
Reincarnated as a Dark emperor to change the order of the world

What will happen in this different world ? Who am I really ?

Aurobindo_Sarkar · Fantasy
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14 Chs

who is he ? (Who am i (Part 4))

That whole day iwas at the top of the year.

I said ," It's really boring here.I should try to sleep."

After that i tried to sleep. But as i closed my eyes i saw a dark shadow was smiling infront of me.

I suddenly opened my eyes.The shadow was so scary i just wanted it gone .I shouted loudly," Can I get some water ? "

The old lady's voice came ," No you will not get anything today.It's important for your recovery."

I said ," ahh, what is happening with me ?I can't sleep.It always feels that someone is near me , someone is watching me.

Something is happening with me .I don't know what but there is something.

After a full day flying i suddenly landed on the bed again and I shouted loudly.

The old lady and the two kids came to me.

The old lady smiled and said," Congrats You have recovered fully now."

I have called in the doctor .He will check with now."

I was hurt due to the fall ,rubbing my legs due to the pain i said to her ," At midnight."

The old lady said ," It's a doctor's duty."

Suddenly a door knock was heard.

The old lady said ,"The doctor has arrived."

The old lady went in and opened the door.

The doctor came in.

The doctor came to me.

The doctor snapped his fingers and a knife appeared.The strange thing was that the knife could talk.

The doctor said to the knife," Cut him and check."

I shouted ,"No, No not this."

The little boy said ," It's necessary to check."

The little girl said," You are really coward."

Saying this she laughed at me.

I told her in a little anger but with scared face." No, iam not a coward.But this is bad."

The girl said ," Now , don't be shy.I was also scared when i first put through this but this is harmless.Don't worry. It will go inside you report your condition."

The doctor with a smiling face told " Yeah don't worry."

Those words provided me some relief.I closed my eyes.

The knife said ," I am going inside now."

I peeked to see what was happening outside by opening my right eye slightly.I saw the knife mingled with my body through my chest.


I felt no pain.

I thought," I was lucky."

I opened my eyes and was sleeping with mu feet and hands in straight position.

Suddenly the old lady said ," Doctor , Is that a new kind of knife. I have never seen those knives used before by any hospital or doctor. I had also been a nurse in a hospital ."

The doctor's face suddenly changed into a scary looking face.His eyes turned red.

The old lady held the two kids but the doctor stabbed her with another knife and the old lady fell. The kids were crying with fear as the doctor was approaching them .The boy said in a trembling,scared and crying voice," Why did you do that?"

I realised i couldn't move or talk.I suddenly felt awkward , it felt everything was circling around me .I felt like my heart would come out of my body .

The doctor who was looking like a devil lookead at me and smiled.

My eyes suddenly closed and when i opened my eyes i found myself in an apartment lying on a bed. The time on the clock said 7 am .

-to be continued

Turns that will boggle you.

Dsrkness may surrounding you .

Aurobindo_Sarkarcreators' thoughts