
Chapter 2

It's early in the morning and Revan has just helped himself to a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, rice, and some toast. He didn't hold back on the portions considering he is still a healthy growing preteen who trains to become a shinobi, so he is bound to get plenty of exercise during his training to burn off all of the excess calories he may have gained. After cleaning the dishes and taking a quick shower, followed by brushing his teeth, he starts pondering over the things he had learned since joining the academy.

"Let's see.... I remember everything I learned in school, even if I didn't outright remember a lot of it before my past life memories returned. The Force can be thanked for that, for it gave me the recollection I need to remember the materials from class. Starting from grade 1 all the way up to here, a mere month from graduation. Disappointed to say that my grades and performance were merely average at best. But I didn't have much going for me until I awoken. Good thing my chakra reserves were lower than what a normal Uzumaki would have, barring I'm a halfbreed like my cousin. I know for a fact that this so called... Naruto is a halfbreed too considering his hair is blonde and not red like most normal Uzumaki clansmen."

He leans back on the sofa and continues his thoughts.

"Why do people hate him anyways? What's up with those whiskers?" He asks himself, "Sure his pranks can be annoying and he can take them too far, but that doesn't warrant all of this animosity does it?"

Revan just shrugs and gets back on topic.

"Theoretical knowledge aside I can without a doubt pass the written portion of the test easily. Simple mathematics and history should put me at the top, even pushing that annoying pink banshee to second place, but I don't want to attract too much attention to myself at the moment. I just want to peacefully grow into my power before I kick some ass." Revan then starts focusing on the next to subjects the academy will test, "Next up will be testing our throwing skills. Without the Force's aid I can definitely hit with at least 50% accuracy. Seriously me what the hell? I guess I can use the force to help fine tune my throwing skills with the shuriken and kunais."

Next Revan begins thinking about the next subject.

"They will test us on the academy 3 jutsu as well as our ability to escape genjutsu. The curriculum is kinda disappointing to be honest. No real practical classes! Let us academy students go out and fight against those weak chakra beasts I've read about."

Then he thinks about the final subject.

"Taijutsu or martial arts in this case. I was American in the past life so I can't be helped to use simpler terms for some things." Revan says with a shrug, "I've had basic experience and practice with the academy's default martial arts. I'm won some and lost some, so I wasn't the worst. I've only ever had to pair up against one of the Uchiha twins a few times so those fights usually ended with me getting my ass handed to me. The brother, Sasuke hits hard and fast, yet his style his more offense oriented. However the sister, Saya his more evasive and precise, knowing where to hit for the most optimum damage and pain. If she hits certain pressure points, then your in for a world of hurt."

(A/N: Yeah... Made the Uchiha twins lol. My story yo!)

He stands up and does some stretches.

"I better get out there and start practicing! I want to be ready for the exams next month and I definitely want to be able to use the academy 3 jutsu without seals."

Revan gets dressed in his favorite training clothing and possible genin style considering it's already practical enough for a young shinobi. (Outfit described in his dream.) Satisfied with his look he leaves the apartment after locking up. His apartment, unlike Naruto's rundown old building, was well maintained and just a mere 15 minutes walk from the academy, but conveniently enough it's also a short distance away from a small stretch of woods which is perfect for him to practice in and also a place he often comes to begin with. Merely 20 minutes away from his home after walking. Thankfully his Uzumaki stamina makes running straight there nonstop oh so easy.

"Okay, alone at last... at least I think so." He closes his eyes and starts channeling into the force. As inexperienced as he is with it, due to not ever using it before, he was able to send out a pulse of force that surprisingly went on for quarter of a mile. The range was simply amazing to him. "Holy shit! With this I can become a natural sensor!" He exclaims loudly. "Let's see.... out of everyone within a quarter of a mile, no one is remotely in my area at the moment. So I'm good! No need to worry about people seeing me casting a few jutsu without seals."

The stretch of forest he is in isn't that large and it even connects to a children's park just a few meters away, but at this distance it shouldn't be much of a problem for Revan. He pulls his hands up and begins to form the hand seals for the first jutsu.

"If I recall the hand seals were..." He performs the hand seals a few times for practice before molding the required chakra for the technique. In the midst he is carefully studying the require amount of chakra as well as the proper method of molding it into the perfect form. The force is aiding him and sending detailed updates to the jutsu molding formula until...

