
Reincarnated in a Zombie Apocalypse

Han, A notorious martial artist of the parallel world opens his eyes to find himself in a world of zombies and modern technology. To return to his own world he needs to follow the only thing said to him by the previous owner of his body. Take care of his family. Can Han navigate through this foreign world as he makes new slaves, meets new friends, women, and lots of foes while unraveling the secrets of his reincarnation?

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20 Chs

Who's Courting Death?

"Get in there!"

Has was thrown inside like a ragdoll. He bounced along the floor and landed at the feet of the other prisoners, whimpering like a Gerald, or in other words like a sissy. Once he was inside there would be no more need for this act. There's no possible way that he could elicit sympathy from criminals.

He crawled to stand when he noticed the dead body leaking blood on the floor. It was Trevor, he had a gunshot wound on the head and it wasn't a clean one, as the brain matter was spilled all over the floor. Around him, trembling on the seats were the first people he ever saw in this world. Andrew and his other former classmates were all quivering like pathetic worms as they lowered their heads. Their eyes widened in recognition as they saw Han, but none of them dared to speak out.

On the back of the bus were two people Han couldn't recognize. College students as Han could read from their clothing, 'Northway Uni'. It was a young man who overflowed with a righteous aura and a beautiful woman. The woman had lovely brown eyes with her luscious lips arched into a frown. Her overflowing black hair matched her pale snow complexion, it created the perfect contrast. The man looked at Han with emotionless eyes, but the woman had pity laced in her gaze when she saw Han's bleeding leg. They didn't seem bothered by the corpse in front of them at all, but they were alert of the man with a gun.

"Stop whimpering! Get your ass to the back and sit down!" The thug barked as he pointed with his gun to a seat beside Andrew. He stood guard once again and pointed his rifle at the passengers, "Don't even try to do anything funny or you'll end like this dumbass."

Han followed instructions and paced wobbly towards Andrew near the back of the bus. The gazes of his old classmates were either laced with fear or schadenfreude as they watched him. Han didn't mind these fuckers, he came here with a clear goal in mind, but if they dare meddle with him then Han also didn't mind breaking their bones.

Andrew didn't even look at him when he sat, he just lowered his head and stared at the window. Han thought he was lucky as he didn't have to face any harassment at all. He just observed intently as the prison come nearer and nearer, unfortunately, Andrew spoke as soon as the guard in front turned around.

"You're probably laughing in your head right." He said with anger that came from seemingly nowhere, "You're thinking that we finally got what we deserved, huh?"

Andrew clenched his fist so tightly that nerves bulged. Han squinted his eyes and sighed, the imbecile was being irrational, but it was only normal for an imbecile to be stupid. Han ignored his words and yawned,

When Andrew heard the yawn, he twisted his head to face Han with rage written all over his face.

"I'll fucking kill you, Han," He glared into Han's bored eyes and felt the need to repeat himself, "Once we're alone I'll fucking make you suffer."

Han merely ignored the buffoon as he stayed silent and observed the surroundings while the bus entered the prison.

As they approached the gate it opened, and inside they went. There were guards all over. The prison seemed even more fortified from the inside, barbed wires were in heaps around the gate, and fence walls were covering the inner part of the prison. The guards nodded at the bus driver and the bus went forward, through the fence gates to the inner prison. Almost every man or woman that Han could see patrolling about was carrying some kind of firearm, and all of them seemed like they knew how to use it.

From afar he could see men being forced to clean up corpses, some even tried to run for it when they saw the fence gates open. They were instantly shot down like animals, more corpses to be cleaned by the remaining men.

Han was starting to rethink his choices as he realized that it was easy to get in, getting out on the other hand was going to be a damn nightmare.

"Welcome to your new home maggots!" The fat thug lowered his gun as the bus went to a full stop, "Now, get out!"

The passengers huddled together as they exited, Andrew shoved at Han as he stood up, hitting one of his fractured ribs. Han grimaced in pain but he kept walking as he simultaneously planned how to torture this fool. Soon enough most of the passengers were out except for the two college students.

"What's taking so long?!" The thug asked, and it spurred the two into action, The woman stepped out of the bus, however, not without the thug getting in a handful of her ass. The woman shrieked as she hurried on away. The young man with her glared in fury at the thug who had done such a debaucherous act, out of nowhere, he punched the fat thug on the face.

