
Red Sun Mercanaries (A One piece FF)

From the Ashes Of Crime, Pirating and War rise the Red Sun Mercanaries

Revamping12345 · Komik
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5 Chs


So you want to hear a story eh?"

"An Epic of adventures across the seas. Come and hear what old Marcus has to say."

"Have I got a tale for you. There's a plethora to choose from"

"I have many tales, some filled with power, wealth, deception, or I don't know, taxes, pick one to listen to"

A raggedy old shack creaked at the end of the cliff, amazingly it withstood the storm, like a massive F-U to whatever deity conjuring up the storm.

An old man settled huddled in a room, a window on his right, lightning occasional outside, setting an eerie atmosphere in the almost empty cabin.

Well, empty would be the wrong word, in the corner, huddled 3 boys with dirt on their faces, a black-haired boy, who was the lankiest. boasting a larger frame.

A boy with crimson red hair, red eyes, with a scar on his nose. He was the shortest of the bunch, but had a tough build, with faint muscles being spotted on his body.

And the last, a boy with blonde hair, green eyes, he was the one who clutched the coins, his breath ragged as he approached the old man.

"s-Sir, we want to hear a story!" The boy's teeth chattered as thunder boomed at the exact moment he spoke.

The old man looked at the group of boys apprehensively.

'They really do remind me of old Yami, hm how good those times were'

Smiling the man showed his crooked teeth with all but a few missing.

"A tale you seek, a tale you shall receive," The man said an eerie glow erupted from his lanky body, it quieted the storm outside, a bubble surrounded the group.

In this bubble little men and women made of green appeared, all shifting and turning, twisting. bending.

"I am known by many names but all in all im just a simple bard, a man who tells stories."

"Now pick a story boy"

"We want to hear about the Red Sun Mercenaries sir, and their adventures," The tall black-haired boy said in an almost fanboyish way.

'The Red Sun Mercanries, ha, its always the same ol story eh Yami, I guess you really are immortal, just not in the way we were hoping'

"The Red Sun Mercenaries boy? Do you really want that tale, it'd be a shame if you go down that path."

"I guess I have no choice, this was during the early days of what was known as piracy it was a fresh afternoon, the ocean water spray leaving a rancid but cool smell on the [Sunflower's Praise]"




Myths aren't real but you can't prove them fake, stories exist and are immortalized in history due to the fascination we have with them.

I am but a silent storyteller, hear to tell tales that have weighed on my heart, the strongest of them all being...

The Tales Of The Red Sun Mercanaries