Dog, Boar, Ram, "Transformation Jutsu!"


With a quiet poof Revan reappears as his class's current instructor, Iruka Umino. A perfect transformation and not just a mere illusion. Revan doesn't quite yet understand, but just by having the force aid him in perfecting the Transformation Jutsu, he managed to create a perfect physical transformation of his class instructor. With a smirk he transforms back and starts going over the changes to the technique in his head, including the slightly altered chakra cost and altered formula that made it different. He made a jutsu that a certain blonde fox could make a perfect transformation by overloading it with his massive chakra reserves into a modified jutsu that could be used by adding in more chakra and molding it specifically in a certain way. Revan is oblivious to all of that though.

Revan opens his eyes and smiles confidently, "Now to try with one less seal."

He the proceeds to cast the jutsu with only two of the seals. The transformation was a success. After canceling the jutsu, Revan closes his eyes and begins to meditate over the technique once again. Opening his eyes he casts the jutsu again with only one seal, followed by a half a seal, then finally he was successfully able to cast it without performing a seal or shouting the name out. The Force itself is quite the useful aid to his jutsu training, for being able to cast them without requiring the seals leaves him open to using his available hands for other things such as swordsmanship or martial arts.

"Mastery of the Transformation Jutsu can now be considered a success. But just to be sure I'll practice it a few more times so that I can cast it more instinctively rather than leaving it up to luck. Never know when I'll have an accident and cause it to fail."

Revan spends the next 30 minutes transforming into random people, ranging from his classmates, instructors, all the way to the Third Hokage himself. To him this somewhat fun and entertaining and gives him ideas for plenty of possible pranks.

"Man, why didn't I watch anime or read mangas earlier! The potential uses for a skill like this is fantastic! If a Sith had this technique in Star Wars then all of the Republic's executives would have been replaced by Sith follows a long time ago!"

After playing around with the technique, even going as far as replicating his target's personalities and mannerisms, he ends his training with the Transformation Jutsu. Now he sets his focus to the second of the academy 3 jutsu. The Clone Jutsu.

"This jutsu... Why is it even require?" Revan asks himself, "It requires very little chakra to cast that if someone had shitty control it would come out a disaster! No wonder that Naruto kid kept failing it. Let's not forget that a clone made from this technique can be seen through quite easily as well. Maybe I can alter and perfect it like the Transformation technique."

Revan starts molding his chakra and prepares to cast the technique. Ram, Snake, Tiger. "Clone Jutsu!" Much like the first jutsu, his chakra is then guided by the force and begins to mold itself in a much different way then the original technique. Finally...


In burst of smoke a replica of Revan appears standing next to him. The two look at each other and grin. Walking around the clone he notices the changes to the technique compared to the memory he had of casting the technique in the past. It costed a little more chakra to cast, but in return it fixes all of the problems the old technique had in the past. A perfect clone, not physical by any means, but perfect enough to startle and confuse the enemy non-the-less. Beneath the clone is a perfect shadow, the grass beneath it is flattened, not by the clone, but by the chakra the clone is emitting. Revan has his clone run around the area and smiles as it kicks up dust while it charges. It comes to a stop in front of him so he pokes it in the forehead and it pops like a balloon.

"Not physical, but it's still a remarkable change. I bet I could make some money off of this if I sell the remodeled technique back to the academy. Maybe I'll show Iruka sensei, he is trusting enough and unlike the rest of the instructors, he isn't blatantly trying to sabotage my fellow Uzumaki."

Revan sits down in the field and pulls out an empty scroll he has stored in his bag along with a brush and some ink. Opening the scroll he begins writing out the altered changes to the Transformation Technique first, once he is done with that he begins recording his changes to the Clone Technique on another empty scroll. He leaves both scrolls open in the sunlight to dry and leans back in the grass and stares up at the clouds in the sky above with a smile.

"Sigh... No wonder the Nara kid loves cloud watching. You can relax quite easily like this..."

He spends a few minutes resting like this, occasionally lifting up a stone and launching them up into the sky with Force Pull and Force Push, then proceeding to catching them with the force and doing it again. A few times he misses his timing and nearly has the stone smacking him in the face. After a little practice he perfects his new game of catch without having to worry about self injury.

He lifts up and rolls up the scrolls and puts them in his bag.

