
Reincarnated in Marvel Universe as a Stark

A man reincarnated as Tony Stark's brother, "How can I survive all of the events without my overly protective brother Tony knowing?" Hi to everyone, this is my first time writing anything. I just wanted to try and write a story as I was inspired from all the fan-fictions I've read here. I hope you can enjoy your time reading this also all comments and suggestion are appreciated to help improve this novel. Thanks again

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Time Skip (1)

A few years had passed since Tony took me in. Though it was really nice living with a rich older brother, the first year was dreadful. When Tony took me home he immediately made dozens of calls then the next morning there was over a dozens of maids going around the house, the security also increase by three-folds. All I can think was 'How can Tony find all these people? Each of them looked like a supermodel or something'.

Then the maids one by one was tasked of feeding me, breast-feeding to be exact, though I was drinking breast milk in the past few days they were all on a bottle and a bit cold since they needed to be refrigerated. Tony insisted on the maids that I drink directly from them since its more "natural" to do so. I was surprised that most of them are lactating. Of course for me that was really embarrassing so I tried to avoid it by throwing tantrums when they tried.

Tony became annoyed I think he thought that something was wrong with the maids and fired all of them and hired another batch of maids, which is no less than the first ones (they were still all beautiful). Of course I still didn't drink from them. In turn Tony became desperate and called out Jarvis. After a while an old butler came into the room.

He bowed and said "Yes Mr. Stark?"

"Put a job advertisement everywhere you can. Find girls that fit my criteria, Daniel still isn't drinking directly from the ones we hired already, and bring Happy Hogan with you try to teach him the ropes. I think he could be trusted."

"Certainly Mr. Stark"

As I saw the old butler getting out of the room Tony brought me to my room and chased every one out. He laid me to my bed then stared at me for a very long time. He had that weird look on his face like he doesn't know what to do. He always looks around the room like trying to look for something, after a while he left the room then the maids went back in. It made me think that he still doesn't know how to act around me.

A few days passed since then I was brought to a room with dozens of women inside. I look around and thought 'Where does he get all these beautiful people from? He's not doing anything illegal now is he?' As the people inside are talking, Tony entered the room and said "Okay ladies focus, you all know what you will be doing here today right? The first who can make breast-feed him will be hired." After he spoke, he quickly left the room. After Tony went out the girls started talking and joking around each other.

One of the girls said to the one next to her "Come on girl why don't you try first" it was a blonde girl with long hair and massive breast.

"Why don't you do it? I bet there's a lot of milk stuck in those ginormous titties of yours" said by a brunette while chuckling in a corner.

Some also started gossiping. "Is that Mr. Stark's son?"

"No, I heard the maids outside said that's his brother"

"There wasn't any news before of him having a brother right? And I think his parents are too old to have another son this age"

"Maybe Mr. Stark is just trying to hide it? Him not having a wife and all that must be it."

After a while one of the women suddenly said "We shouldn't make this too long. My kids are waiting for me at home so I'll go first since none of you girls are willing to try first." With that declaration silence fell, none of the other girls were talking. The atmosphere turned cold. As the woman got closer someone shouted. "Why do you get to go first?" "Yeah" Chimed by the others. I can see that as they say something some of the girls crept closer. Then when one of the women got too close the others quickly run to her and pulled her aside. What happened next can only be describe by the phrase "All hell broke loose".

It was the first time that I was terrified by women trying to get closer to me. Every time that someone got too close another pulls her hair, got pushed aside, and got pulled back to hard they went face first on the floor. I was truly terrified as I tried to cry hard but none of them seems to hear me. I thought that 'Please someone just get me out of this hell, I'll be good now. I won't be picky anymore. I'll drink whatever you want me to' Then all of a sudden as if someone hearing my call.

One of the women shouted "Don't you girls have any dignity left? You're doing all of this just for this job? I know everyone here wants to be hired by Mr. Stark, but is what you're doing worth it? You can even get charge by assault because on how you acted. Don't you think that Mr. Stark hasn't tried to get someone to do it already? You think it's that easy to be picked? Why don't you all tried to go at it one by one instead of acting like uncivilized people" After she finished speaking she walked to me slowly. None of the other girls tried to stop her. When she picked me up I noticed her brown hair tied up, she has a serious looking face but that doesn't diminish her beauty one bit. She rocked me a bit then said "There it's all quiet now little fella, I bet you're hungry. Why don't you try drinking milk?" as she unbuttoned her shirt I thought 'It must be her, I think that even Tony can't do anything to me when I'm with her.' Then I heard a voice of a man saying "You're welcome kiddo" I was startled when I tried to look where the voice came from the woman brought her breast near my mouth. I was still hesitating a bit when a drop came into my mouth and it tasted sweet, it tasted better than when I drank from a bottle. I then lost my self and drank milk from her. As I was drinking from her a felt a bit of pain coursing through my body but it suddenly disappeared so I ignored it.

I didn't notice her leaving the room and when I finished drinking we were already in Tony's study.

"Finally someone manage to feed him. Thanks, now here's the contract. You need to stay here for at the very least two years. You can bring your family here too and they'll have the same treatment as you. I'll reserve a room for your use. All you need to do is feed him. By the way what's your name again?"

