
Redemption Hawks/Keigo x Reader

Y/n had never been the type to play hero she would flat out call herself the villain of the story's people told as her quirk made that quiet clear as well so what did she do she became the villain and the bait

JJ_Bops · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

“Pretty bird”

Y/n slowly started to wake up she was in someone's arms and was being shaken softly."Miss are you with me? Miss please wake up can you hear me?" Y/n's body violently shot up causing the person holding her to grip her tightly."Hey missy calm down you seem to be kinda stressed." The mystery person spoke with a soft tone trying to keep Y/n calm. Soon Y/n had come to realize that she was still on the streets and had passed out due too lack of energy. Everything was still trying to click in her head ,but while all that was going the mystery person was still trying to get her attention."Miss! Are you even listening to me! I need to know if you're ok!" Y/n snaps out of the haze she was in and looks up at the person holding and yelling at her to see a beautiful set of sharp amber eyes and messy dirty blond hair."Your pretty!" Y/n says slowly and tiredly she looks around ,and soon finds the man's wings that were a beautiful crimson red color mean while the man isn't having it and begins to stand up while hold her."You are such a pretty bird" the man looks at Y/n and asks nicely "Do you have a house Miss?" Y/n ignores him and just repeats "Pretty bird!" over and over again before passing out.

Y/n Slowly comes to again she wakes up with a horrible headache and in a hotel room with a note attached to her horns the reads.

'You must have had a lot of fun last night you're welcome for the room btw. From, pretty bird.'

Y/n laughs at the note she probably drunkenly left herself ,and then remembers the run in with the villains last night. It made her shiver but then she tries to remember what happened after that and she couldn't. Y/n tried to calm herself down but failed it creeped her out the note and the memory loss she seriously ,didn't know what had gone on and she didn't even know who the hell Pretty bird was she was starting to think she didn't write the note herself. So she just decided to get up and leave and investigate but before she could Y/n ended you running to the bathroom to puke. Y/n was probably in there for an hour before room service came she told them go away ,but when they entered anyway she knew something was off. With all her strength Y/n forced herself to stand up and with wobbly legs she saw walked to the bathroom door and peaked out. She saw a slightly normal looking lady which cause her to let her guard down ,but then it hit Y/n the yellow haired girls quirk was some sort of shifting thing.

Y/n tried to stand up Straight but due to the nausea and headache she fell causing a loud thud. It alerted the house keeping lady and she walk towards where the loud sound was made. Y/n began to freak out if it was the weird girl she didn't have enough energy to fend her off and she barely knew hand to hand combat. As Y/n heard the foot steps get closer she kicked the door shut and waited for a knock and that knock soon came. "Hello in anyone in there?" Another knock came and Y/n just gave in she didn't have the energy to fight. "Yes there is somebody in here ,and I don't know if you heard but I didn't want housekeeping." The lady on the other side froze. "Oh really I'm sorry I didn't hear you let me just finish up and leave." Y/n would hear some commotion going and the door close before opening again causing her to force herself up again and open the door. She would peak out ,and see someone who wasn't the lady going through her stuff. Y/n would see them taking some random stuff they thought was probably hers but she didn't have anything there it was a hotel room after all. The person would spot Y/n in the corner of their eyes."Oh wow we run into each other again." Y/n would take a second and look at the person up and down see the scars on his body she knew."How did you find me!" The man would turn to her with a creepy smile Y/n would get ready to run but would struggle barely being able to stand. "Stay away from me!" Dabi would walk closer to her and his smile would disappear before speaking with a pissed off tone."You know you don't leave a guy hanging like that Kinda rude."

Y/n wouldn't know what to do she would be frozen with fear she would be trying to summon a demon but would fail and Dabi would still be getting closer to her."Please just leave me alone! I don't know what you want and I probably don't have it!" Y/n would slowly move herself out the bathroom and more out into the open in cause she need to fight and as she did her and Dabi would be facing each other."Oh come on doll what I want is you it's not that hard to piece together." Y/n would start to freak out as his face was in hers now before kicking Dabi in the balls and running away she could hear him groaning as she ran away into an elevator. She would be spamming the floor one button before falling to the cold ground. Y/n would be breathing heavily tears start to form in her eyes she was just so weak in the moment and didn't know what to do. Y/n would force herself to stand and try to steady her breath but she couldn't she was replaying everything in her head and tears would just be flowing until the elevator door opened and two people stared weirdly at her. Y/n would wipe her tears and walk out the elevator and wish to go home for the first time in month. Wish to see Yuki wish to hold her Y/n would walk out the hotel with hopes to go home but she didn't have anything she didn't have a phone she didn't have any money she had nothing except the really exposing clothes on her back.

Y/n had been wondering for a while leaves were in her horns and she was on the verge of passing her head would be aching so she just walked into the nearest bar and sat down in a booth. Y/n would doze off being woken up by the tap of the bar tender."Hey Missy you've been here for hours you need anything like a water."Y/n look at him would smile at his kindness and nod slightly she couldn't really speak at her head still hurt and speaking would make it worse. The bartender would leave and go get Y/n some water but as he was gone Y/n would hear slight dripping noises she would look down to see black blood on the table. She would bring her hand up to her nose and grab a napkin wiping of the table and her nose. Throwing the napkin off to the side the bartender would come back with her water soon after."Sorry it took me so long missy." Y/n would grab the water and take a sip."Thank you." Y/n would speak quietly and continue drinking the water. A few more hours would have passed and Y/n's headache would be gone but she was still tired and weak. Y/n would see the bartender walking up to her and she knew she was getting kicked out."Hey there Missy we're closing do you got anywhere to go?"Y/n would pause and scratch at her hand before looking at the table."I don't." The bartender would pause before walking away and calling someone and walked back to Y/n."Ok Missy I called you a cab to the nearest hotel but that's all I can do." Y/n would smile and look at him she was surprised he was so nice to her even with the horns which usually scared people away."Thank you sir but I have no money I can't pay you back ,nor can I afford a hotel room." The bartender would sigh and start picking the leaves off her horns before throwing them out and handing you a couple bucks."It's on me and why don't you stop by tomorrow I can give you a job so you can earn some extra cash."

Y/n would smile and take the money as the cab pulled up she would walk to the door."Thank you sir you're so kind!" The bartender would wave to her as she walked and Y/n would get in the cab with a smile on her face dozing off in the back of the cab. Y/n would wake up in pain on the side of the road barely being able to move she would see a giant crash. Y/n had been flung out of the cab and there was multiple heroes around them apparently a villain attack had happened causing the crash. Y/n would be dozing off before she heard a soft voice it sounded familiar. "Hey stay with me no falling asleep. I know you're tired but stay with me."

A/n (Y/n being low on energy mixed with the hangover really messed her up that's why she was really weak)