
Reincarnating Randomly

You know those stories where the protagonist dies and meets ROB who grants wishes? Well that happened to me, kind of. "...You have a chance to choose any three wishes, are you sure this is what you want?" R.O.B asked me with a perplexed expression. "Yes, Please randomize my wishes and send me on, I would like for it to be a surprise." ~Current Worlds~ Against the Gods - Main world Bleach Naruto Highschool DxD

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14 Chs

Truths Revealed

Silence followed her grand introduction.

Looking between the two in front of her Jasmine could only shake her head with a mirthful smile.

'Heh, I guess they couldn't handle my grand entrance. Sigh, seeing Xia Qingyue in person, I can't deny she is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful women I've seen in both lives... I hope this wont become complicated in the future.'

While her face was hidden behind a veil you could still see the fear in Chu Yueli's eyes and the slight tremoring of her body trying to remain calm as she looked at Jasmine unaware if she was a threat or not.

Qingyue's face shifted through a cascade of different emotions before finally resting on a small genuine smile. "Hello Jasmine, It's nice to meet you too. Thank you for doing what you did outside earlier, you saved me from causing trouble for my Father."

"It was not an issue at all to help a new friend." Jasmine replied with a gentle smile before it shifted to a more serious one. "Marrying that young man would of only have brought troubles in the future, better to avoid such things early on."

"Trouble?" Qingyue asked with a confused tilt of head.

'These outward displays of emotion… Has her Frozen Heart already started to shatter?' Jasmine asked herself before pushing the thoughts away for later.

"Hm, we will get back to that at a later date, for now why don't we talk about something else, someone is struggling to contain her curiosity" Jasmine said with a pointed look towards the other person in the room causing them to flinch.

"Qingyue… How do you know this Senior?" Chu Yueli asked with a small tremor in her voice.

"Gasp! Senior?!" Jasmine exclaimed in faux anger, her right hand clutching at her chest as if see took damage from something. Continuing in an exaggerated and haughty tone while subtly releasing a fraction of her aura for dramatic effect, she declared. "This Princess is only thirteen years old!"

Hearing this Chu Yueli found it nearly impossible to not gape in wide eyed surprise at the complete shift in personality.

"Pfft-hahaha!" Jasmine struggled to hold in her laughter.

While acting like an aloof and arrogant person in front of others had been fun, it could not compare to messing with people.

She had noticed it after questioning the old man earlier today that while she still has her arrogant and prideful personality, she would rather mess with others than be some aloof powerful person all the time.

The laughter seemed to break the remaining tension in the room as Chu Yueli started to relax and not look at Jasmine in fear.

"Master, This is Jasmine." Qingyue replied with an amused smile on her face at seeing her usually stoic Master with such a shocked expression on her face and couldn't help but want to see it again. "She is a Profound God realm expert who has offered to help me."

"Profound God! The realm above a Sovereign?!" Chu Yueli shouted in surprise. She could hardly believe that such a young girl has reached a level of strength never before seen in the history of the Profound Sky Continent.

Seeing such a reaction Jasmine could only could only shake her head with a wry smile. 'This girl... This is good, it shows that she isn't suppressing her emotions with that frozen heart art anymore.'

"Profound God isn't a real cultivation realm Qingyue… Sigh, forget it, we can talk more about the Divine way later, for now I want to explain what we're going to do next."

Hearing this both Chu Yueli and Xia Qingyue tensed slightly awaiting answers to the questions they had been hesitant to ask.

With a small sweep of the room, Jasmine in an act befitting a child her age, made a overly dramatic dive on to Qingyue's bed. Turning back to continue speaking she was met with two deadpan faces.

"What? It looked really comfortable I couldn't resist." Jasmine defended herself without a hint of shame. "*Cough*, Anyway…I will be joining Qingyue for now, who will be going to Frozen Cloud Asgard as my disciple since I will also be joining the sect as a Guest Elder."

Chu Yueli who heard this had a complicated expression on her face could only nod in acceptance. 'Wasn't Qingyue meant my disciple? Sigh… perhaps this is for the best, with this person joining Asgard, even as a Guest Elder, we can only benefit from it.'

"So now that all that is out of the way, it is time to talk about what I had previously promised to Qingyue."

Adopting a more serious expression Jasmine leaves the bed towards the small table and chairs on the other side of the room, with a small gesture for the others to follow and take a seat before continuing.

"Okay… Where to begin… Right lets start with that." Jasmine said with her head slightly tilted while tapping her chin in thought.

"The Profound Sky Continent, where we are right now, is one of three land masses that are on this planet known as the Blue Polar Star. The Blue Pole Star is one out countless others in the Mortal Realm."

Pausing briefly to look at each of their eyes to make sure that they understood before continuing her explanation.

"Next we have the so called 'Realm of the Gods' which is a collection of Star Realms that have been categorised from Low, Middle, High, and Royal rank.

The Realm of the Gods itself is split into four regions that are segmented by the four cardinal directions, North, South, East, and West. I am from the Star God Realm which is a Royal ranked Star Realm in the Eastern Region."

The faces of the two in front of her shifted between amazed and fearful expressions, leading Jasmine to give a gentle smile and reassure them.

"Don't think about it too much, the planet that you live on is very out of the way and something has happened in the past which has made ascension to a higher realm nearly impossible, so you don't have to worry about interacting with other stars since it is almost impossible that anyone would come to this out of the way star."

Hearing this caused Xia Qingyue to snap back to attention in apparent panic. "We are blocked from going to the Realm of the Gods?!"

