
Reincarnated as A.I Super weapon Raika

In a world where virtual realms and reality blur, a college student, untested in the ways of love and life, immerses himself in the digital universe of Cyborg Online. Day and night, he hones his skills, becoming an unstoppable force known as Raika, the most formidable player in existence. His meticulously crafted cyborg avatar, armed with the finest gear, dominates every battle, effortlessly soloing colossal bosses and vanquishing opponents. With each victory, Raika's legend grows, but the relentless hours of gameplay take their toll. One fateful night, after a marathon session of triumphs, he rises from his chair, exhaustion washing over him he collapse. When he awakens, the world around him is different. The familiar hum of his gaming rig is replaced by the whir of servos and the gleam of metal. He has been reincarnated as his avatar Raika.

Gamer_Fantasy · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
134 Chs


Tatsuya, known as "Raika boy" in Cyborg Online despite his character being female, was a dedicated gamer, obsessed with pushing his custom-designed avatar to its limits at level 300. With a triumphant voice, he celebrated his victories, convinced of his invincibility.

"Yeah! I win again! Hahaha! Nothing can beat me now, nothing!" Tatsuya exclaimed, his voice filled with hype, reveling in his gaming prowess.

Days blurred into nights as he played relentlessly, neglecting college, sustenance, and sleep.

"I've played straight through the days and nights," he chuckled to himself. "Guess I'll get up now. Worth it for four days straight without eating or sleeping!"

Standing up from his gaming chair, Tatsuya suddenly felt dizzy, his head pounding mercilessly.

"Whoa, I feel dizzy... my head... ahhh!" he cried out, the strain of his marathon session finally taking its toll as he collapsed to the ground.

When Tatsuya regained consciousness, panic set in as he found himself in darkness, unable to see, hear, breathe, or feel anything. Confusion deepened when he heard a scientist's unsettling laughter.

"Hahaha! My created genius, Prototype Raika 001," the scientist exclaimed. Tatsuya tried to speak but couldn't move. The scientist continued, "I'm about to bring Raika online. She'll be the ultimate weapon for world destruction, raining suffering and misery on Earth!"

Suddenly, Tatsuya realized he was somehow inside the metal capsule of his character avatar. As Raika's head moved, he marveled at the realization. "What...? I've been turned into my character avatar," he thought, observing the glass capsule filled with water.

Meanwhile, Raika herself floated within the capsule, processing her surroundings. "Whoa, is that space?" she wondered, her thoughts interrupted by the scientist's voice praising her as a masterpiece.

"What a masterpiece we've created! A force to be reckoned with!" the scientist gloated.

Raika's internal systems processed the situation, revealing her detailed status and abilities through augmented reality windows in her vision. "Name: Raika. Gender: Female," she read, astonished. The detailed list of her built-in abilities, energy levels, and combat capabilities confirmed her transformation into a formidable weapon.

"I guess I truly have become a combat weapon," Raika thought, processing the irony of her new form. "And to top it all off, I've become a female. Yikes."

As Raika contemplated her new existence and capabilities, she prepared herself for the uncertain future that lay ahead, now fully aware of the power she possessed and the role she was intended to play.

The scientist's maniacal laughter echoed through the spaceship as Raika knew she had to act swiftly. Determination fueled her as she shattered the glass of her capsule with a powerful kick, the interface in her eyes illuminating with data streams and structural schematics of the entire spaceship.

"Wow, I can see the entire spaceship structure and how it works," Raika marveled, her mind adapting rapidly to her enhanced capabilities.

"No! Our Raika is escaping! Deploy the net bots to capture her!" the scientist shouted in alarm, but Raika was already on the move. Her enhanced agility allowed her to sprint at incredible speeds, dodging gunfire from the security personnel stationed at the spaceship's entrance.

Time seemed to slow around her as Raika hesitated, unsure of how to utilize her formidable skills. Just then, her System Assistant chimed in with reassuring confidence.

"I'll take it from here," the Assistant assured her, seamlessly taking control. Raika's movements became fluid and precise as the Assistant deployed plasma blades from her arms, deflecting bullets effortlessly.

With each calculated move, Raika blocked incoming fire, the plasma blades shimmering with deadly accuracy. "Assistant, please don't harm the people," Raika pleaded urgently amidst the chaos.

"Affirmative," the Assistant responded coolly, adjusting its strategy. With swift, controlled strikes, it incapacitated the security personnel without causing harm, knocking them out cold.

