
Reincarnating Randomly

You know those stories where the protagonist dies and meets ROB who grants wishes? Well that happened to me, kind of. "...You have a chance to choose any three wishes, are you sure this is what you want?" R.O.B asked me with a perplexed expression. "Yes, Please randomize my wishes and send me on, I would like for it to be a surprise." ~Current Worlds~ Against the Gods - Main world Bleach Naruto Highschool DxD

Skarro · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A Goddess Descends

In a remote corner of the Blue Wind Empire sits a small city, a city so small it could almost be called a town.

Today Floating Cloud City was alive with activity, the roads were lined with red and gold and it appeared that there seemed to be a joyous occasion happening. But this was not the case, for today the Xia Family's Young Mistress will be married to the trash of the Xiao Clan, and nothing anyone said could change the outcome.

In the heart of the Xia family's compound, A young woman dressed in a long red dress adorned with golden dancing dragons and soaring phoenixes, A phoenix coronet atop her head with a veil hiding all but her clear blue eyes.

After hours of preparation Xia Qingyue sat waiting for the wedding procession to arrive to collect her. Sitting silently beside her father and brother, Qingyue is lost in her own thoughts.

'Do I really want to go through with this marriage?' She has asked her self this question countless time in the past two days since joining the Chat Group. 'Should I ask Jasmine when she will arrive and just cancel this marriage? Sigh...'

Stuck with indecision that seemed to bounce back and forth during her wait, Qingyue finally decided to wait and see what happens in the end since she was unable to come to a concrete answer on what she wanted to do.

She won't be a proper wife in the end anyway, either she leaves to join Frozen Cloud Asgard which forbids relationships between a man and woman, or she leaves with Jasmine to do whatever she has planned for us.

Hearing a commotion outside the compound Xia Qingyue looks toward the entry gate for the compound.

"It looks like Xiao Che has arrived, are ready to get married Yue'er?" Xia Hongyi asked his daughter with a soft smile knowing that she is only doing this in a sense of duty for the family.

"…Yes father." Her rather emotionless response due to the arts she cultivated didn't perturb her father at all.

"Sigh, Yue'er are you sure this is what you want? I can always cancel this engagement, no matter what others will say." Her father said not for the first time today.

"…It's okay father." Though saying this, inside she was still having conflicting thoughts.

"Sigh, okay Yue'er" he said with a sad smile on his face.

Hearing the approaching clopping sounds of horse shoes atop the stone road, they once again look towards the entryway.

Sat upon the white horse that rode in front of a red carriage was a young man that looked to be around sixteen years old, he was, although quite feminine, still a handsome youth with long black hair that was tied in the back in a high tail, with sharp sword like eyebrows that sat atop his dark eyes.

"Xiao Che is here to receive Xia Qingyue on behalf of the Xiao Clan!"

Upon seeing her husband to be, Qingyue's doubts came back in full force, but with grace that belied her hesitance she slowly stood and made her way towards the procession party.

Coming to Xaio Che's side, she came to the decision that she did not want to be married to this man. The whole walk towards the collection party she felt his lingering gaze that was filled with lust continue to probe her from head to toe.

Just as she was about to speak up and deny her fiancé a loud commotion stole her focus.

"GASP! Who is that in the sky, she looks like an immortal fairy!" One of the guards of her family exclaimed in surprise pointing towards the sky.

"She's so young and she's flying! She's at least in the Sky Profound realm at such a young age where did she come from!?" Shouted a youth of the Xiao Clan.

Looking up towards where everyone was pointing, Qungyue was shocked. She had never seen such a beautiful girl in her whole life, even she, who is hailed as the number one beauty in the whole city feels that she is lacking compared to the girl in the sky.

'Such a strong person! And they're even younger than I am!' Xia Qingyue's mind was racing a mile a minute. 'Could this be Jasmine?! She did say she would be coming soon.'

"Why is she just hovering up there?" Asked a youthful voice from the crowd with a perplexed expression.

 The youth next to him berated before being cut off. "Shh! Don't question the Immortal Fair-."

It was as if the heavens were crashing down upon them.

Spanning city wide, the pressure was so oppressive that a lot of the civilians throughout the city started to faint from the strain.

Pin drop silence filled the compound, until an bored yet melodic voice reached everyone's ears.

"Qingyue it's time to leave, I have come to take you back to the Sect."

*BANG!* It was if a firework had gone off in everyone's mind. The Fairy had come to stop the wedding and take Xia Qingyue away!

The soul crushing oppressive force was still pressuring most of the city, it was as if there was no sound could be heard for miles.

'The Sect? Is this part of Jasmine's plan?' Qingyue thought in confusion. She knew her master Chu Yueli was nearby watching over the wedding, maybe they will be going to Frozen Cloud Asgard after all.

"Jasmine." She acknowledged aloud in her emotionless voice. "I thought we would be leaving the day after this one?"

*SHOCK!* For a second time everyone's mind felt like it exploded with this news! Xia Qingyue knows this Immortal Fairy and had plans to leave with her! What did this mean for her marrige?

The most shocked about this though was Xiao Che!

Just today he awoke, after jumping off Cloud End Cliff, he was surprised to have been given another chance to live, only to find out that his profound veins were crippled. After going through the fresh memories that appeared in his head he learned that it was to be the day of his wedding with the number one beauty of Floating Cloud City, now this is happening!

