
Reincarnated As An Ugly Mercenary

Valentine Rickert, a shut-in-NEET who only studied and mastered theories rather than practices, died by an electrical short circuit. God of life, Lilya, felt pity on his ridiculous death, and decided to reincarnate Rickert in the same world. Thus, he had a talk with Rickert in celestial space. Rickert made fun of Lilya, said that gods doesn't exist and Lilya just a joke. Hence, Lilya punished Rickert by reincarnate him as an ugly person in the world that only aspire beauties.

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7 Chs

Wiping Out The Rest

"Enchancement Skill: Berserker's Memoar!" Rickert said that out loud, but it was not necessary.

It just – he enjoys it, somehow.

A reddish light explode from Rickert's body, making him glowing in light red that looks like fire.

Berserker's Memoar is an enhancement skill that needs 2 skill to be maxed, and then upgraded into one skill. Those skills are Sage's Memory, and Berserker's Energy, 2 buff skills that increases Rickert's stat.

After enhancement, Berserker's Memory gives buff that increase 40% of all stat, including Attack Point, Defense Point, accuracy, damage reduction, and critical damage.. This skill have 50 seconds duration and have 3 minutes cooldown.

That is how it is supposed to be.

"But why I have 3 days duration and 4 hours cooldown? And it's supposed to give me 40% of all stat, but it gives me 60%! How it can be like this?!" Rickert surprised as he began to dash forward.


Everyone began to fight against Rickert, as well as him fighting them. 21 people doesn't that many according to Red Desert mob placement. Instead, having 21 mobs in one place is very much efficient to grind.

But this is different, Rickert is having trouble fighting those farmers. They are not that proficient in using bows, swords, and daggers. They are just too many for Rickert, and it's crowded. He barely have no space to move.

"I should make distance," thought Rickert as he changed his long sword into great sword.

"He changed his weapon! He is not from imperial! He's a mercenary!" one of them screamed.

"Mercenary?! Who even want to hire an ugly mercenary like that bastard?! Just go kill him!" the leader gave his command.

Long sword is just a pre-awakening weapon that can be upgraded to succession, and great sword is an awakening which is the pre-succession that can alter a player's combat skill. The succession is to alter the combat proficiency of pre-awakening. So, long-sword is much better for fighting a few mobs because it's area scale is tiny.

But, great sword also comes with large area scale.

"Butcher's Swing!" Rickert tried to cast his skill in his thought.

"Aarrhh! My chest!"



A swing, caused severe damage to at least 6 people as their part of body torned into two. Some of them got their body cut in half.

"Swordsmen! Retreat! Rangers and archers, start shooting!" said the leader.

"Yes!" answered the swordsmen as they are retreating.

"Fire!" the leader commanded the archers and rangers.

Those range-armed farmers start shooting, and Rickert is defending himself using Great Sword Defense. It's a stance-skill that automatically protect him from frontal damage as long as he keep using this stance.

In Red Desert Online, this stance comes with a shield bar that can be depleted if people keep attacking him, it's depends on a player's Defense Point, the higher it is, the harder the shield bar depleted.



And in Rickert's case, their attacks are all useless.

"I got at least 340 DP, highest in South East Asia, penetrate that shield, bitches," thought Rickert under his great sword.

It's not that big, it only 160 cm length, and 30 cm wide, and 4 cm thick, and it's Red Star Mercenary's Great Sword that already enhanced into Penta.

"He's still standing! How can he's not collapsed?" one of the archer is panicking.

"Fear not! We have number advantages! Swordsmen and rangers, besiege him!" said the leader.


"I'm not going to let that happened twice, bitch!" said Rickert as he dashed forward, straight to leader's position.

"Protect village chief! Swordsmen, get in line!" said one of the swordsmen.


"Skill: Ground Roar!" said the one who told the swordsmen to protect chief village.

"Skill: War Cry!" said another swordsman.

They are using their skills right now, Rickert confused about the reason they had not used their skills back there when they were fighting him.

But he will deal with it in another time.

"Aim for his joints! There should be some gaps between his armor!" said the leader.

"Yes!" the swordsmen answered.

Rickert jumped, he raised his sword while he was in air, and then he hit the ground and its collision made the ground explode. The explosion was not caused by fire, but it is caused by Rickert's Skill, Ground Bullet.

"Aarrhh!" people are screaming, they are injured by the small stone piercing their limbs, and the big stone hit their body.

Some of the small stones even pierced their body.

"We lost at least 8 swordsmen! What should we do?! I thought he was not that strong!" asked the farmer.

"Damn! We should retreat!" said the leader.

"To where?!"

The leader's face is rigid, he feel the fear and the tense. The enemy they are facing right now is not the usual bandit who tried to rob them.

Nothing but an ugly bastard who was mocked by his people.

"If we retreat, you will have no face if you talk to the Marshal," someone reminded the leader.

"Yes, I'm well aware of that fact. But, he is too strong," said the leader.

"Arrgh! My leg!"


Rickert slashed them down one by one, sometime he hit two people with one piercing strike.

"To the right flank! Archers, fire!" said one of them.

Arrows are flying in the air, but Rickert suddenly moved to the left flank of the formation, causing people who attack him are able to make him 'sandwiched'.

Sandwiched, a slang in Red Desert Online when a guild that wage war suddenly attacked by the opponent's second force from behind.

"Haah, haah, haah," Rickert is taking his breath. Moving like a mad man caused his stamina depleted so much.

"I was managed to fight for 4 hours straight during Guild Siege War, but why am I tired here?" Rickert asking himself.

"But my stamina bar filled fastly, this is not good in the actual batt-"

"He is tired! Attack!" the leader gave his command.

"Yes!" all the remaining swordsmen, rangers, and archers going to attack him.

"Hiyaaahh!" Rickert raised his sword and back to the war.

But this time, what he going to do is different.

"He's going straight! He's after the archers!" said one of the rangers.

"Hold hi- aarrrhh!"

Rickert is still in his Berserker's Memory, the duration is still 43 seconds and keep counting to 0. He just smash other people like they are nothing, he sweep the lower ground in circle, causing people around him lose their legs.

The leader can't do anything, he fell on his knees, helpless.

Finally, Rickert managed to cut down all the archers that were helpless in melee fighting.

The rest of the swordsmen are died or dying, as well as the rangers.

Among people that severely injured and died, the one who is still alive is the leader.

"Who are you? Why are you so strong?" asked the leader.

"First thing first, do you know history? I'll let you live if you tell me," said Rickert as he changed his great sword into long-sword, and sheathed it in his waist.

"What history?"

"Just answer my question, right here, right now."

The leader nodded.

"Why are you guys, farmers, were armed and know how to fight in formal way?"