
Reincarnation in Onepiece World

MC gets a chance to reincarnate in his favourite anime with a chance to choose memory of any one character from that anime. This novel may have different characters and plots from canon. Will try to post atleast one chapter daily.

LetMeHurtU · Lainnya
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36 Chs

Mysterious Stone

A 16 year boy, orphan, lived in Gainesville in Florida. His name was Alden. His parents died in air-plane accident, 10 years ago. He had been living without family after that, but his parents left him enough money for him to survive.

His hobby was watching animes and going for adventures. His favourite animes were Onepiece and Naruto. He never missed a single episode or chapter of any of them.

On a bright Sunday, He with his few School friends went to the nearby river for river sports. He was sitting in a Kayak and rowing it. Suddenly there was a rise in water and speed of river and Alden was thrown away from the kayak and washed away with water. After few minutes, somehow he got to the shore only to find a cave.

The cave entrance was 2 meter in height. He entered the cave, it was very dark. He tried using mobile torch but due to water, it was not working. Suddenly he saw a small red light in the cave. He went to it and found that it was a egg sized stone radiating with red light.

He was curious about this mysterious stone. He brought his hand to pick up this stone. But as soon as he touched the stone his eyes gone blind and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he couldn't feel his body. He felt like a ball of gas. He found a everything was dark there.

At that time he heard a voice: " You have two choices (A) Go back to your original body (B) Go to another world and start over"

It took some time for him to gather himself. He thought something and asked " Which world he can go to?"

The voice answered "From your memories it seems you like the animes , so you can choose one of them."

As Alden was orphan, plus he had no one in this world very close and he had a chance to go to his favourite anime world. So without any hesitations, he chose option B.

The voice said, "Very well. So which world have you chosen."

Alden was conflicted between Naruto and onepiece world. But in the end he chose Onepiece world.

After getting the answer, the voice said " One piece world is selected. Now you have two options (A) Reincarnation (B)Transmigration. In both options you will have memories of this life. But in option B you can only transmigrate to the character at the time of beginning Luffy's sea voyage, that is 20 years after pirate era started. In option A, you can choose any time to reincarnate.

Alden thought that its better to select option A , as he can have more time to grow. So he selected option A.

The voice said " option A selected"

" Now select one of the two :(a) memories related to all the practice methods regarding any random Devil Fruit or (b) memories related to all the practice methods regarding any weapon of your choice."

He thought about it and realized that option A was risky as it was related to random devil fruit. So he chose option (b) with weapon as sword.

The voice said" option "b" selected"

" As you have selected weapon of your choice, you have option of choosing your parents or choose to have a zanpakuto, your own soul sword."

Alden thought that as he will have the knowledge of all sword methods in which he is going to train, he does not need powerful family. He will be able to make himself strong with having his own zanpakuto. So he chose to have a zanpakuto over having to select his parents.

"very well, you will have a zanpakuto, but you will have to awaken it yourself"

"Now, as you are the first person to touch the stone, you will have special privilege to choose any character from anime and to have all his memories till execution of Ace"

Alden was stunned after listening to this special privilege.

Whom do you think he will choose??

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