
Mysteries unfold

I was here at the front of temple to get myself enroled to seek the truth that I desire.

It wasn't difficult to get myself enrolled and I was given a scrole about the daily schedule and time table. after adjusting myself there I was lead to the meditation room to strengthen my mind and I can start to train my body at the age of 8.

But first my goal was to seek the truth that I desire(Note:- the Mc is just anxious to get his damm memories back and is gonna make some drama.)

I started meditation daily for 6 hours straight after doing some light excersise that was necessary in temple to make our body better and strong .I was given a mantra to meditate in and make a solid foundation for the growth of the key in my body . But I was just using that mantra to cultivate my mind and was spending most of my time to decipher that sentence "Every thing related to myself of me"

after meditating continuously for 2 years I started to get some visions in my dream that included me and some one with a tail.. It was like I was watching my own future.

But after countnous mediation and my thinking , I realised that it wasn't exactly future but was past that I had already seen and it will happen.

<Writters note :- Nah , he is just reganing his memories and was seeing the glimpse of Dragon ball anime that he had watched in his previous life>

My current mental strength is far superior than anyone of my age including teenagers.and I have also developed the famous 6 dots through by meditation and the mantra that I was using to cultivate. It was almost time to train my physical body .

With my current mental powres i could read someone mind whose capabilites are lower than mine and levitate some heavy objects like 50 kg and also put some prssure on my body to make my traning more efficient. and started to use it.

I could leave the temple at the age of 11 to gain the experience in this world And thus I started my training of 3 years I knew that I was gonna meet that.. tailed boy(🤣 bro he is goku,from writter) and I wanted to surpass him , coz he is several times stronger than me

as the time flies by 3 years have already passed and I was nearly a little bit weaker than him because I can't use completely my mental powers to increase the pressure on my body some think like increasing the gravity on my body.But to some extent that is for now.

(wow, mental gravity traning huh,guess it paid off)

It was time for me to leave the temple , i bid my goodbye to every and went to meet my parents whee i spend 2 weeks with them before leaving to gain some experience and to see if what i saw in my dreams was really true it took me 4 months to reach the nearest city as i was also traning also the way, coz who knows when that tailed boy surpasses me again. And i also meet a very familsr but unusally strong bandit who's patner was a flying cat.? I was able to defeat him with some difficulties.I guess there ate still some people stronger than that tailed boy in the world...

(Writtera note:- GODDAMMIT its goku and yamcha .. Fuck didnt he hear any audio while watching the anime )

The city i was in was located near a very familar mountain like the moumtai s and vallies I saw in my dreams . i started to climb that mountain after geting all the neccasry items i trained along i way as i was searching if i could meet that tailed boy(why am i feeling if someone is cursing me ). Just like that 3 weeks have after passed when i suddenly heared the sound of Bang!! Bang !!.

and rushed toward toward the sound as i went closer and closer i saw two figures

T-that tailed boy and her! who was she .. bulma?.

(T/L :-You know bulma but not know goku FUCK)