
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP

Reincarnated in Marvel fanfiction In a universe that is as dangerous as it can get with powerful people such as Gods and Immortals walking amongst the people. Read as a Guy from Earth is reincarnated here. I own nothing. I only wrote this because I am bored and wanted to try creating a fanfic. Such is life, watch anime ==> read manga ==> read light novels ==> read fanfictions ==> create a fanfic.

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19 Chs

The Beginning

I wrote about 3000+ words already and it is not finished yet so I decided to cut it because it has already been a long time since I last uploaded anything.


"The unknown can be scary, but you know what's scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing."


William's POV

It is now August, a few weeks has passed since the Sandman incident. Gwen graduated and is now an intern at Oscorp. She has been busy ever since with learning new things, helping at the lab, the general genius stuff. We still see each other from time to time but not as frequent as we were when at school. I thought that with the summer vacation we would have more time for each other like I maybe going on dates or the pool sounds nice.

Half of the summer vacation is gone and we only went on dates in three occasions. She's been busy adjusting with her new internship and it is hard to find time but... whenever I see her radiant smile or how happy she was about learning new things I just couldn't find myself to ask for more time together. She wants to use whatever she learned there to help better the lives of the people.

But is it so wrong of me to want to spend more time with her? She is my first girlfriend in both my lives...

I'm not doing that much this summer vacation and I mostly spend my time at home or with Dad at the boxing gym and shooting range. It's fun but it gets dull sometimes.

Today is Sunday so me and my parents are in church as usual. I can count on my fingers the only times we miss church, it's like a routine and a family bonding for us. My parents are devoted Catholics meanwhile I am a believer of Stan Lee. Who else am I supposed to worship here in Marvel Universe?

After a while the mass is finally over and its time to go home. As we stepped out of the church It is already dark and to top it of its raining.

Mom places her hand into the rain and said, "It's raining quite heavily..." Then she looks at Dad and asks, "Where's the Umbrella Leo?"


"The umbrella? The one I gave to you before leaving the house, remember?"

"Oh... I think I left it in the car."

Mom sighed, "We are going to get soaked."

"Don't worry here." He said while taking off his suit and putting it over at Mom's head. "It will be just like old times."

Mom blushed but didn't say anything. Then Dad gave me his fedora hat. "Wear this. The car is nearby and we can just run."

Then we run under the rain and into the parking lot. Mom and Dad are ahead of me and I can see them flirting like a highschool couple.

"Are you guys sure this is the right direction?" I asked while looking around the parking lot. There is a lot of cars and it is hard to see because of the rain.

They stopped and Dad looked around, "Wait, let me get my keys... I'm sure I parked here somewhere."

Mom then suddenly ran ahead. "Where are you going Elise, I'm getting soaked!"

But she didn't stop and then she started humming. Then out of nowhere someone grabbed her and aimed a gun in her head.

"Don't move!"

I was frozen... It was like I was watching a movie. I watched on as Mom snapped out of a trance and started struggling. I watched as she get hit in the head. I watched on as Dad talked to him while slowly moving a hand behind his back. I watched as he aimed the gun at Dad then...


The sound of the gun shot immediately pulled me out of my trance.

"DAD!" I screamed and ran towards Dad. I caught him before he hit the ground. He is bleeding a lot causing his white long sleeve to turn red.

'Shit! Shit! Shit!!! What is happening?!'

"AAHH...! You bitch!"

I looked over and saw Mom fighting back.

'... It's his fault! This shit is happening because of him!'

He quickly overpowered Mom and hit her in with his gun. Then just as he was about to aim the gun to her I punched him in the face.

He took a step back and held his face. That is when I rushed at him again and tried taking his gun. 'If he doesn't have his gun then he is no threat... I am practicing boxing I'm sure I can beat him up!'

"You fuckers! Why! Won't! You! Just! Die!" He shouted while firing his gun repeatedly.


I made sure that the gun is aimed at the sky and away from me. But one of the bullets grazed me on my shoulders, I immediately felt it getting numb.


He quickly managed to overpower me because of my wound. Then he aimed the gun at me but just as he was about to shoot...


A gun shot was heard but it didn't came from his gun.


"Shit shit shit!" He panicked then ran. I tried following him but just as I took a step I felt a splash at my foot. I looked down and I saw that the water is red... Then I saw from a corner of my eye the police officer running after that guy but I couldn't careless about it at the moment.

I immediately checked my parents, Mom is breathing and just unconscious. Then I went to Dad and breath a sigh of relief when I checked that he is also still breathing but he is losing a lot of blood. I lifted him to the side to see if the bullet went through, it did but that isn't the only thing I saw... tucked in his pants is a gun.

'Why is he carrying a gun? No, more importantly why didn't he use it?!'

Before I could think more about it I noticed that Dad's wound is bleeding heavier. So I grabbed the gun and hid it in my pants. Then I administered first aid to him and tried to stop the bleeding but it is hard. I can barely feel my left arm and I don't know why if it is a blood loss or anything. Good thing that the police came back and helped me, unfortunately he came back alone.

After a while the ambulance came and we went to the nearest hospital.


