
Reincarnated as a Dark emperor to change the order of the world

What will happen in this different world ? Who am I really ?

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Who am i ? (Part 3)

I screamed at the top of my voice.I was feeling scared. Suddenly the old woman and the two kids arrived in my room hearing the noise.

The old lady asked ," Why are you shouting ?"

I replied in scared voice," What do you mean , can't you guys see iam flying ?"

The old lady replied ," Oh, i see the injuries seem to have affected your head as well. I guess home treatment is not enough for you . You need to visit a doctor ."

I told her in a desperate voice ," What ? Don't you feel flying in the sky strange? Those are for birds.

The old lady replied ," Have you gone mad?"

I replied ," No , i am being completely normal here."

I thought at that moment ," Iam normal but somebody isn't ."

I aasked the kids ," Hey kids what about you ? Do you find this normal too ?"

The boy replied ," This is absolutely normal.Whenever somebody's body gets recovered their energy sets them flying for a day.


I replied ,"What are talking about ? Is this some kind of a prank? This is a bad prank."

The old asked me ," What is normal for you ?"

I replied ," Not flying like this ."

The old lady asked me ," Do you remember about your family?"

I was completely speechless.I somehow knew what family is but i couldn't remember.I tried hard but i couldn't.

I thought," Maybe iam suffering from a memory loss disease.This may actually be normal."

The old lady asked again, " Do you remember where your home is ?"

I replied in a calm and sad voice," Iam sorry i can't .I didn't think about any of these earlier because of my injuries.It seems it has caused some really big damages in my brain."

The old lady replied ," Hmm. You need to visit a doctor. Don't worry .I will call him for you.You don't need to go."

I thanked her for taking care of a burden and trouble like me .

The old lady replied ," It's people's duty to help others.But we don't do it most of the times.So even a normal help to a person is turned to a big event. This is the sad picture of the mlrdern society.Now you rest(Pointing at me) and you two leave him alone now( Pointing at the kids) ."

Saying that they left.

I thought ," Wow they really took

good care of me.They even gave me a seperate room but i have to remain like this the whole day. I have to do something for them before I part ways with them .They are really worthy of any respect a man can get atleast for me.They are really kind. But now, What a boring job to do? I have to stay like this for a day.Oh no ,But I have no other options."

- to be continued