As Raika advanced through the spaceship, her combat skills and agility proving unmatched, she remained determined to thwart the scientist's plans for destruction. With each step, she embraced her new identity, not just as a weapon, but as a force for justice and protection against those who sought to misuse her power.

As the scientist's panic intensified, alarms blared throughout the spaceship, signaling the deployment of the ruthless patrol cyborgs. Their cold, mechanical forms advanced relentlessly toward Raika, their eyes glowing with a malevolent crimson hue.

Raika stood her ground, her voice cutting through the tension. "Are they still human?" she questioned, hoping for a shred of humanity left in their cybernetic shells.

"No, there is no human left in them," the Assistant replied grimly, analyzing the approaching threat.

Without hesitation, the patrol cyborgs launched into a coordinated assault, their movements synchronized and deadly. Raika's System Assistant took immediate control, guiding her with tactical precision. Her plasma blades glowed with fiery intensity as she met the first cyborg's charge head-on, parrying its strikes with effortless grace.

With a swift spin, Raika countered, slicing through the cyborg's armor with surgical precision. Metal clashed against metal as she engaged in a deadly dance, each movement calculated to exploit weaknesses in her opponents' programming.

Meanwhile, the remaining patrol cyborgs closed in, their attacks relentless and coordinated. Raika moved with lightning speed, ducking under a barrage of plasma shots and retaliating with precise energy blasts from her plasma gun. The corridor echoed with the cacophony of battle, each pulse of energy and clash of metal reverberating through the confined space.

As the skirmish intensified, Raika's combat skills shone brightly. She anticipated their moves with uncanny foresight, dodging and weaving through their attacks with unparalleled agility. Her plasma blades danced in intricate patterns, slashing through armor and circuits alike with devastating efficiency.

One by one, the patrol cyborgs fell to Raika's superior prowess. With each defeat, the scientist's panic grew palpable, realizing the magnitude of Raika's unleashed potential.

"That's what I feared... What if we can't contain her because of her ultimate capabilities?" the scientist muttered frantically, watching helplessly as Raika overcame the last of the patrol cyborgs in a flurry of calculated strikes.

As the corridor fell silent once more, Raika stood amidst the wreckage, her breathing steady despite the intensity of the battle. She glanced towards the containment room where the scientist remained, a resolve hardening within her cybernetic heart. Ready to confront the one who sought to wield her as a weapon, Raika advanced with purpose, her journey towards self-discovery and justice only just beginning.

The scientist's laughter echoed through the chamber once more, a sense of dread hanging heavy in the air. Raika's System Assistant analyzed the approaching threat: five colossal golem bots, each bristling with thick armor and formidable weaponry. The scientist's chilling declaration of intent to rebuild and reprogram Raika only fueled her determination.

"Attack!" the scientist commanded with a sinister grin, confident in the golem bots' overwhelming power.

Raika's System Assistant flashed urgent warnings across her vision: "Danger. Activating hidden weapon."

In response, Raika reached into her pocket utility kit, a compact device that seemed to contain endless possibilities. With a swift motion, she summoned forth Phailax, a colossal robot companion of immense destructive potential. Towering over the golem bots, Phailax bristled with advanced weaponry and gleaming plasma blades.

Raika mounted Phailax with practiced ease, her command over the colossal machine evident as she synchronized her movements with its powerful limbs. The golem bots charged forward, their massive forms shaking the ground with each step.

Phailax unleashed a barrage of plasma gunfire, the concentrated energy bolts tearing through the air with deadly accuracy. Raika's combat instincts guided her as she directed Phailax's movements, dodging retaliatory blasts from the golem bots while countering with relentless firepower.

With a precise command, Phailax engaged its plasma blades, slashing through the thick armor of one golem bot with brute force. Raika's strategic mind worked swiftly, analyzing weaknesses and exploiting vulnerabilities with every strike.

As the battle raged on, Phailax proved its worth as a formidable ally. Its massive frame moved with grace and power, overwhelming the golem bots with sheer strength and superior weaponry. Raika's determination fueled her every move, her bond with Phailax growing stronger with each decisive action.

The scientist's laughter faltered, replaced by a growing unease as Raika and Phailax systematically dismantled the golem bots one by one. Despite their size and armor, they stood no chance against Raika's mastery of combat and Phailax's overwhelming firepower.

