
Vacation & Meeting

"So why did you need to kill them?" Carlisle asked.

"They not only tried to attack Bells, they also tried to attack Alice. I'm assuming I don't need to mention that they figured out I'm not normal and they could have gone to the Volturi." I stated.

"I agree." Rosalie spoke up.

"Very well. All good points. I won't mention it anymore. But why do I smell the wolves on you?" Carlisle asked.

"Oh, they were there when I killed Red. They tried to attack me after I finished her off, but I just flew away, and they couldn't touch me." I replied.

"What wolves?" Bella asked.

"Hmm. I'll explain later. The Cullens can't talk about it due to a peace treaty between them. But I have no such restrictions. For now, just know that if you see a giant wolf, it is one of the tribe members, not an animal." I said.

"Really? Is Jake one of them?" she asked curiously.

"No. At least not yet. But enough of that for now. Let's go eat." I replied.

"I'm to used to you knowing these things to ask how you knew about the wolves or the treaty." Carlisle said tiredly.

"Alright, let's go." Bella said while jumping into the car.


A few months later

"Finally, summer vacation!" Bella yelled out after running into my house with Alice right behind her.

"Ya, I remember that feeling. So, have any plans for the summer?" I asked her as Alice slid onto my lap.

"Not really. Probably just hang out with Edward and the Cullens." Bella said, not really thinking about it.

"You could take Edward to go meet your mom. I'm sure she'd like to see you anyway." I said.

"Ya, maybe. What about you? What are your plans?" Bella asked.

"Let's go talk to Carlisle. He'll tell you." I said while standing up, much to Alice's disappointment.


"Carlisle, I brought Bella so you can give the news with everyone present." I said as I walked into the house.

After we all sat down, Carlisle walked into the living room carrying a letter...an ancient looking letter.

"This is a message from the Volturi. Apparently, they had four people in our territory who went missing and are sending people to come investigate the issue." Carlisle said.

"Hmm, sounds like they were trying to stir up trouble in the first place." I said.

"I agree. If they were here on orders, they weren't just on our turf by chance." Jasper said.

"So what now?" Bella asked.

"You and Edward will go to visit your mother. I will go meet the Volturi alone. Hadrian and Alice should take a vacation as well. At least a week." Carlisle said after some thought.

"That works. I just bought a private island in Chile. Still need to go visit and change things to how I want them. And add a house and runway somewhere on the 108,726 acres." I said happily. (This is an actual Island for sale, unfortunately I don't have $35 million to buy it)

"Lucky." I heard Rosalie mumble under her breath.

"You can all use a section of the island for your personal use. There are five couples here and that equates to more than twenty thousand acres each." I said, appeasing everyone.

"The plans are set. I'll be leaving in two days so you should all plan on being away until AT LEAST ten days from now." Carlisle said.

"Will do. Bella, Edward. When you're done, come spend a couple days on Isle Alice." I said with a smirk.

Alice let out a shriek as she threw herself at me causing us to destroy a wall.

"Sorry, Esme." I said apologetically.

"It's alright. I was actually thinking of tearing down that wall anyway. It opens up the dining room." Esme said with an honest smile.


Returning to the Cullens two weeks later, everyone was sitting around to hear the news.

"So. They want all of us to arrive in no less than a week from today." Carlisle started slowly.

"Why?" I asked.

"They want to meet the mates of Edward and Alice." Carlisle answered blankly.

"I don't mind, but if they try anything..." I left the rest unsaid.

"I understand. Just don't start anything, please." Carlisle begged.

"I won't start anything. But you can be DAMN sure I'll finish it." I replied.

"Sigh. I suppose that's the best I can ask for." Carlisle mumbled under his breath.



Five days later

"So, how far to this meeting place?" I asked impatiently.

"Not much further. Just another few minutes." Carlisle answered.

"This isn't anywhere near as fun as spending time on a private island." I complained.

"You can go spend a month there after this is over. Just be a bit more patient." Esme said, trying to calm me down.

"That's not for you to decide." someone said stopping in front of us.

"Oh, but it is. I won't be told what to do by a prepubescent vampire." I deadpanned at her.

Looking at me in shock, she failed to speak out a comeback.

"Let's just get this over with. I have better things to do than dealing with y'all." I stated before walking right past her.

"Don't mind him. He's just tired from the long flight." Esme said as they all followed me.

"It wouldn't have taken so long if there my company had been allowed to function in this dsmned country." I ground out.

(for the stories sake, I'm making Italy being difficult with allowing his inventions legal in the country)

"You have a problem with our country?" the girl asked, finding her tongue.

"As a matter of fact, I do. Just because I won't pay your country 10% of my net income, they don't allow my international companies' inventions to operate legally here." I ranted.

"Yes. I heard something about that. It upset alot of us, so we are trying to get the human government to just go with it." the girl told me.

"Well, I wish you luck." I replied.

"We're here." the girl said as she pushed open to giant wooden double doors.