
Reincarnated As A Chameleon And Eating Everything to Evolve

WPC #192 Gold Winner ---------- Matthew lived his whole life fighting for his own happiness. When his parents told him to become an engineer or a doctor, he decided to rebel and decided to become a musician instead. When he finally succeeded and he goes to perform his first concert, an accident happened and Matthew died as a result. A God sees his struggles and felt pity that his life ended when it just started. The god then gave him an offer to be reborn again into another world that the god created, but the god can't guarantee what he will become when reincarnated. Matthew who felt that his life was unfair and wanted to taste what real happiness is accepted god's offer and was willing to take whatever consequences there is. When he opened his eyes again, Matthew was unexpectedly reincarnated as a chameleon. Fortunately, the god helped him by giving him a system that enables him to change and improve his body parts by eating other monsters. Follow Matthew along his journey in this new world as he consumes his enemies while he finds his own meaning of happiness. ---------------- "Is that the spider's venom that could kill a crocodile in one bite? I'll gladly add them to my own body!" "That bear could cut down a tree with one punch... I'll also make them mine!" "Whoa... You said only your species can use magic? Then I'll eat you and become the same species as you!"

darran_ · Fantasi
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315 Chs

Monkey Massacre

With the monkeys separated from each other, it will be easy for Matthew to either inflict fatal damage to them or he could play the safe route, by only injecting his venom into their blood by using his venom-claw method where he would coat his claws with the venoms.

After considering the circumstances, Matthew decided that he would use the venom claw. There are a lot of monkeys present and they are as brave as a lion when they are with each other, but Matthew doubts that they will still be courageous enough to stay there after Matthew had cull their number significantly. And if they were to run away, it would be too difficult and troublesome for Matthew to chase them one by one since their ability to swing from trees is even better than Matthew's.

But if Matthew used the slow-acting venom and injected them into all the monkeys. Their bodies will slowly get weaker over time and it will be too late for them. And by the time they realize it, Matthew would have an easy time chasing them even if they decided to run away with their weakened bodies.

Now that Matthew already got a strategy in mind, he then started moving. Using his all-directional view, Matthew observed where all the monkeys' current positions are.

And when he noticed a lone monkey or a 2-monkey group, he went up near them, coated his claws with venom, gave the monkeys a swift claw strike, then he ran away again to search for another group to repeat the action.

The monkeys searched for the culprit frantically, but even after sweeping the area clean, they didn't even find the footsteps of the culprit.

The monkeys' eyesight is considered quite good, and in terms of sharpness and color perception, they are quite equal if not better than the wolves. So the monkeys themselves didn't believe that one of them would be attacked by something that they couldn't see and it happened right in front of their eyes.

The monkeys are aware that there are animals such as the snake that has a scale color that is very similar to the nearby environment and it enabled them to sometimes sneak up on them if they didn't pay any attention, but the earlier attack happened right in front of them all when they are paying close attention, but they still weren't able to see anything.

This made the monkeys shocked, but more importantly, they were scared. After seeing one of them had their life taken and they weren't able to do anything, they were scared that they would be next. The monkeys would surely run away and get out of that place quickly if they were a young monkey group and still didn't know much about the forest.

But the current monkey group had lived for years in the forest. A lot of them are about level 10 to 13, even their leader is level 14.

There are two ways for an animal to level up, first is the natural way by growing up naturally. And their level will go up slowly along with their age until it reaches a threshold or a level cap for their species. And if they want to level up and evolve further, they have to do it using the second method.

The second method for an animal to gain experience and to speed up the level up and growth speed of themselves is to kill other animals. And that's also the reason why Matthew already has a fully mature body in only a week's time.

The reason why the wolves and the crocodiles had a higher level compared to the deers and boars is because killing and eating other animals is their main way of survival compared to the boars and deers who were herbivores.

The monkeys are omnivorous, but their main diet is not eating meat. And that means that the monkey group has either lived long enough that their average levels are above level 10 or they have defeated and killed a lot of other animals to gain that much experience. And both of them mean that the monkeys have a lot of confidence in themselves in dealing with dangers.

Although they are quite scared by the fact that they couldn't see their opponents, their pride refuses to back down and they are determined to have their revenge. And thus their pride is the one that made Matthew's plan work perfectly.

When the monkeys thought that the culprit had already gone off, they suddenly heard one of them shouting and alarmed that he had been attacked, but by the time the group got there, there's only a monkey that had a bleeding claw mark on its back, but the enemy was still nowhere to be found. And this incident repeated itself more than a dozen times until every one of them had claw marks on either their backs or their bellies.

Each time one of them is attacked, the monkeys don't get more afraid, but rather angrier. They thought that the culprit is a coward that is only capable of hiding itself and leaving an insignificant claw mark on their bodies is the only attack it could do. And thus, they continued their search and ignored the wound on their bodies.

Matthew had already successfully injected his venom to all the monkeys in the monkey group, and he also counted their numbers and found out that even after he had taken down 9 monkeys earlier, there are still 14 of them left.

It had been about 20 minutes after he first activated the chameleon's aura ability, and remembering that his aura will run out in about another 10 minutes, Matthew didn't stay idle even after he had injected his venom to all the monkeys present. Using his remaining time, Matthew set his target on the monkeys who are still jumping on the trees lively and clawed them again to inject even more venom.

It used to take his venom about 5 minutes to show its effect when he fought the deers that were about double or triple his body size. And now that the venom had been upgraded after his second evolution, its potency has increased and it would take less time to affect the monkeys, and the monkeys' body is also clearly smaller than the deers even though their levels are higher.

It took Matthew about 8 minutes to hit all the monkeys with his claws and the first few monkeys who had been injected by the venom earlier were already starting to feel light-headed and their senses numbing, and they have completely lost their ability to jump from trees and as more time has passed, they even find walking to be difficult.

The other monkeys who were injected by the venom later-on were too absorbed in their anger to find the culprit who had attacked them with its claws for the second time that they didn't pay attention to the other members of their group who were already starting to wobbly walk on the ground and some of them even just sat on the ground blankly because they didn't know what had happened to them.

The prideful monkeys couldn't realize that their current conditions were caused by the insignificant claw mark on their body and with their muddled mind, they thought that they were tired after searching for the culprit all over the place. And some of them even think that they would take a quick nap to ease their light-headedness, not knowing that the moment they close their eyes, they would never wake up again.

The scene where monkeys started to slow down their jumping and went down to walk on the ground repeated again and again until all of them are now on the ground with their limp bodies and cold sweat running all over their bodies.

About 30 Minutes had passed and seeing that all the monkeys have been severely weakened and Matthew even already got a few notifications about dead monkeys, he decided to deactivate his aura ability first before it turned off on its own and his aura reserve sucked dry.

And when Matthew deactivated his aura ability, the monkeys who still had their eyes open and still got the ability to think, finally saw their attackers for the first time. They wanted to get up and attack the one who was responsible for attacking them, but their bodies were already severely weakened and they even found it difficult to stand up properly, so they could only watch the culprit once again bite their companions' neck and kill them once again in front of their very eyes.

The monkeys who were lucky enough to have passed out first didn't realize when their necks were being torn open and it could be said that they died peacefully in their sleep.

But the unfortunate one that was affected by the venom later on or their resistance against venom is quite good, have to deal with the terror of watching the cold-blooded killer taking its time walking slowly and leisurely, tearing their companions' neck open one by one without being able to do anything to retaliate, and they could only watch and wait for their own turn.

After killing his fifteenth monkey, Matthew finally got the notification that he wanted,

-Level 12 Macaque Monkey Killed-

-Congratulations, you've reached Level 15, you can now evolve-

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