Once we were at the Hospital Mom and Dad were immediately brought into the ER. Meanwhile a doctor stitched the wound at my shoulder, good thing that it was just a graze.

It turns out that the shooter used bullets laced with some sort of neurotoxic poison, Dad bled out most of it but it is still in his blood system. The doctors are figuring out the antidote for it but if it isn't purge out of system soon he might die in a few days or hours.

As for Mom she got a few stitches in her head, unfortunately she was still unconscious. She was scheduled to get an MRA scan tomorrow to see if there was negative after effects.

The police also came and asked me some questions but I didn't even know what to say to them. I just told them what happened from the start to finish. And happened so abruptly... I couldn't even do anything. I was so useless just standing there doing nothing.

Currently I am in the hospital rest room just staring blankly at my reflection. My clothes are bloody, my left arm is in a sling and miraculously I am still wearing Dad's hat. A few hours has passed since the incident but the scenes kept repeating on my head over and over again.

I never felt so powerless and so weak.

Then that is when I felt it, something that lay dormant inside me is activating...

Is this my mutant power?

I look around the empty rest room and went to the last cubicle. After I locked I stood there waiting anxiously on what my power is.

My body glowed like a light bulb and it kept getting brighter and brighter.

'I hope it's not something strong or dangerous, it's better if it is some sort of healing one.'

It seems ridiculous for me to wish for a weak power especially with how dangerous this world, no, universe is but... If I got a strong power sooner or later someone will knock on our door and probably kidnap me. It can be the X-men, Magneto, Shield or some hidden organization that I don't know about.

It is stupid... just a few hours ago I felt so powerless and now that I am getting a power I want a weak one.

I laughed mockingly at myself.

How long will it take for my power to manifest? I can feel it... swirling and moving inside me. Then I sat down at the toilet, my body feels weak. After a while some sort of gem is forming and floating in front of me.

The glow of my body stopped and the floating gem almost got smashed to the ground before I caught it. I looked at it with a confused expression. 'Is this it?'

It is a blue colored gem, it is the size of my palm and it doesn't even have a proper shape like an uncut gem.

'What is it?' As soon as I thought that information suddenly came out of nowhere and into my brain.

|Tetsuya Kuroko (GENDER: Male AGE: 16) is the main protagonist of the manga, Kuroko no Basuke. He was the Phantom Sixth Player of the Generation of Miracles at Teikō Junior High who specialises in misdirection and passes.|

'A summoning power? The fuck is this? What am I supposed to do with this power? Am I going to summon anime characters and have them fight for me?'

I held the gem in my hands and looked at. I can feel that with just a thought I can summon Kuroko right here, right now. But what am I supposed to do after that Kuroko isn't even that useful what is he even going to do? Plus what about his Identity in this world and the language barrier between us.

I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, I felt tired not just from what happened a few hours ago but also when I summoned this gem.

I carefully studied the gem inch by inch and even knocked it on the floor a few times just to see how tough it is.

Then I felt as I held on the gem, it isn't like an information came from my brain like before. This time it felt like an instinct or sixth sense. I can absorb this gem...

I don't know what will happen when I absorb it but its better that summoning him or just leaving it alone.

So I absorbed it. The gem broke and it turned into lights that floated around. Then the light moved and went into my body.

I almost fell down on the floor because of the intense pain. Information, memories, feelings and more came one by one into me until I couldn't take it anymore and yelled. "Stop! Stop! It hurts!"

The pain stopped and I was left on the floor gasping for air. Unfamiliar memories floating inside my brain but I can feel that it isn't even finished yet. Like a downloading file stuck at about 20%.

'What was that?' Before I could think more about it a knock interrupted me.

"Excuse me?! You alright in there? Do you need help?"

"N-no it's fine..."

"You sure? Should I call a nurse?"

"I'm good... thanks for the concern."

Then after saying a few more words he left. After a while I stood up and went to where my parents are in.

As I walked the hallway I noticed something changed. I can feel where the gazes of the people around me, where they are looking, the best way to avoid their sight and more. I feels like something I've been doing for years now but at the same time it isn't, Its such a bizarre feeling.

There are also a lot of unfamiliar memories in my brain...

'I'll deal with this shit later right now I'm more worried about my parents.'

I walked in the room both of them sleeping with various wires, tubes and other devices connected to them. A nurse is currently checking everything to make sure they are fine.

I sat down and felt the gun pressing against my abdomen hidden beneath my clothes. Then I looked at Dad still unconscious. I'm concerned about the poison in his body and the nurses and doctors are doing the best they can. At the same time I couldn't help but think on the reason why we were targeted.

Is it because of Dad? Anyone with a brain can figure it out that we were targeted. It's best if we move away from here if that is the case...

New York has always been the center of the MCU. I knew it we shouldn't have lived here.

Sorry for not uploading for a long time haha (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I was busy with some group projects and activities. Then finals were coming so I need to prepare. I'm writing whenever I have some free time.

Anyway while I am writing this chapter I realized how stupid the shooting scene is. It should have been a drive by, five seconds tops, no witnesses. I thought about changing it but I already wrote it so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

I also thought about changing the cheat but I can't settle on one power.

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