
Reincarnated as a Dragon in some Kaiju World.

Guy wakes up as a Dragon after he died in an accident (by our BOI Truck-kun himself) and now tries to survive in the inhospitable environment he finds himself in, a world full of Kaijus. Tags: Male MC, Transmigration, Non-human MC, Kaiju, Post-apocalyptic World, Slice-of-life. 1st fanfic, English isn't my first language, and im an amateur writer but I'll do my best, but be sure to correct any mistakes I make. -The world is a mix of different worlds like Godzilla 1998 and Monsterverse but Legendary Godzilla won't be here unfortunately, he is too OP, I might add Kong or other Kaijus but still not sure, i am also adding little things like skills or environment that is similar to Godzilla Anime. -Update won't be consistent as i am just writing for fun and it is rather therapeutic, and school work too. -Inspired from a certain Goji Center video on YT -Artist drawings used in this fic are not mine and all belong to heri respective owners, if you are the artist of said image/art and you want it taken down, then I will do so.

Bagyong_Pablo · Filem
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8 Chs

Chapter 6: I need more Endurance

-a few minutes of flying later-

"Hah, hah, hah" loud and laborous panting could be heard from my mouth, flapping with fervor just so i could not fall to my death by geting tired.

'Man, carrying the extra meat is a bit of a hassle, no scratch that, a fucking hassle', I currently have 120 stamina left from all the flapping i did to compensate for the added weight of the ribs, and although i could regenerate them faster than the amount i consume, I still feel tired.

'Why am i easily getting tired?, we'rent the Night Furies literal flying speedster brutes? Ugh, I need to train my muscles, or more like increase Stamina or something'

It's possible that my body is weaker than Toothless, maybe it's because i have a higher Shot limit than him? I have like 24 shots while he probably has like 10 or something, like Mages vs Fighters type of difference.

'Uuuuggghh, my wings feel like burning, as if it's about to fall off'


[Success! Your enduring efforts have pushed your boundaries and has permanently increased your [Stamina] by 1!]

[Congratulations!, For surpassing your limits and achieving your first stat increase in the {Stamina} stat through exceptional effort, you've earned a bonus of 10 points to that stat! Additionally, as this is your first stat increase of any kind, an additional reward of 20 [Stamina] Points, Keep pushing the boundaries!]

Oh wow

[Stamina stat has been raised by 1+]

'Oh another point, nice but not nice at the same time' I grimace but felt elated at my situation, but hey, you know what they say: "No Pain, No Gain".

Flapping and gliding, Flap 5× and glide, was what my actions for the next 5-10 minutes were, effectively helping me gain 8 points in Stamina stat, before seeing my caves entrance.

"Just a little bit more, Come on!!" I hype myself up before one more burst of strength propels me faster towards my home.

Picking up speed, i arrived at the entrance before letting go of the ribs and letting it fly through the air, seeing it land inside my homes entrance.



'Oh God, I thought my wings were about to break' I say in my head while looking at my wings drooping on the ground.

Before I let myself rest for a bit in order to regenerate my stamina, I went inside the cave, letting my wings drag on the ground.

"Alright, a successful night hunt, feels great" I'm pretty proud of myself.

"This...ain't so bad after all, it's like a permanent vacation" I say to myself while lying on the floor of my home and looking at the cave ceiling with the moonlight shining through the cave entrance.

I roll over and see the ribs, some bones got cracked in the landing, inspecting it more and i see lots of dust and tiny rocks attached to the meat.

"Welp, nothing that my stomach can't handle....maybe", don't certain animals eat rocks to help with digestion? I think I'll be fine.

Standing up and approaching the carcass, i blast it with a {Plasma Stream}, cooking it effectively, I turn the ribs over to cook it thoroughly.

Only a few seconds later did I stop, judging that it was cooked, I place it on the side of my room, where it was cleaned earlier in the morning for the purpose of a food pile.

Nodding to myself for a job well done, i go to another part of my room, where I slept earlier, and I dropped on there, dead tired and sleepy, but of course, not before laying a {Plasma Stream} as usual.

I don't know why I keep on doing that to be honest, Toothless doesn't do that very often, heck, as far as i know, he's only ever done that once, maybe because it just feels good, like a small itch you wanna scratch.

While my mind was drifting into dreamland, another part of the world I am in, was in turmoil.


"The cursed minions of Kamazots are getting restless" a sentient creature speaks, he holds a stave on one hand with mutiple small skulls of different animals attached to it at its top by a series of strings, he was without clothes aside from the leathery "crown" that sits on top of his head, with bat wings sprouting on the sides and a small skull at the center.

What's interesting about him is his long tail, scaly and shiny, the same with his entire body, which he shares the same look with everyone in the room.

"So it would seem Wise Sage Zugr, but hardly that is something that requires the calling of all of us tribe leaders, it is rather common after all, with that said however, is there a problem Oh Wise One?"

Another speaks in reverie while clasping his hands together in his chest, looking to the side where their leader is facing, also seeing the agitated Hellspawns, This one also wears nothing aside from the series of tiny skulls running along his chest, tied to a thick rope that rests on his right shoulder and left waist.

"I agree, but the Hellspawns are conveying..." Zugr pauses, making all the other tribal leaders wait for the answer, but to no avail.

"Sage Zugr?, they are conveying what?, Is there something wrong?" Another spoke, a fatter and more shorter one, wearing a brown leather towel across his chest.

"Yes there is" -he says as he holds his stave tighter, making the crystal atop the stave to glow for a short while before he continues-

"Kamazotz herself is also restless"

With those words uttered, the room immediately felt depressing, low gasps and murmurs arose, but he wasn't done yet.

"They are saying that a new Alpha Titan has emerged in the Zalerian Forest" and with that final nail to the coffin, the souls of the tribe leaders, finally left their bodies.

Everyone in the room, knows that when a new Alpha Titan rises, the lands becomes the Giants battlefield with them getting caught in the crossfire, as per their records.

"We must evacuate our people Away from the forest, we will no doubt be crushed under their feet as the Forest is just our neighbour" one speaks, making everyone turn to him, this one wears armor made from leather all around his body which is much larger and muscular than the rest of the leaders, indicating that he is a more physical type of leader.

"Yes, that would be wise, but what does the Oracle think?" Zugr looks to a dark corner of the room

Everyone followed his line of sight, also waiting for the Oracle to respond.

The Oracle opens her mouth before she says-


Author Note:

I've been having a hard time building the world, so i can't release chapters probably till i feel like it has passed my requirements, I've been so busy with other things in my life that i keep on pushing this to the side.

This is probably gonna be the last chapter I'll be posting for this version before the rewrite, I'm posting this because i just wanted you all to know what to expect with where the story is gonna go, yeah, there will be civilization, albiet a bit backward, still this is all i got, bye.