

I was supposed to post this yesterday but I couldn't finish it last night haha


"There are two kinds of people in the world – first those who run away from danger, then there are those who run towards danger, to see if someone needs help."


William's POV

A few months has passed and my life eventually returned to normal except for the fact that I have to go with Dad to the boxing gym every other day and shooting range once a week.

Then every once in a while I hangout with Peter we even played D&D. I don't know shit about it because I didn't play it even in my past life but Gwen seemed to enjoy it. It was mostly us three but sometimes Harry joins, It was fun. I wanted to invite Flash and the others but well... they declined.

Jessica Campbell or as she was named now Jessica Jones also returned to school. When I tried to talk to her she just said that I should shove my pity up into my ass. Which was quite shocking actually, she turned from that shy but brave girl asking me to the dance into well... an emo. I couldn't blame her for it her whole family just died. If I didn't know any better that is a super hero origin story right there or a villain origin, it could go either way.

Spiderman also debuted which I am extremely glad. I mean don't get me wrong I don't want a 15 year old kid going around New York and putting himself in danger but... without him a lot of people could get hurt. Sure there is also other heroes around like the Fantastic Four but they are above street level. There is also Daredevil but he has some sort of turf that he is protecting.

Spiderman is your friendly neighborhood hero. Someone that would even help an old lady cross the street.

It is now the end of June only a few days before graduation. Gwen is going to graduate highschool and start her internship after. Currently classes are in session so here I am just staring at the front with a bored expression and that is when it happened.

The whole building started shaking and a loud shout vibrated across the hall.

"I... IVE... ME... DEP...MA!"

The shout was barely understandable but I immediately knew that something was wrong so I stood up and ran out of the classroom with my classmates following behind me. I need to get to Gwen... she could be in danger.


Peter Parker's POV

This past few months I decided to use my power for good. I created a device that shoot webs that is attached to my wrists. I named them web-shooters (a very appropriate name, I know) After all what kind of spider doesn't shoot webs?


It was going ok for a few weeks until one night. I was out at night trying to stop any crimes I see so that people won't get hurt. Then on my way home in a dark alley I saw someone getting rob. I didn't even hesitated and swung from above and kicked him away from the lady.

He crashed a couple of meters into the trash. "Oooff, that's gotta hurt." Then I turned to the lady looking at me and tried to reassured her. "You ok ma'am?"

"Ahhh!" She screams while running away.

"...Rude. Is it because of the mask? Do I really look that intimidating?"

Then the thief stood up with a groan and aimed a knife at me.

"Is that a knife?!"

"Yes, Its a knife! You better let me go if you don't want to get hurt freak!"

"Oh no! A knife, my only weakness! How reckless of me!"

He didn't even get to talk before I shoot a web at his hand sticking him to the wall then another making sure he won't get out.

"Heh so easy. I better call the cops or you'll be there all night."

After that I swung away towards home. That is a job well done if I don't say so myself. I changed clothes and put it in my backpack and went home.

As soon as I opened the door I noticed that the lights are on so I am immediately on alert. There should be no one at home because Aunt May is still in the Hospital and Uncle Ben should still be with her.

"Where were you Peter?"

It was Uncle Ben sitting on the couch. I breathe a sigh of relief I thought there was a robber for a second.

"Oh...Hi Uncle Ben. I thought you were at the hospital."

"Oh I was but imagine my shock when I went home and noticed you weren't here. It is the middle of the night for christ sake what were you doing out there."

"Oh... I was just finishing a project at a frien-"

"Don't lie to me. What do you think you're doing? Your Aunt is still in the hospital and you're fooling around?"

Something about in what Uncle Ben said made me tell him the truth. I didn't want to tell him anything because he is going to worry. But what I was doing is something helpful, something I can only do with my power. So I told him everything on how I became a masked vigilante fighting to keep the people safe. On how I have the power and I want to use it to help people. I expected him to yell at me or forbid me for doing it but he just stayed silent.

After a few minutes of silence he sighed and finally said something. "You're just like your father. I couldn't say I blame you... I would have done the same if I was in your shoes. The streets of New York aren't what it used to be. It is becoming more and more dangerous for the people, just look at what happened to your Aunt. I just want you to promise me something."

"Yes, anything."

"Be careful out there... and I want you home before 2am got it? I also don't want you to forget about school and If you need anything just talk to me okay?"


That is how I got my permission to beat up people every night. Wait, now that I think about it that sounds wrong...

