
Reign of the Wallenstein

Born as a child soldier in a war-torn country, Joey was destined for bloodshed. He spent half of his life on the battlefield, trying his hardest to stay alive. Unfortunately, fate has another plan for him. Joey was involved in some unfortunate accident and died without glory to his name. And yet the death he was expecting didn't come for him. Reincarnated as a boy with the same name as him, Joey Wallenstein must make sense of his new reality while trying to avoid his airhead mother's attempt in suffocating him to death. The story's pace is a bit slow in the beginning, but it will get better in the later chapters. What happens when MHA meets Danmachi? Let's find out, shall we? Though I'm warning you, some characters might have their age altered by the whim of the author. So it might throw you out of the loop. Expect the unexpected! If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/BCloud I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. The characters that appear in this fanfiction also didn't belong to me.

BCloud · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


A big thanks to Flashycow for being a patron! If you want to support me and get early access to chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/BCloud


It took less than 30 minutes to arrive at the Seigakuin Junior High School.

Our car went past the gate and stopped in front of the school's main building.

When I come out of the car, countless gazes are locked on me and Himiko. The first time it happen, I was so taken aback that I nearly dropped my sweet roll. I never received so much attention from other people before. Of course, hatred-filled gazes didn't count.

But now, I have already gotten used to it. Rather, I had become numb to it after being subjected to countless gazes of admiration and envy for years. To be exact, it was six years. There's no way the novelty going to stay the same. I am sure anyone would get bored. Me included.

As for why people showed me such a gaze? Other than my status, it would be my looks I guess? Objectively speaking, I might be interested romantically in the man known as Joey if I was born as a woman. It's as expected though, Joey is the combination of Ais and Bell, there's no way the result will be far from theirs.

But somehow today's gazes I received are different than usual. There is this curious mixed within. I knew that gaze. They are filled thirst for gossip and rumor. Then worst kind of gaze.

They used to be more sneaky as they took a secret glance at me here and there, but today, they're more blatant than before.

But why?

I racked my brain for the reason and immediately stumbled upon something. It was the rumor between me and Momo. I am sure of it. So that's why I feel curiosity in their eyes when they looked at me.

I walked leisurely toward my classroom, ignoring the schoolmates around me. Along the hallway, I could hear a lot of whispers as they glanced at me. The crowd was getting rowdier when they saw Momo walking over from the other side of the hallway. Their eyes darted around excitedly between me and Momo. They're without a doubt expecting some kind of romantic scene that only exists inside a movie.

What should I do? I am at loss at what to do.

They're thinking we are dating each other. So, it won't do to just brush off Momo like this. As I thought of various ways to handle Momo inside my mind, Momo finally arrived in front of me. And before I could greet her casually just like a normal classmate would do, she reach out and lightly hugged me.


What? What is she doing?

Is this the modern-day greeting or something that the upper-class citizen do? But I don't recall ever seeing something like that in my memory.

I was confused...

But, who would have thought that hugging is not the end? It's just the beginning!

Ignoring my confusion, she erotically brushed her lips against my cheek as she whispers in my ears.

"I am really happy today."

At that moment, the crowd finally went out of control as they yelled out excitedly.

"Kyaa! she did it!"

They kissed! They kissed! Did you see that?!"

"I can't believe this!"

"She kissed Joey! Uwaa!"

"I must not miss this chance, this will become the hottest topic of the monthly Seihakuin Newspaper Club!"

"That thieving cat! How dare she do that to our prince!"

"Joey is ours. He's everyone's Joey. I'll never forgive her."

""We'll never forgive her.""

I was so dumbfounded by what Momo did that I missed some hair-raising words the girls around me were saying.

As expected, not only Momo, but other students also thought that we were going out with each other.

I glanced at the girl holding my arm. She looked like a young lady from a rich family. Even though she doesn't have that pair of potentials on her yet, she doesn't look that far from her canon self.

Well, it's too late to back out now. I guess I have to enjoy my youth with Momo. And so, I go to the classroom with Momo in tow. The moment I opened the classroom door, all hell went loose.

"They're coming to school together?! It looks like the rumor is true!"

"Sure enough."

"I'm envious."

"I also want a girlfriend..."

There's no end to this, I sighed and went to my seat. But, there's a little problem. I eyed at the little beauty sticking to my side like glue.

"Uh, Momo. Could you let go of my arms? I can't sit with you clinging like this."

"Ah, sorry. I'm so happy that I forgot myself for a moment there." Momo fiddled with her hair as she unlatched herself from my arm.

