
Red Shadow

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BlackChaosNyx · Lainnya
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18 Chs

Chapter 1

"What a peculiar dream..." A boy around the age of 12 says as he stands floating in a pure sky blue void with clouds drifting endlessly below him. Standing across from him is an exact mirror replica of him staring back at him. He turns back and sees another replica of him, however this one is wearing a black copy of his outfit instead of the white one. They both share his appearance never the less. Short straight dark red hair, onyx colored irises in his eyes. His outfit consists of a white short sleeved tee-shirt, a black hooded coat with an orange swirl symbol on the back. His pants were a standard shinobi styled pants colored black. His Kunai holster is strapped to his left thigh while his shuriken to his right. He had a standard dark brown pouch hooked to his belt that is used to store an important scroll he hand inherited from his deceased father after he had been taken in by the village when he was 6 years of age. Living off of his mother's final inheritance he had enrolled in the Konohagakure's ninja academy to take after his parents. On his feet are a pair of black steel toed boots designed for practicality rather than style. A ninja shouldn't stand out after all.

"What kind of dream is this?" The boy asks. As if to answer his question the replica in white responds.

'This is not a dream...' The white one says.

'At the same time it is indeed.." The black one continues.

"A dream, but not a dream?" The boy asks confused.

'Indeed.' Replies the white one.

"Okay. What are you... or me?"

The black one responds, "We are you and you are us. We are the representation of the Force that you had inherited upon your reincarnation into this world."

Followed by the white one who finishes the reply, 'You have died unjustly, thus were granted a boon in return. I am the representation of your Light Side of the Force.'

'And I am the representive of your Dark Side of the force.' Said the Dark replica.

They both go to say, 'We are your inner self. Your compassion and your wrath. In this world you are the only one to wield the Force, in essence you are the Force. Together your Light and Dark come together within you to perform what the universes have not experienced before, Force Equilibrium. The union of Light and Dark within a perfect vessel.'

The Light and Dark replicas levitate and shoots into the boys body startling him. Both Light and Dark have merged inside of him forming the so called Force Equilibrium. The boy stands there with his jaws dropped, shocked at what he is hearing. "The Force? As in.... Star Wars?" He asks.

'Indeed.' A hollow voice echoes within his head.

"Are you in my head?" He asks.

The voice replies, Indeed. I am your inner voice. Here to explain the circumstances that brought you hear and what kind of life you shall potentially lead in the future to come. Your previous life had ended in tragedy, slain alongside your friends by one you once trusted and considered a friend. A man driven to insanity by forces beyond anyone's control. An unjust fate to be sure. You were granted a great boon at random upon your rebirth and the boon alongside your memories have awakened on this day as preordained.'

"So... today was the day chosen to awaken my... memories and the Force?" He asks.


"Okay. Where did I end up? I don't recognize these clothing."

'You have been reborn in the World of the Elemental Nations, or as they would call it in your world, the world of Naruto.'

"Naruto?" The boy tilts his head and rubs his chin in thought, "What's Naruto?"

'In your world Naruto is a popular Japanese series. Novels, manga, games, and animations.'

The boy groans, 'Seriously? Couldn't I have been born in a world I was familiar with? Like Star Wars, I actually grew up with the series and know a lot about it, but this.... Naruto? I'm blind here!'

His inner voice just chuckles, 'No one can truly know where they were to end being reborn or what kind of boon they would be granted if they were. You may not remember the encounter in the "World between Worlds" but I do. Your friend Gavin was it? He had the misfortune of being reborn as a female and a first born daughter of a noble.'

"Wow, talk about a cock block for the biggest pervert among my friends," the boy couldn't help but chuckle at old Gavin's misfortune. If he Gavin was as lucky as he had always been in their previous life then he could probably turn that misfortune into a fortune. Gavin had always been quite crafty even if people thought there was nothing in his head except sex.

The boy then recalls the outfit and equipment he had been wearing.

"So this world of Naruto... What's it like?" He asks.

