
Reign of the Wallenstein

Born as a child soldier in a war-torn country, Joey was destined for bloodshed. He spent half of his life on the battlefield, trying his hardest to stay alive. Unfortunately, fate has another plan for him. Joey was involved in some unfortunate accident and died without glory to his name. And yet the death he was expecting didn't come for him. Reincarnated as a boy with the same name as him, Joey Wallenstein must make sense of his new reality while trying to avoid his airhead mother's attempt in suffocating him to death. The story's pace is a bit slow in the beginning, but it will get better in the later chapters. What happens when MHA meets Danmachi? Let's find out, shall we? Though I'm warning you, some characters might have their age altered by the whim of the author. So it might throw you out of the loop. Expect the unexpected! If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/BCloud I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. The characters that appear in this fanfiction also didn't belong to me.

BCloud · Komik
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35 Chs


Inside the forest, an adult and a child were facing each other in a staring contest. It would be a funny sight if it were not for the blood staining the man's black mask.

It was the man who broke the stalemate by throwing a straight punch in my direction. The fist of the man looked so massive as it came barrelling upon my face.

He's fast!

I barely managed to shift my head to the side when another punch followed behind it. It was so fast that all I saw is a blur before a sharp breeze closed in on my face.

Is this the true power of Level 2? The last man died before he managed to showcase his power. So I had no idea that he could be this powerful. His base stats are way higher than mine!


The straight punch went past my cheek as I dodged to the side.

That was close.

But it was far from over.


Fwoosh~ Fwooish~!

The man pulled one punch after another. I shifted and dodged around them as jabs, and kicks come from unexpected angles.

"Take this!" The man roared as he lift his leg into a kick. I feel the wind part as his thick and heavy leg tried to cleave me like an executioner's ax.

I used the tip of my boot to slide back and the man's kick landed on the tree. Bam! the trunk which is thicker than the two of me combined shook violently. Pieces of wood were scattered everywhere.

Green leafs rained down from the sky. When one of them landed on his fist, he throw a punch at me and we started our next dance with green leaves fluttering around us.

Bam! Swish! Bam!

Splinters and bark flew around me as I used the trees around us as obstacles to hinder the man's attack. It's working but not good enough. At this rate, It will never end.

I've been observing his moves, and now I'm pretty sure he's using karate and boxing, long-reach martial arts. Coupled with his long adult limbs, every attack of his felt like a metallic lance. Paired with that inhuman speed, I can't get close to him at all. His stats are too high!

Tsk, It can't have helped.

There's only one solution, and that is to get close to him. If I could get into his inner space, then I might be able to suppress him. However, it's not that easy. Every single attacks of his are too fast. So the closer I get the bigger the risk.

Heh, what is this? Am I hesitating? What a joke. That is not funny.

My eyes might fail me but my instinct won't. After enduring days of hell-like training from Ais, my instinct has become sharper than before.

Right now, the reason why he still hasn't finished me off is not because of some secret magic or anything. It's because my body is moving on its own and dodging his assaults!

Although he's fast, It was nowhere close to mom's speed. The man must have realized this too. That he won't be able to finish me off. After another miss, he halted his attack and glared at me, eyes brewing with hate.

"I don't know who you're kid, but don't think you can escape from this place unharmed after killing my comrade! You have no idea who you're messing with."

"Is that so?" I replied casually, amusement seeping from my tone.

"What's so funny?" He growled.

I shrugged, "I could say the same to you. Do you even know who you're messing with?"

"What a load of bullshit!" The man sneered, he didn't take my words seriously.

"Well, just think about it. Don't you think it's strange? there's no way a random kid could hold his own against a Level 2 Villain and kill the other one in a few seconds?"

His eyebrows furrowed, "...What're you trying to say?"

I relaxed my stance as I paced around him, "A child suddenly appeared in the forest and ruined your plan. Don't tell me you think that was a coincidence."

"...Ah I see, so you're saying that you're with those bastards, huh. Unfortunately, that alone won't be able to change your fate."

Huh? Those bastards? I smell story sub-quest. But now is not the time. I tried to scare him for a bit but he doesn't seem to be that intimidated. So he shouldn't belong to a simple villain group. Even so, I could see it, the uncertainty and misgiving started to brew inside his eyes. I just need a little more push to make him stumble into a mess. It will be an easy picking then.

But Nah, I didn't want to.


I disabled my force field and pump all of the juice into my legs. Soil and dirt burst out, leaving a deep imprint on the ground.

Pairs of dark adult eyes widened in shock as I vanished from his sight and appeared on his side. I put all of my weight behind this single palm on his chest.


"Ugh." He coughed as a trickle of blood seeped from his lips. The man raised his hands and tried to block my next follow-up attacks.

Not that easy!

I transferred most of the life force from my legs to my hands and arms, increasing my attacking speed and power. The change in tempo must have caught him off guard and I successfully landed a few punches to his chest.

He roared and tried to forcefully smash me away from his side but I evaded the incoming punch and diverted the tricky ones with the gentle arts of Wing Chun.

Gentle as the flowing water. Once I'm in the zone, it won't be that easy to escape from me. I took special care to keep him where I need him to be, in close range.

After another hit to the chest and neck, the man started to let out a gasp of pain. His movement started to slow down and I didn't miss the chance to land some hits on his muscular body.

