
Reincarnated In Red Dead Redemption 2 First world Road to Immortality

Hello everyone Author here this is my first time doing anything like this ill probably leave out small details and sometimes things might not make sense if so comment it below so i can fix it Arthur isnt Evil or good hes just neutral willing to kill or save anyone as long as their is profit i dont know how to put who the editor is so im Putting it here i want to thank the editor and give him the credit he deserves i thank you angel i couldn't do this without you i hope you guys can leave some comments down bellow and rate us so we know how much you guys like this and keep going we are gonna try to see how many we will do a week I do not own red dead redemption or any of its characters hello everyone sorry for not adding anymore chapters this week my editor is a genius and has all advanced classes so were trying to make a schedule

Pedro_Orta · Video Games
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11 Chs

Chapter 6 Finding Marston Part 2

(As we arrive at the start of a road leading up the mountain Infront of us we see a dead horse).

"Damn must be wolves." (I tell him).

"You think he's alive" (asks Javier).

"Nothing can kill that cockroach" (I say with a smirk).

"alright give me a second."

(I Say as I grab my tifle and shoot into the sky).


(A few seconds later we hear a shot and yell on the otherside of the mountain).

"Alright he's here let's get off." (I say as i get off my horse and Javier does the same).

(we get off our horses and go down the mountain side).

"Hey Arthur, how'd you know he'd be here." (Asks Javier).

"I saw some tracks here yesterday when I was looking around." (I explain).

"I was going to wait for him to come back until Abigail begged me to good thing to or else I wouldn't have come and he'd be dead."

(We get to Marston after a while of going up and down the side of the mountain).

"Marston is it me or do you look uglier." (I ask him with a playful smirk)

"Hahaha probably, come help me out of here already." (he tells me).

(I go up to him, pick him up and throw him on my shoulder).

(We go to the horses, I put him on Javier's horse as fast as possible to avoid the wolves).

"Alright boys let's get out of here as fast of possible." (Says Marston).

(I get on my horse and we start heading to camp until we hear a howl).


(I get off my horse with my rifle).

"I don't have much stamina left for Dead Eye so this will be a test to see how good i am without it and to make sure i dont rely on it all the time ."

"I see three wolves rushing at me."

(I shoot all three in the head they fall down to the snow "bloods gushing out of their heads.")

(I go to them with my knife).

"You think we got time for that." (AsksJavier).

"If more show up shoot them Javier the woman need something to keep them warm plus I want to get something for little jack."


"Quest" (make jack a wolf souvenir).

(Rewards 15 Exp and Abigail's and jacks appreciation accept)

(Yes). (No).

(Yes), I say in my head as I finish skinning the first wolf, I do the same to the other two as fast as possible no more wolves have shown up yet probably hunting I think.

(We head to camp after im done and we go through the river to get rid of our scent).

"So, Marston how are you holding up?" (I ask).

"How do I look?" (Asks Marston).

"like a pile of shit smell like one two but that was before as well ".

"ha-ha real funny Arthur." (Marston says sarcastically).

"Oh, relax I'm just messing with you." (I tell him while laughing).

(After a few minutes of me and Javier messing with Marston and his face we arrived at camp).

"Abigail I found your idiot." (I yell out).

(Abigail comes running out of a cabin when she sees John she's distraught).

"Oh, My Goodness what in the world happened to him?" (Says Abigail).

"Wolves got to him he's lucky to be alive" (Says Javier).

"Arthur get him inside hurry." (Abigail tells me).

(I get off my horse and put Marston over my shoulder again when I go inside I look to the left theirs a bed being prepared by Abigail, so I walked over and laid him down).

"Thank you Arthur." (Says Abigail).

"It's alright so how's my bear blanket coming." (i ask).

"Oh, it's done I added some stuffing to make it stay warm and cozy made it so you can use it as a coat.

"Well thank you

you are a godsend Abigail."


"Quest completed bring back John alive."

(20 Exp + Abigail's appreciation).

(Get her appreciation high enough and she'll do anything, also works with anyone else in camp or outside).

"Damn this will be useful."

"Well take me to it I want to see the masterpiece you ladies have made."

"Oh, Arthur Mary was right your becoming a smooth talker."

(She says as she goes to walk into another room.

"Abigail I know nothing of the sort."

(I say as I follow her inside leaving Marston and the angry look hes giving me).

(When were inside I see a large blanket filled with cotton and wool).

"Wow it looks great." (i tell her feeling the softness of it).

"Yea we filled it with the cotton from the pillows and beds we found here since we didn't need all of it since their were some spares, it should keep you very warm and you can wear it around you when you ride your horse." (She tells me with a proud face).

"Incredible now this is great thanks Abigail" (I say as i grab her hand and kissing it ).

"Oh, it's no problem I should be thanking you if you hadn't gone to find him he'd probably be dead." (She tells me a little flustered).

"I doubt it the mans a cockroach he can survive anything." (Says Arthur).

"Oh, Arthur that isn't nice" (she Says Jokingly).

"It's a compliment who do you know that can survive frostbite starvation and a wolf attack all by themselves no one but Marston." (I tell her).

"I guess your right Arthur."

"Always am, welp I'm going to take my coat/blanket and get out of your hair, please keep him alive I'll come back Tomorrow with a few things." (I tell her).

"Ok Arthur be safe." (Says Abigail).

"Oh, common Abigail it's me were talking about not even god himself can take me down." (I say with a stoick face with some cockiness).

"Don't jinx yourself." (She says ).

"I'll try I say as I put on my bear coat and walk out." (I reply).