'The world of the Elemental Nations is considered the world of ninja. There are 5 major ninja villages, called Hidden Villages in this world as well as numerous others. Each within a country named after the elements run by a feudal lord called the Daimyo. Konohagakure is the Village Hidden in the Leaves, in the Fire Country. The Earth Country has the Iwagakure, Lightning Country has Kumogakure, Kirigakure is in the Water Country, The Wind Country has Sunagakure.' The inner voice explains, 'Other than these five countries there are smaller nations and villages, but you can study up on them in the library when you awaken.'

"I understand." The boy says nodding. A simple explanation is all he needed for the time being, "So which country and I currently in?"

'You have been reborn outside of one of the major villages, however upon your mother's death a friend of the family was, by your mother's request, tasked with bringing you to the village of Konoha where you have lived stably for the past 6 years. People were wary of you since you shared a similar surname with the village pariah, but since you had always been a recluse during your early years, they tolerated your existence more than the other one who shared your surname. Consider yourself fortunate as your fellow Uzumaki had been tormented his whole life for something beyond his control.'

"Bummer. Poor kid, hold on strong pal." He says quietly offering a condolence to a kid he hadn't met you to his knowledge. "So I'm in the Konohagakure huh?"

'Indeed. It's considered the strongest of the five great villages, yet even still it could also be considered the most dangerous due to all of the hidden shadows that plot about, greed and ambitions run rampant. Even you were considered a prime target due to your lineage's unique characteristics, but that was shut down quite quickly by the village's leader himself.'

"Sigh.... Why do you know more about me than I do? I know your my inner... me? But man!" The boy complains causing his inner voice to chuckle.

'It cannot be helped, your still assimilating to this new world.'

"So I have the Force right? Jedi and Sith powers?"


"What can I do? How do I use them?" He asks expectantly.

'When you awaken you should instinctively understand how to tap into the Force and use two common Force powers. Telekinesis and Meditation.'

The boy crosses his arms and taps his feet as he thinks, "Telekinesis is things like Force Pull and Force Pull among other similar abilities, but Meditation?"

'Meditation, just like Telekinesis, is considered a Core Force ability. Meditation to the Force is what Chakra Control is for Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, etc. It improves your familiarity and control over the force while also increasing how much of it you can use before hitting exhaustion. In this point you have a greater advantage over others on the path of the shinobi.'

"How so?" The boy asks.

'The Force enhances your mental capabilities making it easier to comprehend information, remember things, maintain your composure when the situation is dire. Thanks to the force you effectively have what most considers perfect chakra control. While you didn't inherit the massive reserves the Uzumaki Clan have been known for, you still have more than the average kids your age. Around min genin level reserves. On the plus side you kept the increased stamina and life force they were also known for. As for your father? It's unknown, but what is known is that it was an outsider so your only half Uzumaki.'

"Half breed? Lovely. What's so good about perfect chakra control?"

'Perfect chakra control means that once you are able to perfectly mold chakra to cast a jutsu, you will no longer require hand seals or shout out the jutsu names. Although I actually recommend you at least use a half seal so as to not gain the attention of certain parties. This world may seem mystical and wondrous, but it is also a brutal and unforgiving world for the weak. You will need plenty of hidden cards and power to survive and thrive, so that one day you may reach this world's peak and surpass it.'

The boy silently thinks after hearing the last part, "Surpass the world's peak?"

'Yes.' The inner voice replies, 'You, who have overcome death and interacted with the gods themselves have gained the potential to reach the levels of the gods themselves. All who have earned their favors have gained that potential, yet rarely does anyone ever tap into that potential. Perhaps you will be the first in hundreds of thousands of years, or perhaps you will fall short as others before you have. It all depends on the effort you put into achieving that potential. Become a god among men, or ascend to match the gods themselves. The choice is entirely yours.'

"No pressure there." The boy says sarcastically with a light chuckle. This is along of pressure for a mere mortal like himself. He personally doesn't remember interacting the with gods, but somewhere between dying and reviving he apparently did. "So how do I begin?"

'If you will focus on the back of your hands you will notice two distinct brands.' The boy glances at his hands and is surprised to find the brands. On his left hand a white one and on the right a black one. 'These are the markings representing the Light side and the Dark side. If you recall they are the symbols of the Resistance and the Empire from the movies.'

