
Reincarnating into a magical world with one wish

When_they_cry · Komik
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14 Chs

Training! 1

I heard the chirps of the birds as I opened my eyes, i stood up and opened the windows of my room breathing in fresh air in to my lungs.

Remembering what I could do with my will.. It was fascinating having the the ability to see into the future even tho it was for 5 seconds, who knows if I could go passed that. The pain of being manaless was washed away, i got ready for my training putting on my training gear that my dad had provided for me before yesterday's advent.

"Good morning mother"

I greeted my beautiful mother as she was preparing food

"Good morning law, your father is at the training ground don't keep him waiting"

She said with a smile as I ran out through the door of the house.

I saw my father standing in the middle of the training ground with two a wooden shaped swords.

"Good morning father" i greeted

"Morning law don't be discouraged about the matters of yesterday, you don't need mana to become strong"

"i don't? How come I haven't come across this in the books in the library?"

"that because it's rare.. People without mana are rare, they were once frowned upon until about three hundred years ago the martial king discovered a way to become strong"

My eyes brightened "How?"

"through intent, intent is a specialized way of fighting... For an example a person can learn the way of the sword when he becomes an expert he or she would be able to touch the realm of intent, they are called weapon masters in the sword case sword masters, they are able to split mountains with just a slash of their sword"

Hearing this my mind pictured a man with a huge cross black sword able to cut an Island into two easily

"easy there boy, it is no easy fit to learn Intent, constant training is needed HELLISH TRAINING. Although there is a disadvantage because their body's are not strengthened by mana they have weaker physical bodies...

I was surprised with this I could mask the use of my haki as intent

"Ok no time to waste boy run 10 laps around this training ground!!"

"yes sir!" i said with burning passion