Another piece of good news is Aunt May woke up. She stayed for a while in the Hospital but she is eventually fit enough to come home. Unfortunately the bill to the hospital is ridiculous even with Harry's help it still isn't enough ugh... How I hate the US health care system.

Aunt May is still isn't fit to work and Uncle Ben and I decided to let her stay at home. I tried to look for some jobs but it is hard to find one if you are a 15 year old highschool student. Sure I can work at a fast food or retail but the pay is minimum and the hours are long.

I tried selling the web fluid that I created but they said they didn't want a glue that will dissolve in a few hours. I tried explaining it to them but they just said to comeback with a better product than a failed science project.

So with no choice I took a pizza delivery job. The pay is ok but the best thing is how fast I can deliver the pizza. Sure it might or might not have been shook a few times but it is still edible.

This past few months I was stopping robberies, assault and more. I am also getting recognition for the stuff that I am doing. It might not be at the level of the Fantastic Four but you don't see them helping people at the streets.

The first fight I had against someone with powers... it didn't turn out so well.

It was a weekend and as I was delivering some pizza by swinging through New York I spotted someone robbing the bank, so I left the boxes of pizza at a random rooftop and went there. He was wearing a black ski mask and is alone, he just got out with a bag full of cash when I swung from above and kicked him. He flew back for a couple of meters and I took the bag of money from him.

"I'll be taking that!"

He stood up and yelled at me. "That's mine! Hands off freak!"

"Can I see your receipt?"

"Take this!" He yelled then his hand turned into sand and he punched me. I dodge but he managed to take the money from me.

"Really?! Sand! You know how hard to clean this suit?" I said while shooting webs at his feet trying to stick him to the ground. Then I went for a punch in the stomach but my hand just went through it.

I looked up to see him smiling smugly at me, "Sorry for penetrating you so hard... No homo."

He didn't like what I said because he lost his smile and turned both his hands into sand and combined them to make a big ass hammer. I tried to pull out of him but I'm stuck so with no way to dodge I was struck by him in the back.

"Ugh... that hurts..." I said while on my knees. He was about to attack again but then we both heard the police siren. He grabbed the bag of money then ran with it. He escaped through the sewers by opening a man hole.

I stood up still hurt and pointed to the police the manhole he escaped to. "...He ran that-"

I didn't get to finish what I was saying because the police pointed their guns at me. "Freeze!"

"Oh you gotta be kidding me... I basically did your job for you... sure he might've gotten away but-"


"Woah!" Did they really try to shoot me?

"Hands in the air!"

I raised my hands up then said,"Ok! Ok! My hands in the air see?" Then I activated my web-shooters and swung away.

This is got to be the worse day ever. I got sand in places that shouldn't have sand, the police tried to shoot me and I let that thief get away.

"Oh shoot the pizza!"

As I said worse day ever.


Back to the present just a few days after the bank robbery incident I am sitting in the classroom thinking where could he have the thief go. I have been trying to search for him since that day, I even went to the sewers but I only found the bag of money scattered around a raised platform. I was tempted to just take the money for myself but I collected it and returned it to the bank.

Then out of nowhere my spider-senses started tingling, I was immediately put on alert while I looked around. After that the building started shaking and a loud shout was heard.

"...GIVE ...E ...LOMA!"

'Something is wrong... I need to get there immediately.'

Will suddenly stood up and ran out of the classroom after that the other students followed him. There was chaos everywhere with people pushing just to get ahead.

I sneaked out under all the chaos and searched for a place to change suit.


William 'Flint Marko' Baker POV

It happened on the night me and a buddy of mine escaped from prison. I ran and ran without looking back, I climbed some fences but then I suddenly fell into a hole full of sand. The sand started moving until I was buried under it, I thought I was going to die but I woke up the next day with my body turned into sand.

I couldn't believe my eyes I just became one of those freaks... But I was impressed, with this power I am untouchable. So I used my power to steal a bank. Some freak tried to stop me but I am invincible. Who the hell can hurt sand?

I won but the cops came so I ran. Then I went back home to where my family is.


"I'm home!"

The door opened and the most precious person greeted me.

"Daddy!" ...my daughter.

She jumped and hugged me tightly, I held her on my arms and spun her around. She laughs and just hearing her laugh makes everything that I'm doing worth it.

"Who is it sweetie-" My wife saw me and I smiled and handed her the bag full of cash.

"We're rich now! We don't have to worry about money anymore. We could afford little Kima's chemotherapy. " I said but she didn't even took a glance at the bag that I'm holding and instead took my daughter from my arms.