"You're courting death!" He shouted, but his hit didn't carry enough force as he thought. The fat thug spit out some blood, and cracked his neck,

"You hit like a bitch!" The fat thug rammed the butt of his rifle on the young man's face but he missed as the young man dodged. The young man kicked upwards and hit the thug with a rather impressive roundhouse. The fat man stumbled back, dropping his rifle.

Han scrutinized the fight with keen eyes as he was caught off guard by the young man's combat prowess. He was also amazed by the young man's stupidity. Instead of going for the gun he simply stood there with his hands behind his back like a fucking show off. Other guards started to come over, but a voice rang throughout the courtyard. A voice that made Han's nerves tingle.

"Cease!" The low voice said in a way filled with energy. Frighteningly so, it was like a voice that no one could resist, it was commanding and overbearing as if it was him on the top of the world. It was such an overwhelming feeling that Han had to pound on his broken ribs in order to not be subdued. The voice wasn't even directed at him, and yet he almost got influenced.

Cautiously he turned to see a middle-aged man with a long ass beard tied into a knot, walking closer with a stern face. This man wore a suit as if he was some kind of businessman about to give a sales pitch, and yet he carried a presence and bearing that Han could only associate with the strong. Han gulped as he tried to calm down his nerves that were going haywire. He shortened his distance from the crowd of passengers so he wouldn't stand out.

'I can't believe a person from this world actually has such a presence.' Han thought,

"I want to see what this young man is capable of," The man announced as he stood beside the passengers, "Would you care for a spar?"

The guards all backed down, however, plenty remained to watch. The young man seemed jittery, yet he quickly steeled his resolve and raised his hands for battle.

"I take that as a yes." The man said as he started to take off the clothes on his upper body, it revealed a physique seemingly chiseled out of stone. He tossed his clothes to a guard before he bent his knees in a battle stance and waved with his fingers, "Come."

The young man gulped as he tensed up, he was frightened, and yet he charged with all his might. Han didn't know if it was bravery or foolishness, either way, when his fist sped towards the man he was sent flying like a broken kite. The man with the chiseled physique simply countered with a fist of his own, and it led to the young man rolling on the ground as he landed from the impact.

"Chen!" The woman screamed,

"You're not taking me seriously at all, young man." The man sighed with disappointment, then he looked at the beautiful woman with hungry eyes, "Maybe we should raise the stakes. If you can't even withstand ten hits from me then I'll be taking your woman."

The young man, Chen, coughed up blood as he struggled to stand. He howled, "Fuck your mother!"

He staggered towards him, giving it his all when he punched, and it landed. It landed as if it was just as heavy as a feather. The man with a chiseled physique seemed unamused, with a huff he punched Chen in the chest with frightening speed. It was such a fearsome punch that the air around him pulsed.

"That's one,"

The man said as he pummeled his kneecap onto Chen's head, with the force breaking his teeth and nose. The woman was screaming now, pleading and begging for mercy repeatedly. But her cries only fell on deaf ears

"That's two,"

He pummeled once again with his knee to the face, it bent Chen's head in a terrible angle, and Han was sure the next strike would be the last. The sight of Chen's face already made some of the spectators look away, some even puked.

"That's three,"

The man held onto the hair of Chen and yanked him towards his speeding knee for the fourth time. The impact made a sickening sound of tearing flesh as Chen's throat ripped halfway, but it was still connected to his body. Chen's corpse fell to the ground, with his head looking like a disgustingly mangled ball of flesh and hair.

"Couldn't even survive four weak hits, and yet you show off in my presence." The man said as he reclaimed his clothing and began pacing away, "Clean up this mess."

Han felt a shiver down his spine as everything went silent except for the woman's agonizing wails of despair. He looked at the body spurting out blood like a fountain and realized the strength required to rip off someone's throat. That man was strong, stronger than possible for someone with no cultivation.

It was at this moment that the woman rushed forward towards Chen's body, Han wouldn't care but the woman seemed to have something in between her fingers. Han's breath ceased, and a million thoughts circulated within his mind as his eyes caught sight of something that shouldn't exist in this world. A small circular bead reeking of medicinal aura, a 1st grade medicinal pellet.