
Fighting The Farmers


The archers released their pulled strings, and the arrows are all flying away.

In this moment, Rickert dashed to the left flank of the farmers formation. They are consist of at least 20 people, and could be considered a platoon. And the basic of fighting a platoon in Red Desert was in Rickert's favorite playlist among all of the tutorials.

"He run to the left flank! Raiders! Take him down!" the leader gave his command.

"Alright! Let's kill that ugly bastard!" answered the farmer raider leader.

"Yeah!" the rest of the raiders answered their leader.

Rickert saw this coming, in International Geographic, this formation is commonly used in cavalry era, and the pattern of the attacks seems similar.

"I need to cut down the commander as fast as fu*k, boi," thought Rickert as he equip his secondary weapon, but it's not a weapon for killing like dagger.

It's a smoke bomb.


"What the fu*k! He got smoke bombs!" one of the raider farmer screamed.

"Cast away that smoke!" said the leader.

"On it! Skill: Sigh of Lilya!" the magician casted his magic, Sigh of Lilya.

A fog came out of the ground behind that magician, and it turned into a face that is similar to Nordic God, and then that face opened its mouth and sighed.

From its sigh, the wind get faster and faster, and that wind swiped out the smoke. But, there is no sign of Rickert.

"Where is he?! Find him! Magician, do a search!" the leader gave his command again.

"I'm low at magic already, that Sigh of Lilya drained out my mana. My search probably only 40 meters effective," said the magician.

"That's fine! Do the thing!"

"On it!" the magician answered as he preparing his magic.

"Archer! Prepare your next attack!"

The archers already on their strings, they are ready to pull and shoot whenever the leader give his command.

"Im ready! Skill: Wamaian Compass!"

A compass suddenly appeared above the magician who casted it, and it turned its arrow to the south-east. And after it turned its arrow, the compass suddenly emits a wave of light that scan the area within 40 meters radius.

"He's there! 20 meters distance!" said the magician as he pointing south-west.

"Archer! Shoot at south-west in 20 meters distance!" the leader gave his command.

"Yes!" the archers answered boldly as they shoot to the direction the magician provided.

The arrows already shot, and they keep on shooting at the same point.

"Stop," said the leader.

"Is he died?"

"He's somehow still alive, I don't get it. I already casted the Falcon Trajection, and they should have hit him somehow."

The leader is thinking, is the enemy that is standing there could defend himself against the arrows? Or just being filty lucky?

"How much mana you got?" the leader asked.

"Enough to cast something similar to Ferocious Beast," the magician answered.

"Cast Eye of Targanian Eagle to me."

"You got it."

The magician once again preparing his magic, by chanting and creating a magic circle in the process of chanting. The magic circle always glowing with blue light, and its color would change according to what the spell is.

If the spell is wind based, it turned into white. Red for fire, brown for earth, green for nature, and deep blue for water.

"Im the only one magician in this village, and that bastard hit my only guardian at the church. I shall avenge my guardian," thought that magician.

The magic circle turned into deep blue, that means the spell is now ready. Now, the final spell-casting is to say it clearly.

No need to be loud, but being loud is okay.

"Skill: Eye of Targanian Eagle."

The green eyes of the leader has turned into deep blue. The skill is active, and allow him to see far away. The distance of Targanian Eagle could surpass more than 5 kilometers when it fly high and searching for its prey.

This skill, would only give the user to see at most in 1 kilometer distance.

"Hm, let me see. The direction that Cirka gave, must not be wrong," thought the leader as he peeked Cirka, the magician.

He then continue his search of Rickert.

"He's a prodigy that already accepted his very first task as a guard of this village, and to protect this village where he was born until he turned 40 and moved to Haidal."

As he continue his searching while also thinking about Cirka, he see a slight shadow that resembles a man, he's still standing between arrows that the archers shot a while ago.

"He's still there, maybe he was able to shield himself with Tionong's Scale," said the leader.

Tionong is a serpent that lives in northern forest in Shamasylve, far to north from Terendia territory. Tionong's scale known as the hardest scale that is impossible to be penetrated, unless if the hunters use the weapon that enhanced to duo.

"He's still there. Archers! Ready to- what?!" the leader surprised.

"What happened?!" asked Cirka.

"He torned into two! Wait, it's just a scare crow we made! He put that there and he le-"


"Hah?" Cirka looked down, he saw a sword penetrated his chest.

"Cirka? What happen- ah! You! How can you be here?!" the leader surprised that Rickert is now behind Cirka and stabbed his chest.

"Aarrrhh!" Cirka screamed.

"Cirka! All personnel, besiege him!"

"Yes!" answered the swordsman.

The leader ignored Cirka as he is now laying on the ground, with no sign of him breathing. He tought that the death of the loved ones could wait until the battle is ended, because, if a leader caught up in tears in battle, it could lead to defeat.

"Rangers! Switch to daggers and join the swordsman!"


The farmers that called rangers sheath their bows and unsheathe their daggers, then they join the swordsmen to besiege Rickert.

"Defeat him!"


Rickert changed his form into defensive form, he placed his long sword in front of his chest and lower his feet and head. This form's purpose is to parry the next attack coming.

"Hiyaaah!" one of the farmer lauched a swing attack from the left.


Rickert parried that attack and his sword is now high.

Left swing attack can be easily parried by Rickert as he already prepared for this. But, that farmer is not alone.

"Huup!" another farmer attacked from behind with thrust attack.

Rickert turned back, and he swing his sword from above, he aimed to parry his opponent's attack.


"This damned ugly bastard! His power even pushed me back!" thought the farmer who attacked from behind as he tries to balance his body from Rickert's attack.

Rickert turned again, and he swing his sword from below, aiming for the leg.


"Arrh!" his leg torn into two, and he no longer useful in battle.

"You filthy-"


Rickert turned his sword to his back, and then struck his opponent while he keep facing forward.

"That! That is imperial technique!" said one of the swordsmen.

"Imperial technique?! Are you sure about that?! He is filthy as cow's feces! How can he learned that imperial technique?!"

"What? Imperial technique? It was just a skill called Dandum's Defend, and what is that imperial technique you are talking about?" thought Rickert as he lift his sword to his head and changed his form again to offensive form

"Whoever he learned that imperial technique, he is just a slave's feces! Attack!"

"Horraaa!" all farmers dashed forward, trying to get close to Rickert and lock his feet from moving anywhere.

"Enchancement Skill: Berserker's Memoar!"

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