"What are you doing here?! I thought you would be in jail? Did you escape?"

"Huh? Of course! You said in a letter that Keemia is sick so-" I didn't get to finish what I was saying because some guy walked out of the house.

"What's going on here? Who are you?" He said while putting an arm around my wife's waist and pulling her closer.

"No! Who the hell are you?! Who is this Alva?"

"...This is John my new boyfriend." She said without even looking at me.

"What?! We were married! Then are you just going to replace me with this guy?"

"You don't understand... It has been tough for me as well but I was alone and Keemia needs a father figure. I met him at the hospital he is a doctor so he can help as well in-"

"Who the fuck care if he is a doctor?! You don't need to be with that guy anymore, I'm here look I even have the money for you and little Kima." I said while showing her the bag full of money.

"Stop it William or Flint or whatever the hell your name is now! I don't need that kind of dirty money! Now get out of here or I'm calling the cops!"

Feeling betrayed I took the money and went away.


I hid in the sewers for the past few days. That is when I realized that I didn't need to eat, drink or sleep. More like I couldn't eat anymore... the food I eat or drink only passes through my body.

Did I turn into some sort of monster?

My wife's words kept repeating on my mind... so what if I ain't a graduate? Times are tough back then I had to do what I got to do.

I looked at the bag of money at my feet and kicked it.

"Ugh!! I have money and power but I am still here hiding like some rat!"

Fine... I'm going to use my power to get a deploma and prove that I ain't just some crook.

So I went out of the sewers and walked back to my old school, Midtown High.

Once I was there I went in the gate and I didn't even took a glance at the guard before wrapping him up with sand. I walked in and went straight to the Principal's office. The way there is as familiar as the past, some changes may have been made but it is still the same.

In the office sat the Principal he looked at me with confusion as I closed the door behind me.

"Hello? How can I help you?"

"Give me a deploma."

"What? I'm sorry are you talking about a diploma? I can't just give it to you... Are you by any chance wanting to take the GED test?"

I didn't say anything and just looked at him with a confused expression. Then he started talking gibberish again, what is so hard to understand about my request? I only want him to give me a deploma not this bullshit about a test. My confusion turned into anger so I turned my arm into sand and smashed it into the wall.


He looked scared and didn't say anything. Then from outside I can hear the students panicking but I couldn't careless about them. I grabbed the Principal and held him in one hand.

"What is so hard to understand in my request? It is just a piece of paper why won't you give it to me?!"

Then he was taken from my hand by the same freak who tried to stop me before.

"You again!"


Peter Parker's POV

After changing into my costume I went to the source of it all, to the Principal's office. Once there I saw the same sand guy that stole from the bank holding the Principal. I quickly shoot some webs to the Principal and took him.

"You again!"

I put the Principal to the ground and pushed him out of the destroyed wall. "Quickly get out of here!"

The sandman (hmmm... that's a good name, from now on he is called Sandman. I should probably trademark that name how do I do that?) transformed his arm into a big hammer and swung it at me. I dodged and he hit the ground instead causing cracks to appear and the building to shake again.

I kept on dodging until I realized that we were at the hallway. The students looked at us in awe, fear and other emotions.

"Get out of here run!"

Because of a moment of distraction I was too late to dodge a blow from him. I flew a few meters and crashed into the lockers. Then he is onto me again ready to squash me but I managed to dodge even if I was a little dizzy.

"Classes are still in session so can I see your hall pass?" I joked while trying to get my bearings back.

He isn't even looking at me anymore he is just destroying the walls, floor and ceiling like some sort of drunk guy. Then I noticed that his body is getting larger and larger...

"Oh no... He is using the stones and turning it to sand to make himself bigger! I need to find a way to stop him fast or else the building is going to collapse!"

First I need to take him somewhere with more space. He has the advantage in close quarters.


William's POV

As soon as I was out of the room I rushed to Gwen's classroom but the hallway is packed with students trying to escape.

I finally saw Gwen by the stairs trying to help the students evacuate. "Quickly! Everybody out, this way!"

I grabbed her hand and pulled her away from there because Spiderman and Sandman's fight is coming closer and closer.

"Will?! What are you doing we need to make sure that everyone is out!"

"What am I doing?! I am taking you out of here! The whole building is shaking because of the fight It might collapse any second!"

To prove my point a piece of the ceiling fell off just a few meters away from us. What the hell is this building made out of sand? Why the hell is it collapsing so easily.

"Help!! I'm stuck!" Some one shouted in one of the classroom but I couldn't careless and kept running but then Gwen shook off my arm.

