
Five Rulers

'That's quite hard.' Albert sighed inwardly. On the one hand, he felt happy there was much more to explore. On the other hand, he was worried those strong people would come to hunt him down immediately.

'Whatever. I need to focus on what's right in front of me instead of those people.' Albert sighed and said, "Anyway, that's what I know."

"Is there really another land beyond the sea?"

"Definitely. I never went through proper education, but I knew one thing. There should be another land. We just never sent people to find them."

"What if I send people now?" Lilith asked.

"There's also another problem. We don't know their location. The world that we know is actually a sphere that is floating in the empty darkness we call Outer Space. That's where the stars we see during the night are located."

"A sphere?" Lilith frowned. "If you claim this world is a sphere, that means the water will fall down at some points."