
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Ambush and Beat Down.

Asdek stood quietly as he read the system message.

[New quest has been issued:Even more unreasonable people are out for your blood. They deem you an easy target. Put them in their place or gather your dreams of screwing up the gods and throw them out of the window. You are prone to getting a reward or two if you put up a good show.]

Asdek raised his head up and looked at this group of boys in a condescending manner.

Just then one of the boys stomped on the ground and said,

"Earth gauntlets. First stage" It was a strong looking guy with a dirty blonde hair. He dashed towards Asdek. Asdek seeing the speed of this guy realized that it wasn't going to be an easy battle since the guy's speed was almost at his level. The speeding guy now had a fist made of earth as he dashed towards Asdek.

[Blood bullet has been activated] Asdek activated blood bullet as he shot at the boy's chest. The boy immediately counted by throwing his fist at the blood bullets smashing them upon contact. Asdek now knew that he couldn't just spam blood bullet since he had a limited amount of blood energy. He then decided to engage in a fist battle. He began running towards the dirty blonde haired guy. The moment he got into striking range, the boy threw out a punch at Asdek. Asdek quickly side stepped the attack and retaliated with an attack of his own. Putting all the strength he had into his tightly clenched right hand he sent it into the face of the attacking guy who was still in motion attacking. The guy saw this attack coming but since his body was in attacking motion he couldn't do anything to block. The fist Asdek had sent hit the boy right in the face as it sent him tumbling backwards and hitting the ground with a loud thud. He had his nose broken from the short encounter he had with Asdek's malevolent fist.

The other three stood there dumbfounded as they looked at their fallen comrade who was reeling in pain.

" Damn that guy how can he do such a thing to Fred" The guy that spoke earlier said as he sped forward.

It would seem he was a wind ability user as he was leaving a trail of wind in he wake. And also hd was moving unusually fast a characteristic of light and wind ability users. Since there were no cackling of lightening Asdek believed his hypothesis was true. The boy got to Asdek as he also made a wide swing of his fist at Asdek's head. Asdek, though he couldn't keep up with the speed the guy was moving had an easy time dodging this attack as he ducked under the attack since the swing was a very immature and widely telegraphed one.

Asdek stood to deliver another devastating punch but suddenly as his raised himself up. His opponent's had suddenly stopped midswing as it made a reverse twice as fast as before.This completely caught Asdek off guard and tried to raise his hand to block the strike but alas it was too late. The hit slammed right into Asdek's left cheek sending him also tumbling to the ground. He fell down as the rest of a warm metallic liquid had moved into Asdek's mouth as he fell face flat on the ground. As he tried to get up he saw a boy standing beside the fallen Damian his hand and body releasing a faint green glow that emitted vitality.

"Healing ability? Damn I wish I had my ability absorption divine ability. That ability would have been nice to get" he thought to himself just then a heavy metal ball came from the side hitting his face and cracking some of his facial bones.

"Argh" he screamed in pain but these ruthless teenagers wouldn't let him go. The boy responsible for the metal ball from just now took a small circular ball from his pocket. It was identical to the big one with the only difference being the size. He positioned himself in a throwing manner and hurled the small ball at Asdek. Before he did that a green electric spark moved from his finger into the ball.As he whispered to himself

"Size manipulation,increase"

As the metal ball traveled through the air it started increasing in size. As the pin ball sized ball became as big as a basketball. Even with the change in size the velocity of the ball did not decrease. It slammed into the side of Asdek. Asdek fell back down again as he had almost gotten on one knee. The wind ability user sprung into action again and with quick steps arrived in front of Asdek. Using the momentum of his speed he sent his leg right into Asdek's belly making him spit out blood. The guy continued to hit Asdek's belly continuously as Asdek lied down and screamed in pain. The fight would have been far easier if Asdek had used his Shadow and blood abilities but he wanted to stay under the radar of others even though it will be impossible considering his blood abilities were already public knowledge and it was also a quasi-divine ability.

"Mehn, I can't believe you let this weakling scare you Drake.look at how pathetic he is right now."The wind ability user said as he continued to rain down kicks on Asdek.

"He's tenacious I'll give him that but that makes it all the more fun knowing I can beat him up to my heart's content without him passing out on me. Hahahaha" The guy said as he continued to rain down kicks on Asdek who was still on the ground.

"Guy's stop!" Drake shouted.

"Why you still afraid of this weakling over there" the earth ability user said.

"I'll admit he does pack a heavy punch but that's not anything to be afraid of" The earth user said as he activated his earth gauntlets again after getting fully healed.He then begun to make his way towards Asdek in small strides. He wanted to make the little critter pay for delivering him such a devastating punch in their short encounter. In his mind he was going to settle a score. As he began to move, he saw a familiar face.

"Drake what are you doing?"He asked as he saw Drake standing in front of him.

"You are going to stop this madness now,Fred!" Drake said as he looked at the earth ability user with an intense gaze of anger.

"We knew you won't let us avenge your pride."

"Timmy do it" Fred said looking at the guy that had been hurling the metal balls. Timmy also looked at Fred and gave an understanding nod.

"Do what?" Drake asked in a careful tone. Just then his hands became insanely heavy and he couldn't help but kneel.The bracelets on his wrists had become huge and heavy, extremely heavy.

Fred walked to the back of Drake and looked at him.

"We are doing this for you Drake we can't have you ruin it. Our pride is also on the line here" Fred said as he hit the back of Drake's neck knocking him unconscious with him having no chance of defending due to how heavy his hands were. Right after this action Fred heard a sudden wail. He turned to see Asdek standing on his feet with a bloody look .

"Well let me get serious then" Asdek said in a domineering voice as he stood on the figure of the wind ability user who hand a hole in his thigh.

" The hell what happened?!" Fred said as his face had an ashen look and shivers started running down his spine as he looked at Asdek who had a smirk on his face.....