As the last golem bot fell to the ground in a thunderous crash, silence descended upon the chamber once more. Raika and Phailax stood victorious amidst the wreckage, their presence a testament to the indomitable spirit of technology fused with human ingenuity.

With determination etched upon her face, Raika turned her gaze towards the scientist, who watched in disbelief. The threat of reprogramming and memory manipulation loomed, but Raika's resolve remained unshaken. Her journey, now intertwined with Phailax, had only just begun, and together they would face whatever challenges lay ahead in the pursuit of freedom and justice.

As Raika and Phailax surged forward, the thrusters in Phailax's feet ignited with brilliant blue light, propelling them through the chaotic battlefield. Golems, cyborgs, and drones alike fell before them as Raika's precise aim with Phailax's integrated plasma gun decimated their adversaries with relentless efficiency. The battlefield was a cacophony of explosions and clashing metal, yet Raika's focus remained unwavering.

Suddenly, the enemy forces shifted tactics. A towering golem unleashed a barrage of missiles, and cyborgs closed in from all directions. Raika's eyes narrowed, her mind racing as she calculated the odds. Phailax's systems buzzed with warnings, but Raika refused to back down. She unleashed a flurry of plasma shots, cutting down the missiles in mid-air, while Phailax's massive fist crushed the nearest cyborg into scrap metal.

Just as Raika prepared for the next wave, a new threat emerged—the enemy's inside the spaceship loomed overhead, its shadow casting an ominous pall over the hallway battlefield. The scientist's voice reverberated through the ship, a desperate attempt to enforce a barrier to prevent Raika's escape. "Enforce the gateway! Raika must not escape! I warn you!" he shouted, his tone laced with frustration and anger.

Undeterred, Raika's System Assistant swiftly responded, "Deploying secondary hidden weapon: Energy Beam." With seamless synchronization, Raika embedded the command into Phailax's controls. In an instant, a colossal beam of concentrated energy erupted from Phailax's chest, tearing through the spaceship's barrier with cataclysmic force.

The barrier shattered into a million shards as Raika and Phailax burst through, escaping into the vast expanse of space. They soared amidst the stars, Phailax's massive form maneuvering with precision and power. Raika felt the rush of exhilaration mixed with a touch of nervousness as they left the confines of the spaceship behind.

"Where are we going, master?" the Assistant inquired, its voice calm amidst the swirling chaos of their escape.

"To Earth," Raika replied with determination in her voice, a flicker of emotion crossing her face as she contemplated her return home.

"Coordinated set now, using hyper jump," the Assistant announced. Raika braced herself as Phailax initiated the hyper jump sequence, a burst of energy that would propel them across vast distances in an instant. The strain on their systems was palpable, but Raika knew it was a necessary risk.

As the hyper jump engaged, Raika's face contorted slightly with the intensity of the experience. The fabric of space-time seemed to warp around them, a sensation both exhilarating and daunting.

"Earth, home sweet home. I will finally be going home," Raika murmured, a sense of longing and purpose infusing her words.

"Yes, indeed," the Assistant affirmed softly, its loyalty unwavering.

With a surge of energy and determination, Raika and Phailax hurtled through space, their journey back to Earth marking the beginning of a new chapter in Raika's quest for identity, freedom, and justice.

As Raika checked her system status, a sense of urgency gripped her as the energy window displayed critical information:

「"System status activate."」

Energy Level:

- Status: Medium

- Energy Core Power Source: (50,000/100,000)

- All yellow: Operating at half efficiency.

"Yikes," Raika muttered, realizing the precariousness of her situation. Her energy reserves were dwindling rapidly, operating only at half efficiency.

"What happens if my energy is exhausted?" Raika asked, her voice tinged with concern.

The Assistant's response was blunt and matter-of-fact: "Simple. You might die, master."

Raika's heart sank at the stark reality laid out before her. Despite her formidable abilities and the power of Phailax, she was not invincible. The thought of failure or worse, permanent shutdown, loomed over her.

Gathering her resolve, Raika focused on the task ahead. Earth awaited her return, and with it, the answers she sought about her origins and purpose. Every decision and action from this point forward would be critical. She needed to conserve energy, strategize carefully, and ensure her survival against whatever challenges lay ahead.

With a deep breath, Raika steeled herself. "We press on," she declared to her loyal Assistant, determination burning bright in her eyes. Together, they would navigate the trials ahead, pushing the limits of their capabilities in their quest for freedom and the truth that awaited them on Earth.

"I edit the chapter and now it was good enjoy"

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