
Reincarnating into a magical world with one wish

When_they_cry · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The ride back home

The ride back home was a quiet one, my dad and mum have tried to console me but I couldn't tune to them.. My mind was filled with questions

Why couldn't I use mana, I already had plans to combine my mana with haki, to make me a formidable force in this word. I wanted to be the strongest, no i needed to be the strongest.

Now it's up in flames.

Seems I will have to start my haki training immediately, it's the only way.

It's not going to be easy but I will achieve it no matter what.

"father I want to be strong, train me"

My father stared at me in surprise noticing the resolve in my eyes

"Come to the training ground tomorrow we will start, my son is not allowed to be weak" he said with a smile on his face..

I was so thankful for my parents, thankfully I didn't get the talentless young master vibes i read in novels, that would have been terrible been abandoned in my former life and my second life would have been hard...

I heard the butler shout "open the gates"

We are home I looked at the mansion from the carriage and sighed

"honey come let's go" I heard my mother

Coming down from the carriage.

"The heavens will bend to my will" i muttered.

Little did I know I have been marked by the heavens as an enemy.. Tragedies and disasters were awaiting me.

Sitting in a palace a figure dawned in light smiling

"so he knows now... Interesting"