
Never let anything go to waste.

The boar had a rather large body, he could use some of it for a meal tonight and persevere the rest so he didn't need to hunt for a while. He wouldn't hunt unless necessary, and that wasn't going to be necessary for a long time. He guessed that he had enough rations to last three or so days on his own, the pork allowed him to extend that to 2 weeks, more if he skipped meals. Jez then proceeded to collect some of the blood into a metal flask and attached it to a device that had many coils of metal pipe and into a water skin on the other side, it was a simple water purifier, he fired the device up and slowly water dripped into the water skin at the other end. As he left that he had taken out the Book of chaos and flipped it to a page titled "Organic Matter Reclamation" which was a technique to extract the energy from a once-living thing and turn it into chaos energy that can be used to strengthen the control of a chaos mage. It would have been more powerful if it didn't have such a long casting time and on more times than not, only marginally makes the caster have better control. He followed the directions, and injected chaos energy into the body, he started to feel the energies inside of the body start to crumble and break, but they put up resistance, this had slowed him to inspect the process in which Chaos destroyed things, and he realized that chaos didn't actually destroy things, it didn't have a destructive nature but instead had a neutral nature. It was neutral energy, but when objects interact with it, it breaks them down into chaos energy, and the remnants would be the gray dust. By this point the body of the boar had become grey and had started to crumble when Jez pulled his hand away from the body, it became a fine grey powder. 'That was interesting.' commented Jake, 'I wonder what this information can be used for?', Jez wondered. 'Leave that to me, that is pretty much my job, you pack up and prepare to take off, we need to get ready to get going. the night will fall soon and we need to put some distance between us and the blood we spilled earlier, it will attract other animals.', Jake commented. He had collected the water and packed it in his bag before breaking into a jog and leaving the blood-stained ground in a hurry. He was looking for a good place to set up camp for the night and decided that an outcropping of rocks next to a small stream. He had started to unpack a bedroll and started to set up a small fire to cook a meal over when he heard howling, it was close may be less than a hundred yards away, Jez quickly set down his bedroll and started fiddling with the fire starter to get a flame going as soon as possible the wood he had gathered earlier was already dry, making ignition easier, boosting the fire starter with magic, he quickly lit a pile of kindling. As fast as he could pile wood onto the kindling without putting it out. His camp was well placed, a high rockface to his back and the stream to his side the fire illuminated the surrounding well and discouraged whatever had been howling earlier to leave. When Jez saw this he took out the boar meat that was still raw and started to coat it in salt and drought weed, an herb that was grown for its ability to absorb water, it looked like dried grass but when it was applied to the meat, the herb became greener and greener until the meat was a fraction of the size it was before and the herb had become a green stalk, which Jez pulled off and placed next to a metal flask, different from the one that was used to distill blood. After wrapping the dried meat in a paper bag and placed it in his bag before turning towards the fire and starting to cook his dinner."I should be leaving the forest soon, I can stop by at any nearby town to find my exact location." he commented to no one.

I would appreciate any feedback.


PS. Yes, I had two chapters ready today.

gunsablazing2creators' thoughts