Honestly, she's way too different compared to the last time I saw her. It's like she's a completely different person. Is this because now we are dating? How could a person change so much?

I have heard a saying that women have many faces. I guess it's not groundless after all. This must be the face she showed to her boyfriend.

"Hey, Momo. Congratulation!"

"Yes, thank you, Jiro."

When I pull out a book from my bag, I heard Momo speaking to another student. It's nothing ordinary, but the name that comes out from Momo's conversation is bringing some Dejavu to me. It feels like I have heard the name Jiro somewhere.

I don't bother resisting my curiosity and glanced at Momo. Beside her, I saw an ordinary girl. There's nothing special with her in terms of beauty or figure. Everything is below Momo. But if there's one thing that stands out, it was her abnormally long ears.

I see, she had a mutant Quirk.

Now, I know where the weird gaze aimed at her coming from. She has a great future ahead of her.

Mutant-type Quirk, unlike in MHA, in this world mutation quirk is kind of a nice surprise considering all quirks start with I0 magic in status, which means they're all weak as fuck. Including my quirk.

It reminds me of how I first got my quirk, it used to be so weak that it didn't respond to me whatsoever.

But thanks to the milk, I got an explosive growth in magic. Outpacing the other kids my age.

And unlike us, mutant quirk users are granted more control and power over their quirk in exchange for malformation in their bodies.

It's nice to have early power up but I don't envy them. Not even one bit. Because the majority of mutant quirk is hard on the eyes. This is also resulting in discrimination they faced in society.

But this Jiro, she's not that bad. Her mutation doesn't look that weird so I don't think she will bring Momo any trouble. I don't have anything against them but other people might didn't think so.

Not long after all students settled in their seats, the teacher come and started his class.

It was math.

I can't say that I'm a fan of this class. If I were to rank it, it would be 1st from the bottom.

I examined the scribble of numbers on my book. The lesson is harder than the elementary school but I can manage to solve it. Still, I don't see the point to learn math more than necessary unless you plan to major in economics.

This is the reason I hated this school. I can't choose my classes. They're already decided by the school. What a waste of time.

Still, even though I talked big about changing how the school manages their class and what they learn, I don't have a concrete idea of how to go about achieving such a thing.

If I were to use the Wallenstein influence to pressure the government, would that work?

Well, if it doesn't work then I'll just have to become a first-class hero and use force to make them agree.

As the saying goes. Might make right. Everything is Allmight.

"Joey! What are you spacing out for? Come up here and solve the next question."


"Yes, sir~"

I hate math.

But even if I said so, I could solve the question without a problem. And just like a good student, I sat down and listened to their lesson without complaint, which is what I kept to myself.

When lunch break comes, we went to the rooftop to eat our bento. Seeing that I always bring a bento to school, Momo also did the same so that she could eat together with her boyfriend. We sat on a wooden bench beside the small flower garden.

This is not bad, the scenery is wonderful. From here, I could see the majestic sight of a towering building that stretch into the cloud, the Babel Tower. I'd love to go there with Momo one day.

I looked at Momo who was sitting with her hip stuck to mine. While hugging my left arm to her chest, she's assembling the three stories bento on her lap. Is there a need to be this close? I can't eat like this.

But, seeing the smile perched on her face gave me this floaty feeling in my heart. So I let it be. Pampering your girlfriend is also what a boyfriend should do.

Momo picked up a slice of meat from her bento with her chopstick and peeked at me, "Um, Joey... can I feed you?"

I stared at this cute creature in front of me and my mouth suddenly moved by itself, "Sure, I'd love to."

With a blush on her face, she raised her chopstick to my mouth. I ate the slice of meat stuck between the pink chopsticks. I chewed the juicy meat in my mouth, savoring the taste. It's not worse than Himiko cooking. Both are delicious. I like it.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Momo looking at her chopsticks in a daze. The blush on her face is becoming more apparent.

"Momo, are you alright?"

"Eh? Um, ah I'm fine." Her lashes fluttered as she averted her eyes from me.

Looking at her acting bashful like this gave me a weird sense of satisfaction.

Spending my time eating a delicacy with beauty while enjoying the rooftop scenery might be better than I thought.

"Let's do it again tomorrow."


"Of course, I'd love to eat together with you. Just make sure there are no bell peppers tomorrow."

"No promise there." Momo giggled.

"Then I'll make sure you keep your promise."

I swiped the bento from her lap and put it away before started tickling her belly. Under my swift hands, Momo had no chance and instantly burst into laughter.

We spend too much time playing with each other that we forgot to eat our lunch.