
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasi
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107 Chs

A look into the past, flashback

Seven years ago…..

"I told you when I first brought you here that I would answer any questions you had if you survived five years, you've doubled that time so I see it fit to answer two questions."(God) told me as he appeared next to me, my initial reaction was Indifference and doubt, I both didn't believe him and didn't care, I had shit to do.

"Cool, but it hasn't been five years, not even close, and I don't have any, now leave, I have to be at a negotiation meeting between the angels and demons because of a power struggle."(Granularr) I told him, my voice full of the frustration that had been plaguing me.

"Alright then, maybe instead of an answer that you clearly do not need, I give you a mission, by any means necessary rescue your sister from her eternal coffin, only to be unlocked by the blood of the top four angels."(God) spoke, halting me dead in the hallway, both tears and rage fuming within me as I had to hold onto everything I had not to unleash my power onto God.

"I brought her here as soon as she died, I knew you would be a strong candidate for my evil so I needed to give you someone to care about, that is why your sealer looks so closely to your sister, I need you invested."(God) said to me as he pulled a map from his loose robe sleeves, handing it over with a nod.

"It will not be easy, all I give you is her location and her key, getting to both will be entirely up to you."(God) clarified as he waved open a portal, vanishing from my realm.

"DAMMIT! Her coffin is beneath a fucking castle!"(Granularr) I cursed as I smashed my fist into the castle wall, shattering a hole into it that gave view to the world outside, the map hanging tightly from my grip, soon to be placed within my shadow for safekeeping.

After that was done was the matter of the hole, luckily that would soon be solved.

"Make this a window."(Granularr) I ordered my new servant who was just now passing through the hallway, who immediately and proudly began acting on my words.

showing me that it would soon be finished, meaning I no longer held any concern for it, allowing God's mission to play in my mind on repeat.

And with nothing I could even remotely do at the moment I was forced to bury my turmoil of emotion and my immediate reaction of just going after the angels and the coffin there and then as I stomped my way reluctantly to the meeting, soon flinging open the large double doors and claiming my seat at the head of the large table, facing the very door I had come in through.

"Here today we have krivociel, the fourth of the angels, and Malikesh, high lord of hell. Each come before you today to bargain, again."(old pillar) said as she bowed, already doing a good job as I only brought her here mere hours ago.(in reality she had already been here six months by now)

"Alright then, make your cases, your fourth cases."(Granularr) I spoke in heavy disdain, ever since yesterday (three years ago) they have been constantly here begging me to either officially supply power or cut power to the demons, both sides having their drastic consequences that I wanted no part of.

"Very well my lord, I Malikesh ruler of demons, have come to your very amazing abode to humbly request that you fully ally yourself with the demons, if you do we aware absolute loyalty to you and will answer your call as our lord."(Malikesh) declared heartily, momentarily allowing my mind to consider his words, he definitely knew how to Intrigue me, but he was cut short by the angel laughing.

"Yeah yeah, If you cut power to the demons we will not invade your realm."(krivociel) laughed as if he was the one with power here, an action that made the demon sink into his chair and away from him.

a good idea on his part.

"I'm sorry, I must have misheard you, did you seriously say that YOU, would invade MY realm. YOU, weak, cowardly, pathetic, YOU, don't make me laugh, none of you have any power here nor to breach my borders."(Granularr) I reminded strongly, swiping my hand, the doors flinging open.

"You have seconds to leave or I'll kill you here and now, both of you!"(Granularr) I roared, sending both men scurrying from the room and into their portals respectively, leaving me and the old pillar alone in the massive room.

what a headache.

"I will be in my chambers planning something important, why don't you see what you can find to do around here, or just take the day off and explore."(Granularr) I told the old pillar with a wave, sending her off and away from me so that I could claim some quiet to think.

"Yes my lord."(old pillar) said as she bowed and turned, making to leave the room, her steps soon fading from both sight and hearing.

giving me the assurance that no one would be watching.


with ease and utter silence I made my way to a torch on the wall, flickering in dim orange light, with my right hand I gave it a small twist, opening a concealed door just beside it, stairs descending deep below into pitch black nothingness.

nothingness I would descend into without thought, embracing it as I moved and looked through it, finding myself in my private chambers, a place no one knows about but me, not even the old pillar knows about it.

and strewn about the walls was the very same map I had placed in my shadows, having my very own shadow act on my behalf as it laid copies of the map upon the wall, marking important spots that I knew I would need to know of.

weak points on the walls, corruptible guards constant shifting locations, already existing servants within or around the castle and royal family.

even showed me the locations of the four angels.