
Reincarnated In Red Dead Redemption 2 First world Road to Immortality

Hello everyone Author here this is my first time doing anything like this ill probably leave out small details and sometimes things might not make sense if so comment it below so i can fix it Arthur isnt Evil or good hes just neutral willing to kill or save anyone as long as their is profit i dont know how to put who the editor is so im Putting it here i want to thank the editor and give him the credit he deserves i thank you angel i couldn't do this without you i hope you guys can leave some comments down bellow and rate us so we know how much you guys like this and keep going we are gonna try to see how many we will do a week I do not own red dead redemption or any of its characters hello everyone sorry for not adding anymore chapters this week my editor is a genius and has all advanced classes so were trying to make a schedule

Pedro_Orta · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
11 Chs

Chapter 5 Finding Marston Part 1

(We get to the camp with a bear on the wagon as everyone gathered around to see it).

(Jack started to run up to me followed by his mother).

"Is it true you killed a bear all by yourself." (Abigail asked).

"Yes, I did" (Arthur said).

"Do you want to see it little jack?" (Arthur asked).

"Really" (Jack said in an excited voice).

"Yea" (I said with a kind smile).

(I get off the wagon and grab Jack I lift him up so he can see the dead bear).

"Whoa its huge how'd you kill it?" (Jack said).

"With 7 shots to the head" (Says Charles coming up behind us with a chuckle).

(I see behind him Pearson who is running up to see the bear covered in blood)

"Man, now this is a real good thing you boys brought, you guys put it down in the kitchen and I'll make you all something tasty." (Says Pearson with an exited face)

(We tie the bear up with ropes then tie those ropes to the horses as we lead them to Pearson's butchering station in the kitchen).

(I untie the ropes and start skinning it).

"It's Harder than in the game and the skin was heavy but not as heavy as the whole bear."

"I pick up the bear skin and take it to my horse as I tie it down"

(Arthur hears).

"What are you going to do with that Arthur." (Said Mary)

(I look back and see a beautiful woman in her 20s with a plump bosom and ass, I give her a quick look around which she notices).

"I'm going to take it with me to the house, dry it and then use it as a blanket." (I tell her).

"Sounds comfy" (Said Mary)

"You can come and try it out with me sometime." (I say flirtingly),

"Now Arthur i didn't know u were one to mess around." (Says Mary)

"Well I feel like its time you saw another side of me should i stop" (I ask with a mischievous smile).

"Now I never said that, but can you handle what your words might bring." (Says Mary with a mischievous smile of her own).

"I can handle a bear I can handle an armed man but if I can't handle a beautiful woman than I'm not much of a man now am I" (I tell her).

"She giggles alright you, how we see what you can handle when we have a chance." (Says Mary with a seductive manner).

"It would be my pleasure." (I says as I grabs her hand and gives it a kiss and saying goodbye).

"Arthur when did you become such a gentleman." (Mary says as she giggles).

"I've always been a gentleman Mary theirs a lot about me you don't know." (Says Arthur in a mysterious tone)

"Well I'd love to know more but right now i have to help prepare your kills maybe I can learn more about u another time." (Says Mary in a seductive tone).

"Alright just ask me anytime I'll come back Tomorrow too." (Arthur says).

"Ok I'll see you then." (Mary says as she heads back to help in the kitchen).

(I go to the bear and use my knife to remove its heart and liver I also take some ribs).

"Alright Pearson I'll be going I got to head back and make myself dinner." (Arthur says).

"Alright Mister Morgan you should come again tomorrow, and I'll give you some jerky from the bear and some deer ribs." (Says Pearson).

"Thanks, I appreciate it." (Says Arthur).

"No, thank you Morgan these people needed it." (Says Pearson).

(I'm about to leave when i hear someone calling me).

"Arthur wait." (Says Abigail).

"Hey Abigail, need something." (Says Arthur).

"Look, John has been gone for a while can you go look for him I'm starting to get worried." (Says Abigail).

(Ding) "New Quest".

(Bring John Marston Back Alive).

(Reward 20 EXP and Abigail's appreciation).

(Gain enough and you can get her to do things for you with little convincing).

"Well this might be fun." ( I think in my head).

"Alright Abigail I can do it but I'm going to need you to stop by and give this to Pearson to dry tfor me and make it into a blanket." (I tell her while pointing at the Bear fur on my horse).

I can do that" (Abigail says).

"I'll get some of the woman to help" (Abigail says).

"Well alright." (Arthur says).

(I get off my horse and take the pelt off, I take it inside where the woman and jack are).

"I'll leave it here." (I say while dropping it on the floor).

"Ok thanks Arthur." (Says Abigail).

"No problem, I'll be going bye little jack." (I say i pass him).

"Bye Arthur." (Says Jack while waving)

(I go outside and search for Javier see him cleaning a rifle).

"Hey Javier mind helping me find Marston." (I ask).

(He looks at me thinks and says).



(We go to our horses and get riding).

"Hey what do you think about Micah." (I ask him with a serious face).

"The man's crazy and I get a weird Vibe from him why do you ask?" (Says Javier).

"Because in black water from what I've heard they were waiting for you guys and Micah wanted to do that job." (I tell him).

"You don't think." (Says Javier Sarcastically).

"I do but I don't have proof." (I say to him).

"Why him." (Says Javier).

"I get a bad feeling from him and I don't trust him" (Says Arthur).

"I'll keep an eye on him." (Says Javier).

"Thanks, don't tell Dutch or anyone yet not until were sure will you have my back if things go bad" (Says Arthur).

"I will brother" (Says Javier).

"Thanks, I owe you man" (Says Arthur).

"No problem now let's find Marston" (Says Javier).

To Be Continued....