My attacks started to get faster and faster as I pump more life force into it. It won't be easy for him to escape from the barrage of palms and quick punches. I also used my elbows and knees to smash my way into his joints and important bits. Once you're caught in the deadly web of Wing Chun, you won't be able to get away so easily. It's especially good in cramped places and close-quarter combat.

And now that we are face to face in a close range, his long limbs have become a disadvantage instead.

I feel so relaxed as my body flowed like the sea current, gentle and yet unstoppable!

I weaved around the man's attacks as we made countless deadly exchanges between us. He roared and I dodge his punch, it landed on the tree and blew a big hole in it, sending splinters everywhere. I used that chance to move closer to him and slammed my elbow into his chest, causing the man to cough another blood.

An opening! I moved into another punch, but then I saw it. The man's mouth split into a maniacal grin, face morphed into something savage. Is he planning to trade blow for blow? Interesting, it might work on me a few years ago but now?

The man's grin vanished when he made an impact with my ribs. He can't help but open his eyes wide in disbelief when a white glow flickered as it deflected his smash sideways. The impact from the deflection disturbed his balance.

I took that chance to shower him with a barrage of quick punches while thwarting the man's attempt at desperate self-defense by hitting his limb's weak points.

I gave him a light kick to the back of his knee to make him kneel on one knee. I raised my leg and enhanced it before slamming it against his neck.

The man gargled as his eyes went white.

He's done for, is what I thought. But suddenly a powerful grasp latched into my hand.


I glanced back to the kneeling man and saw his eyes rolled back beneath the balaclava.

He's really fainted!

But his grasp is only getting stronger and stronger until I can feel something crack inside my arm.

"Ugh!" I gritted my teeth at the pain.

I put my good hand on the thick and large hand holding my arm and with a light tap of my foot, I jumped to his shoulder and coiled my legs around his huge arm and neck in a shoulder lock.

With a bit of twist and pull, I wasted his shoulder and arm.

When I feel his hold start to weaken, I snapped it off until it bend at a weird angle before jumping down.

I breathed out my exhaustion while wiping the sweat from my eyes. To think I was caught off guard and got injured in the process. It was funny but I can't bring myself to laugh. Oh, the irony.

"What should I do with him..." I pondered while healing my broken arm.

He's not a low-class thug you can find on the street. Making him fess up will be a lot harder than usual. So the technique will be crucial in making him sing.

I flicked the silver knife back and forth between my fingers. Pondering which one should I choose...

"Ah, before that." I glanced toward the empty forest. "Come out here!"

There's no rustle or sign of someone out there, it is just silence that greets me.

I sighed, "Narvi, how long are you going to hide?"


Sure enough, there she is. A redhead clad in a maid outfit. She had medium bobbed hair and a slim body to go with it. She's 26 years old and a Level 4 Hero. Yep, she's a super-powered maid.

She's one of the reasons why I dared to go chasing this group of villains. Narvi is more or less around Himiko in terms of power level. I feel super safe with her by my side. With Himiko out there somewhere, she becomes her replacement to act as my escort and keep me safe. In other words, a babysitter.

"As expected of the young master. You can see through my hiding skill." Narvi said with astonishment in her tone.

Rather than seeing through her skill, it's more like no living beings could hide their presence from me. It doesn't matter how high their concealment skill is or how good they're at erasing their presence. As long as they're living beings, they won't be able to escape from my eyes. But there's no need for her to know that.

"It's just a little trick." Seeing that she doesn't pursue the matter, I waved at the unconscious man. "Can you make him talk?"

"Certainly, young master." Narvi bowed elegantly before taking out something from beneath her maid skirt.

There's no need to do the dirty work myself when I had a subordinate who could do it in my stead.

"Young master..." Suddenly she called out to me. "Why did you kill the other man?"

Huh? Is she talking about that man with the hole in his head? Well... "Shouldn't killing a hostile attacking you a normal thing to do?"

"But... Young master, if someone were to know about it, you could be branded as a villain!" Narvi looked at me with worry on her face.

Ah, yeah. This is the MHA world. I have been living in this world for 6 years and have gotten used to it so much that I forgot it was a thing. I heard about this sometime a few years ago on the TV. People here frowned at the act of killing. I can see why she's upset.

"Well, sorry I guess? It's just... when I saw a hostile in front of me, my body just kind of moving on their own."

I cannot see her face, but I definitely feel a flash of surprise and sadness emanating from her back. Is it really that big of a deal...? I mean she could just erase the whole evidence if she's that worried.

I leave Narvi to do the interrogation and leaped to the branch of a nearby tree. I sat down and rested my back against the trunk.


I took a deep breath and exhaled.

Now that I had stopped forcing my breathing to stay normal. My breathing become a mess right now.


I began to calm my irregular breathing. It was just two battles but the fast-paced combat took a lot out of me. Real combat sure is different from sparing. I could still feel my heart beating like crazy inside my chest. Looks like I need some time to regain my stamina. Still, it's a lot of fun and very informative.

Now, I know how strong I'm compared to an ordinary Level 2 Hero. If it's an ambush, I could finish him off with magic tools in a heartbeat. But in one on one confrontations or an open field, I had to go all out to beat him. Well, that is on assumption that I'm not allowed to kill him. I'm pretty sure I could finish it faster if I didn't have to keep him alive.