"We need to help! And if you don't want to I'm going alone!" She said while running towards the danger.

'Fuck..! Why are you trying to be a hero? Spiderman is already here I'm sure he will help them.' I thought to myself but I still followed after her.

We went inside the classroom and in there a student has his foot stuck under some rubble. Gwen took a piece of metal and stuck it under the rock trying to lift it but she isn't strong enough.

"Let me! Just pull him out as soon as it is up!" I said and used all of my body weight to lift the rock and Gwen pulled him out.

We both took an arm each and supported him out of the classroom. 'I guess this is ok because now we will be out of here.' I thought but Gwen lets go of the other arm and said, "Go on! I'll look around to see of there is still someone that needs help!" Then run away again.

"Shit..!" The student we just save just looks at me in panic and said. "Let's go! We need to get out of here!"

'Fucking burden, why the hell are you so demanding?' I dragged him across the hall then I spotted Jessica just outside our Classroom watching the fight at the end of the hall.

"If you are just going to stand around there here take him and get out of here!" I dumped the burden off her and ran down the hall.

I can see Sandman getting bigger and bigger and Peter baiting him into the Gym. Then I saw Gwen going around classroom to classroom looking for anyone that needs help.

"That's all of the classroom right!? Now come on let's get out of here!" I said then held her hand and dragged her out of the building.

But she stopped walking and said, "But he looks like he is struggling to defeat that monster! We need to help him!"

"Oh come on... that is Spiderman he doesn't need our help."

"We need to do something or else the building might get destroyed at this rate!" She said then opened the Gym doors and we both saw Spiderman using an industrial vaccum cleaner at Sandman.

[A/N: Lol I found this while searching about sandman. In their first fight spiderman defeated him using a vaccum haha.]

I couldn't help but shout on how ridiculous this situation is. "What the hell are you doing?!"

Spiderman looks in our direction and said, "Cleaning up?"

"That's fucking stupid use water!"

"That's right! Water can soften his sand granules therefore, he cannot control them!" Gwen shouted while running to the emergency fire alarm.


The fire alarm turned on but the sprinkler didn't.

"Oopps I forgot that for the sprinkler to turn a seal in the sprinkler head ruptures at a pre-established temperature, and then a steady stream of water flows. I watched too many movies."

Sandman noticed what Gwen did and immediately attacked her. Spiderman is already on it but I was closer to her and I managed to jumped to her and we both dodge his attack.

Sandman tries to attack us again but Spiderman used his web to break the sprinkler at the top of the Gym causing water to fall everywhere.

Now with Sandman wet Spiderman easily defeats him causing him to turn into mud on the floor.

"Now what should we do to him?" Gwen asked.

"I'm not cleaning that." I said while looking at Sandman still trying to reform but with the water around he is disabled.

"Looks like my job here is done thank you kind students!" Spiderman said in a deep voice and swings out of a destroyed part of the wall.


The police came soon after followed by some guys in suits then they evacuated the students and set a perimeter around the school building.

One section of the building is just a mess, good thing that no one died and only a couple of injuries happened.

I'm now seated with Gwen leaning onto my shoulders. "I'm sorry for running off like that... It's just that-"

I interrupted her, "You wanted to help."


I sighed, I'm not even mad just irritated. She is running around helping everyone without a care for her own safety, that's stupid.

Before I could say anything I saw at the gate Gwen's father. So I immediately stood up almost causing Gwen to fall then said, "Your Dad's here!"

"Huh what? Where?" She said while looking around then her eyes widen as soon as she saw him.

I kissed her and said, "I'll see you later. You're Dad is going to kill me if he saw me."

She nods then walks towards her Dad.


I think I wrote it before that the MC is just a casual fan of the Marvel and haven't watched any of the TV shows. Anyway I have some plans for Jessica so it is important that she is there during that event.

Then in Uncle Ben I did it like that because there was a version where he was the one that was bitten by the spider and became spiderman. And also a version of him where he is alive and he helps Peter by radioing where the crimes are taking place, kinda like a side kick. So I thought he will support him.

I wanted to add more like he is kinda against it because he is still a teen but this isn't Spiderman's story so I just left it at that. But I also have something planned for him.

Anyway... Next chapter is back to the chapter one and then the cheat. Tbh I wasn't even trying to hide what the cheat was it will be the same as the last story I wrote but dropped. It wasn't even an original Idea it was inspired from Meta Essence. So go on and read that story it is better than mine haha.