
Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System

Greek × Indian × Norse mythology) This is the journey of a man from the end of Kaliyug, named Aryan, who got Lord Vishnu's boon and survived the end of the world by reincarnating to Mahabharat period in a parallel universe with a seven deadly sins system. Now Aryan has to navigate in this dangerous world, all the while trying to figure out how to use this system of his to gain the seven abilities from the famous anime seven deadly sins. May be this time, the ending will be slightly different with the addition of a man from Kaliyug into Dwaparyug? But wait, why are there Greek gods and Norse gods in this world too? A total of three Pantheons? Follow Aryan on his journey and see what different choices he will make and how are they going to change the bigger picture? * [ Those who don't know the story of Mahabharat can also read. I have tried my best to make you understand everything. ] [ PS - This is only for entertainment purpose and I don't want to hurt anyone's beliefs and religion. So if you have any problems with these then please don't read further. ] * I'll try to make 5 chaps / week, unless something urgent comes up like exams and all. *********************** Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

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102 Chs

Kunti 's idea

"What? "

Kunti's eyes widened in astonishment as she heard Dushala's answer.

The revelation that Dushala loved Udra naresh Aryan Bahubali left her truly surprised. She had not expected such a connection between the two.

"Udra naresh Aryan Bahubali?" Kunti repeated in disbelief. "How did this happen, Dushala? Tell me everything."

Dushala took a deep breath, her heart still fluttering from sharing this secret. She began to narrate the story of how her feelings had developed for Aryan, from their initial meetings to the moments that had kindled her love for him.

Kunti listened attentively, realizing that the path of true love was often filled with unexpected twists and turns.

"I saw him for the first time at the tournament where all brothers fought with each other some time ago. At that time, I was surprised by his handsomeness and charm and the way he presented himself. 

My feelings for him grew even stronger when he finally showed his majestic power. But seeing princess Bhanumati by his side and seeing their unusual relationship, I didn't dare to approach him at all. 

I had buried this feeling deep in my heart and thought that it would stay that way forever. But the more the time passed, instead of fading away, my love and longing for him got even stronger.

I even didn't mind being his second wife anymore. I always wondered in my dreams that if I ever meet him again then this time I won't chicken out and tell him my true feelings. I often dreamed about how he won my Swaynmvar and we got married, living happily ever after. 

But it all came to naught when brother Duryodhan came to me last night. And I also agreed to his request, thinking that my love was only one sided anyway and God knows if Udra naresh will even accept my feelings. But now when it's too late, I regret it so much.... Sob.... Sob.... "

Dushala poured her heart out to Kunti, recounting the story of her unrequited love for Aryan. Her words were filled with a mix of admiration, longing, and regret, and her tears flowed freely as she spoke of her feelings.

Kunti listened with compassion, understanding the depths of Dushala's emotions. She could see the genuine love and pain in her niece's eyes. When Dushala finished speaking and her sobs echoed in the room, Kunti gently wiped away her tears.

"Dushala, my dear," Kunti began softly, "I can see how much you love Aryan Bahubali, and your feelings are valid. Love is a powerful and beautiful emotion. It's never too late to follow your heart. And if it's him, I think there is still a chance. "

Dushala immediately looked up at Kunti with a glimmer of hope in her eyes and asked hesitantly, 

"There's a way? "

"Yes, kidnapping. As long as Udra naresh Aryan can kidnap you from Hastinapur and marry you, this way, not only would you not have to face the dilemma of going against your family's wishes. Even Duryodhan's reputation won't be damaged for breaking his promise to King Jayadarath since technically it won't be his fault. "

Kunti explained slowly,

"If it had been anyone else then I wouldn't have suggested this option. Because to kidnap you from Hastinapur, he would have to face Mahaamahim Bhishma himself along with the whole army of Hastinapur including the Kuru princes."

"However I saw a glimpse of his power when he easily defeated Bheem and Arjun that day. I believe he can do the impossible. "

Kunti said confidently. 

Dushala immediately got happy after hearing this but then immediately got sad after remembering something. 

"What happened Dushala? "

Kunti asked in confusion as she noticed Dushala's mood change. 

"Aunt Kunti, there is a problem with this plan. King Aryan doesn't even know that I love him. So why would he come here to kidnap me? "

Dushala said disheartened. 

"You're worried about this? Don't worry, I have a solution. "

Kunti said mysteriously before continuing, 

"I know an expert in this field who can deliver this message to Udra naresh and even help us convince him. In fact, he has just recently succeeded in a similar endeavor. "

Dushala's hope soared at Kunti's words, but her concern about Aryan not knowing her feelings still weighed on her. However, Kunti's mysterious mention of an expert who could deliver the message to Aryan and convince him intrigued Dushala.

"Who is this expert, Aunt Kunti?" Dushala asked with curiosity, wondering who could assist them in such a delicate matter.

Kunti smiled knowingly and replied, "The person I'm talking about is none other than ******. He has a way of reaching out to people and convincing them. If anyone can help us, it's him."

Dushala's eyes lit up with renewed hope. She had also heard of ****** reputation and if he could assist in bringing her message to Aryan, it might be the key to fulfilling her love and escaping the political pressures that bound her.

"So now, all you have to do is pour your true feelings in a letter and hand it over to me. I will then send it to that expert. I am sure he won't deny our request. Once he understands the gravity of your feelings and the predicament you're in, I believe he will do everything in his power to help you deliver you letter and convince Udra naresh."

"Thank you, Aunt Kunti," Dushala said with gratitude, her eyes shining with newfound hope. "I will write the letter right away and pour my heart into it. With his help, I believe there's a chance for my love to reach Udra naresh Aryan."

Kunti smiled warmly and placed a reassuring hand on Dushala's shoulder. "I'm here for you, Dushala. Write your letter with all the love in your heart, and together, we will strive to make your dreams come true."

With renewed determination, Dushala set out to compose a heartfelt letter, one that would carry her deepest feelings to Aryan and she hoped it would be the beginning of a love story worth fighting for.


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