"I'm Jennifer Walters. Thank you for the generosity Mr. Stark"

"Please just call me Tony after all will be seeing each other for quite a while"

"Ok Tony then. I need to get back home to get my stuff from my apartment. Oh and I'm the only one moving so you don't need to get me an extra room. I can stay with this little fella so I can feed him anytime."

"Okay, I'll let Jarvis assist you. Please come back as soon as possible. I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Got it Tony, don't worry I'll be back soon"

Before she got out of the room she handed me to Tony and went out. After a while Tony called the security and asked them to kick the other women out. As it turns out he saw everything that was happening in the room and only been keeping his temper. He turns to me while having a huge frown on his face and said "If you got hurt all of them would be in jail right now."


Jennifer Walters, she was a very unlucky woman. She got into a fight with her husband because of some nonsense. As they were fighting her husband hit her resulting with her having a miscarriage. Devastated by the accident, she left her home for a while then one of her cousin visited her and when she went to buy groceries that day she got mugged and even got stabbed. Her cousin had to do a blood transfusion so she can be saved. Since that day there was a weird faint voice she constantly hears in her head. At first she thought she became crazy but after an accident she discovered that something change within her.

She saw something unpleasant happening in an alley, a couple of men were trying to mug a woman and when she gave her bag to them. Some of the men tried to force themselves on the girl. When Jennifer saw them she became enraged. She felt her muscles expanding at a visible rate, her skin color changed to green and she momentarily lost control of herself. When she came to she saw a horrible scene before her. Most of the men that tried to attack the woman were all on the ground some had terrible injuries, while others flew quite far from the alley. The woman look terrified as she witness the green monster bashed the men to the ground. When Jennifer noticed that the woman was terrified, she tried to explain her self but it only made the matters worse. When she got closer to her the woman fainted.

She then carried the woman to safety and fled from the place as far away as possible. Still confused she ran as far as she could. When she calmed down, she noticed her body returning to her normal color, her muscles were turning to their normal size. After a while she returned normal all though her clothes were torn apart by the sudden transformation. She was embarrassed seeing herself almost naked in the middle of nowhere. While Jennifer was thinking what she should do, she heard the voice in her head again and noticed that it was clearer than before. "Hey" "I know you can hear me" "Answer me" said the voice. "Who are you? How are you talking in my head?" Jennifer replied as she panics a little. "I am inside you" She concluded that it was her "other" form that was talking to her which made her panic.

After they talk for a while she figured that the "other" her meant no harm. Few days have passed since the event, they both gained understanding about each other. She saw a job advertisement looking for a female who can breast feed a baby. The job was posted by Anthony Stark. She remembered that she saw him in a few magazines as one of the globally known genius and the heir to Stark Industries. Out of a sudden her "other" self told her to try for the job. When she asked why all that she said was someone told her. Jennifer was confused but nonetheless applied for the job. She passed the interview with the old man that was known as the butler of the Starks.

When Jennifer got to the mansion where the baby was she was stunned by number of women trying to get the job. When they got to the room she noticed the baby looking around, he looked calm while observing everyone in the room. Jennifer thought it was weird but suddenly Anthony Stark came in and explained what was going to happen.

"Okay ladies focus, you all know what you will be doing here today right? The first who can make breast-feed him will be hired." Said by Tony

After Tony left the room, Jennifer felt confused as to why the need of this kind of recruitment while the others started talking to each other some joking around and some even gossip. Then someone declared that she would try first. The atmosphere turned cold and the other girls started protesting that why should that girl be the first to try. They all crept closer to the baby and when someone got to close, fights started happening. Whoever got to close would be pulled or pushed aside some even got pulled in the hair. Though Jennifer understood that some were desperate, she thought it was unnecessary to act like barbarians. Then suddenly she heard the cry of the baby. It wasn't weird, with all the chaos happening around, the baby would tend to be scared. But none of the other candidates noticed his cries. Jennifer lost her temper and began to shout. "Don't you girls have any dignity left? You're doing all of this just for this job? I know everyone here wants to be hired by Mr. Stark, but is what you're doing worth it? You can even get charge by assault because on how you acted. Don't you think that Mr. Stark hasn't tried to get someone to do it already? You think it's that easy to be picked? Why don't you all tried to go at it one by one instead of acting like uncivilized people". After that none of the candidates said anything as I lifted him. "There it's all quiet now little fella, I bet you're hungry. Why don't you try drinking milk?" Jennifer slowly unbuttoned her shirt and placed her breast near his mouth she suddenly remembered about her "other" self and got scared that something might happen to him if he drank her milk. Looking concerned as she look at the baby sucking on her. She breathes a sigh of relief that nothing bad happened.

Not caring about anyone around, she dashed out of the room and was assisted to Tony's study. After she read the contract, she realized why the other women were desperate to get the job. You get $10,000 dollars salary per month, you get to eat good food, stay in this amazing mansion, you can even bring your family with you, and all you need to do is feed the baby. It was an amazing job that everyone would fight for. Jennifer told Tony that she needs to get her stuff first before she move in. As she got out she thought to herself 'Hope nothing happens to the baby even if she drinks from me'

I might not be able to post a chapter tomorrow. I took double shift at my part time job

The story will kickoff at the start of the iron man 1 timeline so please bear with me for a while

I will just use the movies as reference but I won't follow it that much

if you want to help me get out of this hell hole (part time job) you can help here!

https://www.pat reon.com/RndmDude

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