
Red Carnation,the string of fate

It's about a boy who met a mysterious and beautiful girl on spring.Red carnation is what tied them together like a string of fate.

AizatKeyboard · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

[Chapter 3] closer

"I see.. I guess Imma go then,see you at school" She replied with "Goodbye".I arrived at home and I was so tired.Went straight to shower afterward then to bed.I kept thinking about today and ended up falling asleep.I slept soundly afterward with no problem whatsoever (2 April)

I woke up with a normal mood and dressed up For school.I walked and arrived at the class early.I sat down then suddenly someone poke my forehead.It was the girl and she asked "Wanna eat the lunch later?" "No" I replied.

Later on that day at lunch,she dragged her chair and sat infront of me on my table . She's determined to eat lunch with me "what do you want" I said ."When I said something I will do it" She replied,then Mizuki suddenly came close to us and said "Yo Sahi ,want to eat ice cream by the electronic store after school?"

Shihana interrupted the question and said "hey can I come too?"."You're Shihana right?,sure I suppose" Mizuki replied.(After school) "Yo ,this flavour is so damn good" "mine also" "can I taste it?" "No" "you guys.."

Three of them got closer each day.