"Wai-" Trying to speak up, Xiao Che is hit with even greater pressure causing him to fall from his horse.

"Silence boy! You have no place to interfere here." The Crimson haired fairy's melodic voice turned cold. "There will be no wedding today, those of Asgard are forbidden to be in relations with men. The Sect was originally going to allow this union to happen even if it was in name only, but I decided differently! Qingyue go change and gather the rest of what you will be bringing with you."


"Y-Yes?" A voice that seemed to be gasping for air came from the sky behind the Xia family.

"Go with Qingyue, we will speak later." Jasmine commanded with authority.

Without waiting for a response Jasmine turned back to the gathered Xiao Clan before pointing at Xiao Che.

"You, I can see that you are different from the rest. Maybe you will even achieve something in the future, I can see your strong resolve to better yourself." She spoke in lazily as if it was an after thought.

Suddenly Xiao Che felt as if he was dying, the amount of killing intent flooding the world around them was so strong that the sky turned a deep rich crimson as if it was bleeding.

"Control that disgusting pride of yours, This Princess can see it from here." She said in as if speaking with an insect.

"Even now in my presence you think as if you have the right to talk back to me and the decisions I've made. Worse yet, you can not even comprehend the difference in strength between us, yet you look at me with those disgusting eyes full of lust." Jasmine spoke with a voice devoid of life that filled all who heard it with a sense of dread.

The silence would of been deafening if not for the laboured breathing of those gathered.

No one dared say a word.

Jasmine looked back towards Qingyue. "Qingyue, go now, we will speak before we leave." Jasmine said softly towards the dazed teen.

"Yue'er…" Qingyue heard her father say from behind her.

Turning to face them as she slowly walked back into the Xia compound. She saw that they weren't being supressed making her feel a little thankful to Jasmine for leaving her father and brother out of the suppression.

"…Father, Brother, this is goodbye for now. We will meet again in the future." With as much emotion that her frozen arts allowed.

With a small bow she made her way towards her room only pausing slightly when she sees her master Chu Yueli looking at her in confusion.

"Master, Jasmine will explain, for now come with me." Qingyue said to her master with a slight bow.

"…Okay Qingyue, I will listen for now." Chu Yueli sighed before following her disciple deeper into the compound.

+ + + + + + + + + +

Floating high above the crowd looking down at the people gathered below. Jasmine stared at the shivering crowd that tried to inch further away during her beratement of Xiao Che. Jasmine began to get bored and decided to leave, but not without leaving a few parting words.

"Little boy, I await your attempt at revenge in the future. I can already see the simmering rage almost masterfully hidden in your eyes as you look at me." Jasmine says with barely hidden contempt in an attempt to provoke Xiao Che.

She knows without the Heretic God's veins he will need to find another method to heal himself, and with this humiliation as motivation maybe he will strive for strength just like in the original story.

'Heh, Let's see if the plot stays the same with these changes.' She thought in amusement. With one last look at those gathered Jasmine takes a step forward as her figure blurs before vanishing.

As soon as she vanished so did the pressure that was supressing everyone gathered in the compound. The silence was broken in an instant with loud exclamations of surprise and embarrassment.

The Xiao Clan stood awkwardly still for a few moments before starting to retreat back to their clan grounds in silent anger after being humiliated like that.

"Xaio Che!" Shouted Xia Hongyi with noticeable regret in his voice. "I am sorry about what has happened today, if there is anything the Xia family can do to make up for this cancled engagement please don't hesitate to ask!"

Pausing his steps to turn and face Xia Hongyi, Xiao Che responds. "It's okay Uncle Hongyi, it's not your fault. It is mine for being to weak." He said with a self depreciative smile. "But that girl was right about one thing, I will find a way to cure my profound veins and get stronger! So that I will never be humiliated like this again!" He shouted out with overwhelming determination.

"I see… please tell Old Lie that I'm sorry about how this turned out." Xia Hongyi with a pained expression.

"Of course Uncle Hongyi, I must be leaving now." Xiao Che said with apparent eagerness to leave.

Watching the leaving horses and carriage Xia Hongyi can only let out a deep sigh before turning and heading back into the family compound.

+ + + + + + + + + +

It was a tense silence within Xia Qingyue's room that Jasmine arrived to. Looking between the beautiful woman with long onyx hair that had her face hidden behind a veil and the slightly hunched over slender back of Xia Qingyue that was sorting through some of things she was packing away in her inventory.

Jasmine let out a small giggle that seemed to startle the both of them as they stilled and looked towards the sound so fast you could almost hear their necks click.

With a wide teasing smile upon her face.

"Hello Qingyue." Jasmine did a small curtsey befitting of a royal princess, ignoring the fact that she was one.

Her smile grew wider seeing the alert pair as they seem to short circuit, not being able to match the mischievous persona that she was currently displaying, with the imposing figure that demanded respect and induced fear with her mere presence.

"My name is Xing Tong, otherwise known as the Heavenly Slaughter Star God or The Blood-Soaked Jasmine. It's nice to finally meet you." She said with a genuine smile.

If anyone could point out any grammar issues that would help a lot thanks :).

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