
Reincarnation due to curiosity!

A young lad's curiosity peaked when some floating magic crystal ball was enticing him to touch it—it actually killed him and transported him to the void! But when some small flicker of light appeared, he followed it. Suddenly, he was reborn! The new journey he finally gets after dreaming about it was absolutely exciting to everyone. but not for him, though.

Yuneo · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Chapter 3: "Attacked by bandits!?"




[A time skip into 6 years...]

Morning dew came to Lei, and a powerful and proud smile creeped up on his face.

For the past 6 years, he's been planning all along what to do and how to act in this new world he came into.

As a normal 6-year-old, he knew how to properly walk and talk. Though he was quite knowledgeable since he was 15 years old when he died from the deadly magic ball, that is certainly useful for him.

His parents, however, have not been there for him. They would just come to his room and check up on him to see if he was growing as a normal person. Though he is growing up as a normal person, he sometimes doubts if they are his biological parents or if he is not the biological child of the family.

He also found out that he was not in the direct lineage of the family. Since his mother was different and his father was far from the powerful lineage.

He found it quite upsetting that he wasn't that powerful. But he was happy to have cousins and other kids from the family to meet and greet.

Today, he got to meet one of them. But it was pressuring for him since he is meeting the direct lineage today; it is traditional to meet them when you are literate and old enough.

When the news arrived to him, his expressions perked up into happiness as he got excited to finally meet someone who's a relative. Another dream come true for him, to meet someone like him.

He rushed to his room and faced the mirror with the biggest smile he ever had, bigger than before when he got isekai'd on this world.

He talked to himself while he faced the mirror with the same smile he displayed just a moment ago.

"At last, at last, at last! Finally, I heard some interesting news. Oh, it's so exciting. I feel like a Disney princess or something when I talk in such a manner, even though I detest it. This world is awful..."

He sighed loudly as he slapped his temple, though it was only a light slap, a facepalm. Worries were hinted at in his tone since he doesn't know how to actually approach them politely.

"B*tch. I'm still at a loss for what to do. Do I give them the most courteous greeting possible? Or do I just need to be calm and collected about it? Hold on... Since I'm still six years old, I should definitely act like a child too."

It came to his mind that he shouldn't worry about it since he's still a child. But it doesn't change the fact that he's meeting some powerful people that he's never met before.

"The carriage is here."

A maid yelled as she spotted the carriage that's supposed to fetch Lei and bring him to The Heisen's direct lineage aristocratic house. To where the patriarch is.

With a prepared look, he rushed downstairs and got in the carriage before he got scolded for being late on time.

Since he was riding in some carriage that the patriarch provided, he assured himself that it's going to be a safe ride down the safe road.

And as the carriage finally started moving, he laid back as he took in the scenery outside of the estate. The beautiful flowers were there, and it was eerily peaceful.

"I can't quite put my finger on it, but I feel like something is wrong with today. Or is it the patriarch's reaction to my pathetic physical appearance? No, maybe not. Furthermore, possibly... Just possibly, I'm being pursued. Really, it's not uncommon for a bandit group to suddenly come into existence when the main character is traveling somewhere important."

Just as Lei was overthinking it, the carriage started to tremble. He fell down from the seat, and his heart dropped at the possibility of being attacked. But he shouldn't be worried; there would be knights or some guard that's going to save him from those appearing thieves.

Lei was about to peek out the window of the carriage; his eyes widened in fear. He saw what he never wanted to see: blood.

There was blood scattered on the visible pathway that his eyes could see. He immediately dove down and clutched his heart in nervousness and fear.

He could hear the screams of the dying people, and maybe the driver was shot by an arrow since his knowledge said that it was a medieval world where technologies wouldn't exist.

He only knew swords and shields existed... But it was something when his eyes shot up in awe.

It was definitely magic he saw.

A man who was reaching out his hand was emitting something weird behind him and on the palm of his hand. It was definitely magic, and it was exciting to know that it actually existed.

But it was bad news. The man who was chanting some magic was pointing and aiming at the carriage!

Lei wanted to run and jump, but the door that was supposed to be his escape was also facing the bandit magician.

Sçattrâ Destrü!

With a loud voice that echoed throughout the surroundings, the magician yelled, and the carriage was shot by something not visible. The carriage immediately flipped down and was almost destroyed.

Lei hit his head on the glass window and was thrown away on the bush; his head was bloodied and he was injured. He definitely didn't want to see dead bodies lying around on the floor, so he didn't peek and see what happened.

One thing he knows is that the carriage was broken and robbed by some bandits.

He crawled into the woods, trying to cling to life and survive. He also cussed out while he crawled out.

"Yes, exactly. These ignorant and impoverished people have ruined the day beyond all hope. It was meant to be an interesting day, not an imminent death experience! If only... If only I knew a lot about fighting and other skills. Where should I go now, damn it? It's not like I am familiar with this region..."


To be continued...


I ran out of time, but I'm sure I'll be good on the next chapter.

Yuneocreators' thoughts