"The hell weren't we all supposed to be at the beginner level? How can he pull crappy shit like that? I thought my immortal rank blue flames could make me a formidable force but now I almost had a hole blew through my head by some gods know what ability" the guy thought as he shrunk backwards.

By the look on the guy's face anyone with half a brain would know that the guy was going through a serious identity crisis right now. The poor guy stood there with a blank look for while before color returned to his ashen face.

"Wait a minute, I have a more destructive skill I got when I broke through the initiation level to the beginner level, why the hell was I afraid of this guy and his weak attack" he said as he pulled himself together.

"I am Drake Smith, and by the pride of the Smith family I shall smite you with my blue immortal flames and take your bed as prize" he said as he stretched out his palm at Asdek .

"Fire ball"Drake said as blue flames started to form in front of his outstretched palm.



Two sounds were heard as there was a collision between someone's ability skill and the wall.

"Huh I'm not done activating my ability yet, where did the sound come from?"Drake thought as he heard this sound.

Just then he felt a warm liquid sliding on both sides of his cheeks. After which, followed a stinging pain. He looked in the direction of Asdek to see that he had both his hand in the gun imitation.

"I've intentionally missed your head three times if I were you I wouldn't push my luck further" Asdek said in a domineering tone. His continence becoming extremely majestic right now. The white haired guy who had been distracted from cultivation was now looking at Asdek with a look of admiration. Drake's flame ball he was conjuring suddenly flickered out of existence as the reality dawned on him.

"This guy…..I can't compare. Damn it" Drake cried out inwardly as he begun to think of ways to salvage the situation in other not to lose too much.

"Humph!!"Drake said as he put his outstretched hands down and proceeded to move towards the bed he had just rejected as he laid on it with a half dead expression on his face

"I thought we were all supposed to be first years" Drake said in a crestfallen tone.

"Monster" he added as he quickly drifted into sleep with a look defeated expression written vividly on his face.

"Ah thank goodness. I would have had to actually hit the guy to settle this. He knows when to give up that's good."

Since Asdek was a beginner level awakened he had very little blood energy to use in attacks. Currently he had only 100 blood energy points and 100 shadow energy points. His body wasn't strong enough to use his divine abilities yet do it had become inaccessible to him since he could remember.

[ Blood Energy:40/100]

One blood bullet cost 20 blood energy and currently had only two shots left.

"I really have to break through to the next level." Asdek said as he sat down and started to cultivate.

He sat down in the lotus position on his bed. Upon a minute of concentration, Asdek's consciousness got dragged into a large expanse of darkness. If a person could see him in this space they could see him sitting in a lotus position in a large sea of crimson red blood. As the seas were raging seriously around him.

"In my knowledge when I am able to calm the sea of raging blood I can have absolute control over the blood ability. But before that I will need to complete the rune of blood on these three tablets.And to do that I'll have to absorb enough blood essence from the environment to be able to draw. But right now since I'm at the beginner stage I'm not done making this illusory tablet tangible. I'm half way there" Asdek said as he walked up to a certain tablet that was half illusory and half tanjible. He knew that the second he was able to make this giant stone tablet fully tangible he will be able to breakthrough to the novice level. After which he would go on to absorb more blood essence from the environment. Asdek's previous school didn't emphasize on how to cultivate your ability and books on how to cultivate abilities were not public information that he could get from a random library or a normal book shop. It was only a privilege of students in cultivation academies like Insano Academy or Disciples of a noble family.

Asdek cultivated for more than two hours and now he was mentally drained. Meditation took a huge toll on the mental strength of an individual. Asdek got up and decided to go walk outside and take in fresh air. A minute later, Asdek was walking outside as he checked the reward from his encounter with Drake Smith, his hot headed roommate.

[ Reward from successfully completing emergency quest: New skill unlocked]

[Blood boost: induces intense circulation of blood in the user's legs increasing user's speed speed by 70 percent ]

[Cost:20 blood energy for one minute activation.]

Asdek couldn't help but think of how this skill could help in life and death situations.

"Oh if it isn't the guy who made Drake almost piss his pants" A voice was heard as a group of four guys came out of the cover of darkness.

"Guy's let's just leave him alone I don't hold a grudge against him I thought we were just sharing our experiences" Drake was seen with a worried expression as he tried to persuade this group of people from doing anything bad.

"I'm sorry dude this is my friend group from my previous school, please forgive them they are a little more hot headed than I am" Drake said in defense of his friends.

"See you've made Drake a big coward you shall pay for this" A blonde haired boy said as he began to active his ability.

"It would seem Drake is a reasonable person sometimes, I'll have to re-evaluate my view about him. Now to these guys"

[Emergency quest has been issued]


"Here we go again, twice in one day"….

please if any mistakes are spotted don’t hesitate to inform me. Help motivate an inexperienced writer with your votes and reviews. Thanks for reading.❤️❤️❤️

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