
Reincarnation due to curiosity!

A young lad's curiosity peaked when some floating magic crystal ball was enticing him to touch it—it actually killed him and transported him to the void! But when some small flicker of light appeared, he followed it. Suddenly, he was reborn! The new journey he finally gets after dreaming about it was absolutely exciting to everyone. but not for him, though.

Yuneo · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: “Wherever it leads me.”




The darkness seeped into his soul as he floats in the middle of the void, just like how that floating magic ball from earlier floats as if gravity weren't present.

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, days felt like weeks, weeks felt like months, and months felt like years had passed by...

He was all alone; his thoughts were null. So this was it, where people would go after they died.

People would go insane, insane from just seeing the dark, and tired from being all alone in the void.

Suddenly, a small flicker of light appeared on the horizon. Lei slowly floats over that light

A light that resembled something like how a star would die. Maybe... Maybe he finally has someone to be with in the afterlife.

The hope fills his inner soul as he slowly approaches the small flickering light.

The overwhelming feeling as he closed the distance even further was crawling onto his back.

But... It felt like he was not getting closer at all, it felt like the light was inching away from Lei.

He was following aimlessly, following that light, the light to his darkness...

It took Lei some time to be able to mutter something. He told himself,

"I'll follow you, until I'll finally be able to catch that light. Whatever, wherever it leads me."

Those encouraging words encouraged him to press on, thinking that maybe this had all along been a challenge.

But when he finally was able to close the distance between him and the light, he was pulled back. Pulled back into the unknown, but... To his surprise, his eyes opened, and he felt something he had been able to finally feel for a very long time.

The feeling of having a body and the feeling of touch.

He noticed that his hands were tiny and chubby. It was like being a baby. But when reality struck him, it was real... He is a baby, currently a baby.

The weakest of all lifeforms, one that even the strongest would hate to experience.

Lei is now a newborn child, and his parents? Were nowhere to be found. But all he knows is that he's currently in a bed, where a baby would be.

He could also feel the urge to cry—to loudly cry. As he did cry, he saw what he always wanted to see... Maids. That's right, maids.

The maids immediately rushed in and were speaking out loud, talking in some other language that Lei doesn't understand. Maybe perhaps... He's finally somewhere he always wanted to be.

What he heard was, "Akachan ga naite iru yo! Kono mondai no kaiketsu o tetsudattekudasai!"

The maids uttered such words, and these words were familiar to Lei, but... He couldn't understand it. He failed to understand it; he used to be a nerd about Japanese, but he just couldn't.

The maids immediately tried their best to calm down Lei's crying and avoid disturbing others, and with the skills of those maids who came in to the rescue, they managed to calm him down very quickly.

Lei could also hear them repeating the name "Rein" again and again; it was repetitive and annoying to hear. And maybe... That's his new name. "Rein," a beautiful name, is also a girlish name.

Probably Lei's a girl and not a boy, but he hoped he still had his junior with him even after reincarnating.

When the maids finally left the room, he checked under his diapers to see if they were still there. To his surprise, it is still there.

He was so relieved that he started to wonder what he could do with it when he's finally reborn into a new world or a new time.

He decided to look around to find a clue or a hint on where he was currently. But when he saw what he would be so happy to see, the excitement he felt leveled up and reached the top.

What he saw were katanas. Japanese-styled swords were hung on the wall near him. And he could see a sigh near his crib—his name. "Rein Xyn Heisen," a unique and pretty name.

He also wondered if he ever had the looks of a girl since he was named after a woman, such a girlish name, and that would make it obvious that he's a girl, though he isn't. Maybe... He could just wait for more—a long time—but he could feel the worth of the wait when he grew up.

Probably he's born noble since they were maids attending to him, and he probably has siblings too.

He couldn't wait, and he couldn't contain his excitement. He couldn't wait for when the time came to finally attend some nobility academy and meet some pretty girls; that's definitely his type.


To be continued...


Continuation! It's kinda cool I know.

Yuneocreators' thoughts