"For most people that is the case." Jasmine confirmed with a look of understanding. "To leave this planet you need to first enter The Divine Way, after the nine Mortal Realms of cultivation comes the seven Divine Realms.

Starting with the Divine Origin realm which grants the practitioner a lifespan of 10,000 years, following this you have the Divine Soul, Divine Tribulation, Divine spirit, Divine King, Divine Sovereign, and lastly Divine Master."

Seeing the wonder in their expressions in learning of the realms past the Sovereign Profound Realm made Jasmine let out a small giggle and could not help but drop another surprise on them. "I am in the 8th tier of the Divine Master Realm."

Stunned at the revelation that the young girl in front of them is one of the strongest people in the Realm of the Gods, the two looked at her in amazement.

"Now with the basics of the Realm of the Gods out of the way we can move on to what you really want to know, where is your mother."

Making eye contact with Qingyue. "You may not like what you hear, but this is the truth as far as I am aware."

Xia Qingyue trembled slightly in trepidation but nodded her head for Jasmine to continue.

"Eighteen years ago the fiancé of the Moon God Emperor went missing. Yue Wugou was from a common family in the Moon God Realm but she possessed a rare body constitution.

The Divine Stainless Body, while it does not grant any benefits to the owner, it does however grant the children she may have with special bodies and an increased talent."

Qingyue who had been slowly putting the pieces together flinched.

Pausing for a moment, Jasmine leaned forward and rested her chin on the palm hand while formulating what to say next.

"I don't know all the details and I can only speculate what had happened. While travelling somewhere your mother was attacked and somehow found her way here, only for something to end up preventing her from returning to the Moon God Realm."

Hearing Jasmines thoughts on what happened Qingyue tried to remember her mothers behaviour the night she left.

"Other than being afraid of something mother didn't really look to be acting like herself the night that she left, she held her self differently, as if a completely different person."

With Qingyue's brief description giving Jasmine a chance to say more she interjected with what she knew happened.

"I see, She could have had memory loss, which would explain why she entered into a relationship with your father despite being the fiancé of the Moon God Emperor.

That night she must have regained her memories and with it access to her profound energy which could of alerted others of her whereabouts which would put everyone in danger of being found, while potentially feeling conflicting emotions about being married to a mortal she could not put her children in danger, so with no other options she had to leave."

With Jasmines words Qingyue fell into deep thought. 'Could this be what happened? Thinking about this from mothers position it would be the best course of action… Sigh, it doesn't change anything. I will still have to go there to find her even if its just to ask her mother herself now.'

Xia Qingyue Stood up and giving a deep bow to Jasmine before saying with a voice filled with heartfelt gratitude. "Thank you for telling me this Jasmine, I have been looking for answers for years and could never find any evidence of the Realm of the Gods that mother mentioned that night in any books I had read, you have helped me to get closer to my goal in 5 minutes than I have done in years."

Standing up from her chair Jasmine walked in front of the bowing Qingyue, laying her hand atop Qingyue's head with a gentle smile.

"It's okay, you have me now. I'll keep helping you from now on, we're friends now right?"

Qingyue looked up at her shock, Jasmine could see her eyes become slightly hazy before a bright beautiful smile appeared on her face.


Was the only response Jasmine got which put a mischievous smile on her face.

"Heh, you should smile like that more often Qingyue, It makes you look much cuter!"

Hearing that Jasmine was teasing her brought an embarrassed blush to her face. Qingyue started to fidget with the waist of her dress, not used to having her emotions so open.


Jumping slightly as reality snaps back into focus for the two, it seemed as though they had forgotten there was someone else in the room.

"Right! Now that all that's out of the way lets talk about your special body constitution!" Jasmine said as if the previous event never happened. She once again took her seat and rested her chin on her palm.

"Your Brother is the possessor of Tyrannical Emperor's Divine Veins, these veins while amazing pale in comparison to what you got by being the first born child."

Pausing momentarily to remember the all the details before continuing her explanation.

"You have the Nine Profound Exquisite Body which has a type of 'small world' inside of it that allows you to possess more power than what your physical body can handle, while this alone would make you a rare talent.

It is the addition of having the Heart of Snow Glazed Glass which gives you a special type of mind, with high comprehensive abilities, pure and clear disposition, your soul will grow stronger and stronger over time, and be able to sense good and evil as well as danger, and easily see through various mysteries, and even see into the heart of all living things."

Hearing this Xia Qingyue could barely conceal the shock she was feeling as certain things she had experienced growing up started to make more sense to her, like always being able to tell when others were lying to her.

"With the combination of those two rare constitutions you most likely have the greatest talent in the whole Primal Chaos, and I have decided to help you become the best I can." Jasmine told her with a large smile on her face in anticipation for the future.

Hearing this Qingyue was slightly overwhelmed with emotions, first, with having a real friend for the first time due to growing up sheltered in the Xia Family compound.

And second, with Jasmine's help she would be able to progress her cultivation faster bringing her closer to meeting with her mother.

She gave Jasmine another large and beautiful smile. "Thank you." She said softly.

With mental nod at how Qingyue seemed to be opening up more, Jasmine turned to Chu Yueli who had been mostly silent till now and had another great idea.

"Sorry for stealing your disciple Miss Fairy." Jasmine said with a teasing grin. "Would you like to be my disciple too?"


Sorry if this seems like an info dump, I felt like it was the easiest way to get some of the bare bones of the current world laid out while still making it flow as it was being explained to Xia Qingyue.

Any contructive criticism would be appreciated. :)

Skarrocreators' thoughts