
The poetry in me

Comon mann i'm half demon and half angel people consider me so dangerous because they only think i'm one of them when i'm exctually both i can make you cry i can make you do things that will hurt you i will try to break you but eventually you need it dude i maybe make you cry but i will make you stronger because i wouldn't dare to kill you will live a whole life maybe it won't always go your way but i will make you win i will make you happy i will make you smile and cry maybe you consider me bad but that's not all i am i will make you proud of your past i will help you for a bedtime sotry for your kids in the future they will learn not all is about winning even when you lose you can still smile maybe it will all go your way and youll be happy you will help other people consider this a lesson

Heyy how are you

How have you been

Was everything going accprding to plan

I wish i could be there right now hug you real tight

I make mistakes a lot

But still

I hope i will ever forgive myself forget the past and move on but i don't think i will ever forget how much the pas hurt me i always act like the past made me stronger but by everything that goes wrong i think about it the goddamn past

I hope i can move on not think about it when something goes wrong i fall apart i need to learn that not everything will go my way but i can't atand it too lose so much and not win anything

Shame on me

Deep in the ocean i will drown deeper dream about a better world start all iver again not remember a thing it will just hurt a little i hope

I never died

Sometimes crying is my escape for feelings

I donMt wanne grow up i'm scared

I'm scared i won't be what i wanne be

I am scared to mess up a job

I am scared to live by myself to look after me

I wamne be a little kid again not worry anout my future yet play all the time make my past a better past i miss some persons in my past i wanne be with them again i wanne go back i donMt wanne be in the future i'm scared i'll mess everything up and i'll end up alone

Look i maybe don't know everything yet but i feel really stupid and not ready i feel everyone around me knows and im the kid in the back dreaming in my own world feeling still left out

I really want to talk to people with depression or anxiety or anything but i need to study and do all kinda of things do we realy need to study to understand peoples pain or feelings i talk to people my whole life i solve problems since i was little and i always helped them and still when i really wanne save someone you need to study for 10 years like damn i was depressed to i had anxiety im still scared as hell and you tell me i cant tak with people that have the same problems or some related i yhink people can talk best with other people that kinda went trought the same cry on there shoulder and eat and drink something it will maybe not make everything better but for sure a little alright

Afcourse they look at them why would they look at me im feel sad right now its everytime like damn okay I know if i tell them they are just gonne say oh no they are joth worth it its jot about them i just wanne be noticed and not by an old man but by a guy or girl my age

Ugh i don't have wifi out here i need something to distract me i don't wanne be here i wanne cry in my bed right now i love them really much its just me who isn't feeling good right now and i don't want my sadness to ruin your happiness