
reincarnated as a sealed evil

when a boy dies unfairly to a bunch of bullies his strong negative emotions catch the eyes of a bored god, a god who chooses to reincarnate this boy as a evil sealed inside a young girl, with newly gained absolute power over darkness and a stone cold heart, will this boy give in to the shadow and the plots around him, or will he overpower it and do his best to live a life he chooses?

classy_fied · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Unlocking half of the coffin

in my private chambers I stood, staring and studying my maps, my ever shifting and changing maps.

There existed a pattern, a pattern I exploited, having already sent Julie directly into the heart of the castle with the aid of the princess, a princess who would soon be queen if today went well.

"Report."(Granularr) I spoke aloud within the small dark room.

"I have reached the coffin alongside your agent, I have the vials of blood you provided, the coffin glowed as soon as the blood neared, after pouring it onto the coffin half of the locks on it exploded into oblivion."(princess) reported, her voice echoing off the confines of the stone walls.

"keep word of this silent or it'll be your blood staining the coffin next, if anyone even hears of this from you you will regret having ever existed in the first place as I dig your heart out with my bare hands."(Granularr) I warned the princess, making sure I got my point across.

"yes my lord."(princess) said, assuring me, allowing my heart to calm and reduce in its violent thumping against my rib cage.

and with that all taken care of I told the princess to leave the coffin and I told Julie to leave the kingdom entirely.

and to begin heading towards the second, something she quickly began doing, but it would take her a while to journey, so I would remain in here, watching, waiting, observing, working, working on my powers.

they felt lacking in efficiency, which meant that I wasn't using them to their best, as memories I had from Granularr made it seem as if each spell was flawless in both timing and efficiency, a feeling I had grown to long for even though it wasn't mine, but I didn't care, I had the time and drive to achieve it.

and seeing as I was already halfway there it seemed to be no time better than this, as I felt it time to improve myself and further ensure my continued progress.

- - -

hours earlier, light pov…

"he vanished for a second there."(light) I found myself saying aloud for some reason, pausing in my conversation.

"where do you think he went?"(hero) asked, curious.

"somewhere separate from his realm from what I can tell, I can still sense him when he's in his realm."(light) I responded, my mind being slowly consumed with morbid curiosity as to where he vanished to.

"even I do not know."(time) found herself saying as she walked into the large training room.

"It shouldn't be possible."(cosmic) claimed as he walked in behind her, claiming a spot beside both her and I.

"it is if it's somewhere outside time itself."(gravity) remarked as she entered the room.

at her words a realization hit me, two really.

"he lied to me!"(light) I yelled aloud, drawing the attention of each pillar.

Including the two out in the hall, fire and earth, who immediately ran off and grabbed water, dragging her to the room, placing each and every pillar save darkness in the same room.

"when I confronted Granularr with releasing the third angel from a spell of his he told me it wasn't possible even if he wanted it, claiming the spell had a time release of a century."(light) I informed the newly gathered crowd.

a crowd who recognized the spell.

"isolated dungeon."(time) spoke, causing me to grow curious once more.

"It is a spell he made to keep his enemies from me, to keep them unable to be rescued, see, before he was a pillar he was a human, a human who hated us and our interactions and interferences in his life. So he made a spell that ensured he could do whatever he wished with his enemies, a spell that built a horrific place away from my eyes. Meaning I could not interfere even if I knew the spell, as I cannot reach somewhere time does not reach, and if I can't reach it then neither could any other pillar."(time) informed, giving me a rather large question to ask.

"How come the others couldn't reach it?"(light) I found myself asking, my question giving an uncomfortable pause to time and the rest.

"time encompasses all things, and to cut something off from time is to cut it off from everything else, everything except your very own element, if you were to make a spell such as his your place would be a safe haven, a sanctuary you could keep people safe in, but since it is his spell and his element, it is a place worse than hell."(time) taught, her tone and expression serious as the other pillars nodded their head in agreeance.

"Which means, the third is alive and Granularr needed something from him."(light) I deduced from both my memory and time's explanation.

"but what?"(cosmic) asked himself aloud, shifting the tone of the room to questioning and thinking from its previous solemn and informative mood.

"We could alway-"(hero) began before being cut off by a number of floating window like objects.

[new quest]

[do not under any circumstance interfere with or investigate the actions of darkness in anyway shape or form in order to stay alive!]

[if you successfully do this you level up automatically x5]

[fail and you WILL die]

The screen shouted in bold text.

both increasing our innate curiosity and drawing forth a different emotion within us, fear.

strong fear.

"something tells me that he would kill anyone who knew what he was up to."(hero) claimed after having closed the screens.

a claim all of us pillars seemed to agree on.

- - -

Holy woman pov…

"We sensed a growing aura underneath the nearby kingdom of kathoone, should we?-"(holy soldier) began, soon cut off with a metallic slash and a liquid gushing sound.

"anyone who wishes to remain alive need only swear upon this blood contract that you will not investigate or interfere with my lords plans, anyone who does so will be given money to start a new life and protection granted by the royal family of kathoone."(man) said, his red eyes and pale skin striking fear into the hearts of my men, as they recognized the creature in human skin.

"you're one of his!"(holy woman)->(leader of the holy order) I yelled at the vampire, instantly knowing what lord he was speaking of, the very man who killed my daughters, the very man I ran through with a sword.

"then you know he keeps his promises, if you all swear upon this contract then you will be safe and taken care of, don't sign it…."(vampire) began, slowly trailing off as he gestures towards the window outside, where all you could see for miles was sights of blood, death, and battle.

"I have made this offer to the rest of your forces already, you lucky few are all that remain, now....will you swear to it or not?"(vampire)->(guild master) asked once more, his eyes taking on a deep glow.

Immediately hands bolted into the air, all hands in the room but mine.

"works for me."(vampire) said as he vanished, a searing pain erupting from my neck as my view turned completely 180, my eyes now able to view my back as I felt myself plummeting downwards.