"I've cloud watched and played catch long enough, back to work it is!"

He places a small log atop a tree stump nearby and moves a distance away from it before turning to face it. He then proceeds to form the seals he needs for the technique.

Tiger, Boar, Ox, Dog, Snake. "Substitution Jutsu!"


In a poof of smoke the log appears where he once stood, Revan appearing atop of the stump with a smile on his face. Surprisingly as he felt his force altering and correcting the flaws in the original technique, he comes to understand that with greater control and more chakra, instead of replacing himself with the log, he could swap two other objects positions with each other without having to swap himself out. This technique opens up a lot of new tactical uses. Instead of replacing himself with a log, he could potentially toss a kunai towards an oncoming attack and replace it with the opponent's teammate if the aren't alone. A good and crafty technique to have on the battlefield.

"Hm... I want to experiment with this one a little more..."

I places a log on the stump and paints an X on it. A few meters away he puts down another log in which he paints a large circle on it. Standing at a distance with both logs in his sight, he proceeds to cast the new and improved technique and watches as both logs swap places with each other. The circle log on the stump, the X log on the ground. With a smile he casts the technique again and swaps places with the X log.

"This could definitely mind fuck a few people if it's used right."

He plays around with the logs for a few more minutes before taking a break. After recording the changes to the technique and snacking on some berries he found nearby, Revan starts experimenting with the Substitution technique again but with some more extreme techniques. He throws a kunai towards a nearby tree and attempts to swaps with it, but he fails on the first try.

"It seems I require more practice if I want to master this. This will be my poor man's copy of the Fourth's legendary technique. Not quite like as fast or as effective, but it's all I will have for the time being, until I can unleash more of my Force's potential."

He tries and fails a few more times over the next 30 minutes until the technique succeeds. After tossing out a kunai, just before it hits the tree, Revan swaps places with the kunai and kicks off the tree doing a backflip, landing smoothly on the ground. It seems that after swapping with the kunai he ends up continuing on with the thrown weapon's momentum.

"I need to be careful with that technique. Don't need to smack into a tree at that speed or my head my crack open."

For the next hour he practices the technique over and over again, eventually getting the hang of it. Instead of failed 6 out of 10 times, the number of failure drops until he is able to cast the technique perfectly out 10 times out of 10. He tosses a kunai towards one tree, half way through it's flight he tosses one towards another tree. He substitutes himself with the first kunai, kicks off the tree, in the middle of his backflip he glances at the second kunai still in the middle of it's flight and casts the technique once again swapping with the second kunai and lands on the ground with a slide. Grinning, Revan stands up straight and dusts himself off.

"This technique is beyond perfect for me! The Legendary Yellow Flash, Minato Namikaze has his Flying Thunder God. Shisui Uchiha has his Body Flicker." Revan says as he tosses his kunai up in the air and swaps places with it while backflipping and landing with a crouch, "I have my new Kunai Dance Technique!"

He stands up and chuckles at his ridiculous new named technique. Even he finds the name weird, but he doesn't care too much, for it's potential at close to medium range is spectacular. He moves around the area and gathers all of his belongings after spending the rest of the morning practicing. Satisfied with his progress he heads off to find something to eat for lunch. Unknowing that he forgot to check his surroundings for others, someone standing in the shadows of a nearby tree was able to watch the last 10 minutes of his morning training.

A girl of the age 12 with long flowing black hair that reaches her mid-back, her eyes' irises onyx black. Skin as white as the snow, her lips a healthy pink. Her outfit consists of a sleeveless one piece kunoichi dress that reaches her lower thighs with slits on both sides that reach the upper hip, a pair of black skin tight shorts beneath her dress to preserve her modesty. Instead of sandals she wears a pair of black boots. Knee socks that barely stop beneath her shorts revealing very little skin from her legs. Her kunai and shuriken holster is strapped upon her right thigh for easy access. On her hands are fingerless gloves and she has bandages wrapped around her arms up to just below her elbows.

"He hides his skills well..." She murmurs to herself as she watches the red headed Uzumaki boy walk away. " Why hide all of this talent when you could easily take the top from my brother?"

She turns to leave not before taking one final glance at Revan, curiosity in her eyes, wondering why someone who wields such talent, would chose to hide it. Little does she know that even he himself wasn't this capable until he woke up this very morning.

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