"Now that you mention it they do look a lot like them."

The symbol of the Jedi, or in this case the Light is that of solid white starbird which was often used by the resistance pilots. The Light symbol symbolizes the less violent and creative aspects of the force compared it's more violent side.

The symbol of the Sith, or Dark is the symbol used by the Empire in the movies. A cog with six spokes, a symbol that symbolizes power and authority in the series. Here is just represents the destructive tendencies of the Dark side.

"Not bad." He admires his new branded tattoos. "What's up with these?"

'The Light Symbol as we will call it has stored within it books on force abilities and fighting styles that you can learn. It is recommended that you practice your current skills until your able to use them more skillfully before moving on to the newer ones, especially Meditation. Once you master Meditation you will be able to utilize more of your force without exhausting yourself.'

"I see." The boy nods, "What of the Dark symbol?"

The inner voice replies, 'The Dark Symbol contains numerous light saber crystals, outfits, and sabers at your disposal. For now you can only access a light saber and a colored crystal of your choice.'

"Neat!' He says rubbing the Sith symbol, "For now I'll avoid using a light saber, as it would stand out far too much."

'Wise indeed.'

"As for the outfits.... Let's just leave them aside for the time being. A Jedi Tunic and robe would just look out of place here. If anything I'd prefer a variation of StarKiller's original outfit from the Force Unleashed as it looked close enough to pass as a ninja like outfit." He says thinking about the outfit, "If I want to be real secretive and mysterious I could go for Darth Revan's outfit."

'That would probably intimidate people.'


'Our time is now coming to a close. Should you desire more techniques to learn just send your consciousness into either of the brands, for they act as a storage seal. This will be the last you hear from me as your inner voice, from this moment on it is up to your own personal effort to gain more knowledge and techniques.'

"Already?" The boy says unwilling to leave just yet. "At least tell me who I am! What's my name in this new world?"

The voice chuckles mischievously before replying, 'Your name in this new life of yours is...'

In a blinding flash everything goes dark.

##The Next Morning.##

The boy awakens to the sound of his alarm going off and leans up to stretch out his arms and yawn. He feels well rested and oddly enough at piece with himself. He clicks off the alarm and throws off the covers, sitting over the side of the bed.

"I just had the strangest dream." He says. Glancing down at the back of his hands his jaws drop in utter shock. On the left a white brand and on the right a black brand. "A dream it was not, mind is blown it indeed." He mutters in his best Yoda impression. Suddenly his head is assaulted by a headache and it ends just as fast as it came. His mind now has so much new information pertaining this new life of his from the past 12 years or less.

"Seriously? My inner voice wasn't bullshitting me? My name is seriously Revan Uzumaki?" He shouts out. "What an utterly fucked up way for me to welcome a new life."

He sighs, "Guess I better make the best of it. He looks around at his small one bed apartment. A single room, bathroom, living room, and a kitchen. Fully furnished and in decent condition. At least he wasn't ripped off or anything like that other Uzumaki kid the inner voice spoke of. He guess the similar surname wasn't enough to deter the civilians and he sighs in relief. After sorting through all of his memories he glances at the calendar hanging on the wall above the bedroom's desk.

"A month until graduation? According to my memories my performance in class is average." Revan muses, "A perfect place for someone wanting to keep a low profile until he has the strength to take the world by storm."

He punches as fist into his palm and grins, "Okay Revan! I'm going to live up to your name! Thanks to Force Equilibrium I don't have to fear corruption and losing my mind, so I am going to learn the everything there is from both the Light and Dark sides while also mastering any ninja techniques possible along the way. I guess a good start would be the academy 3 they already taught us."

Since today is an off day for the ninja academy in his new home in the village of Konoha, he intends to use his newly gained perfect chakra control mastery to practice and master the academy 3 jutsu. Substitution, Clone, and Transformation. An off day is a perfect chance to catch up to the clan kids in the class and possibly surpass a few of them. Plus he also remembers the misplaced book he found in the library that someone forgot to return to the ninja section that taught a few basic chakra control exercises.

"This is going to be fun!"