
Reborn Relive

A young adventurer had fallen during battle but came back to life due to unknown circumstances, knowing the feeling of death he realized he still has a lot to live for and had so many regrets, that now he wants to live life to the full with no regrets hanging behind

Alight · Fantasi
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18 Chs


Luke jumps down the building, and looks down the streets of Dronto when he begins seeing multiple spots of blood dried off on the ground as he smiles and says "If the prince was bleeding the whole way, I just need to follow the path created by him and the mystery is solved, thought I seriously wish I get better at solving these problems with my own brain"

He begins running down the streets following the trail of blood and soon arrived at a broken down church located outside the city in the villages covering it as he stands before it and after a deep sigh, his glowing eye returns to normal as he enters the church through the front door and enters a church with seats on both sides, small rays of light were falling through the broken pieces of walls and at the end of the church sat a man with bloodied clothes, hands tied behind with his back placed on the wall fainted

"This has to be trap, come on it's so obvious" thinks Luke as he suddenly appears right in front of the fainted man so fast as if he had teleported and says "He matches the description but… it can't be that-" suddenly a knife comes straight towards Luke's stomach which he barely dodge by moving back quickly as he thinks "Ah ha!, a fake or… is he?" 

"You had your guard up even though you knew it was the prince, why?" "So you are the prince, oh I don't know, I just knew you were wearing bloodied clothes" and hearing this the prince begins laughing "What a joke, they sent a person who doesn't even know the face… how bad can the royals be?" "I appreciate my work with little to no knowledge cause when I solve them, the praise I get oh that's amazing" replied Luke as the prince replied "Is that so, well I am sorry you won't be getting your praise this time around because… you will be dying right here" 

Hearing this Luke smiled and replied "Is that so, well I don't know your reasons but… I hope you don't underestimate me, prince!" as the prince quickly moves towards Luke and starts a barrage of attacks with the knife and kicks that could possibly hit Luke but Luke was fast and was dodging all those attacks going back after each attack only to suddenly activate a trap placed in between the seats as a giant axe comes swinging down the ceiling and separates both luke and Prince as they both jumped back to dodge the attack

The prince smiled as Luke activated more traps as he thinks "Oh come on" as multiple spikes start coming out the ground, Luke back flipped from all those attacks as he lands near the entrance and looks in front to see the prince had disappeared, Looking around, he couldn't the man when he sees the dirt below him rising to the air as he quickly looks above him to see him floating in the air charging up a tornado as he shoots it out straight towards Luke but as the attack finished, Luke was nowhere to be found only a hole through the floor when suddenly The prince is hit in the head from above by a kick

Luke had teleported above him as his eye had begun to glow again, the prince was blown to the ground smashing through it and going below the ground level as Luke followed him down to now find himself in a long path filled with lights and saw the prince running away "Is he kidding?" thinks Luke as he teleports right in front of him, seeing the prince smiling, surprising Luke as he shouts out "NOW!" Suddenly another man comes out from below the ground and punches Luke in the chin, blowing him through the roof above back into the church as he teleports to nearby land he thinks "Another?" 

Both these people come out from the path below as they had the same face and were wearing clothes opposite to each other, one smiling while with a blank expression as Luke with a laugh on his face asks "Now that's a twist" as the prince laughs and replies "It is isn't it?" "So want to explain or, you two still want to fight?" 

The prince laughed as he said "No, We give up… our motive today isn't to fight more off, we just wanted to see how would the city fare without us and how would the royals try to find us?" "Want to explain in detail, I am dumb" asks Luke as the prince chuckled and replied "Sure, let me first introduce ourselves, I am Silva Drestone the prince of Dronto while this is my twin brother Avlis Drestone, though no one knows that Avlis exists" "Hmm?" "When we were born, Avlis wasn't the best at using magic so our father, the King abandoned him and he wandered the streets for years alone when the Strike happened and was gifted with powers" "Ooh, so you are the same as me" "Avlis wanted revenge after what had happened to him and came to kill me first so he can take my place and kill our father with his guard down but.. I convinced him otherwise" 

"You see Our father has 8 children, and we are the youngest with no chance of having throne to ourselves but I don't want that, my siblings don't deserve the throne as much as I do hence I thought of plan to first find people capable of our trust to protect us when the time is right when we declare war on all of them" "And so you planned your own kidnapping so whoever saved you was capable of your trust" 

"Yeah, I thought any of our soldiers or guards would be the one to arrive but I never expected someone like you to come" "Sorry, but due to your idioctic plan an innocent elf was being blamed of the kidnapping, can't be letting that just happen in front of me" "Oh, I have to apologize to that elf though, we went too hard to make a scene that we injured that poor girl who tried to protect me" 

Luke, hearing this sighs and says "Leaving that aside, what are you gonna do now that your amazing plan has failed?" "Failed, who said… we did meet a man capable of the strength we need, we just need his trust?" as hearing this Luke looks at the prince and smiles "Oh my, you are asking for me to join you, can't do that you see I am an adventurer"

"And where does that matter here, I am not telling you to abandon your jobs and come join me by my side, you are a free to travel, but when I would need you just have to answer my calls" "and what would I get in return, a partnership like this should have some great price you know?" 

"That is true, of course we are ready to provide you with anything you need from gold to women, from weapons to armor. Whatever you need we will provide you but in return you just have to sign under me in the Adventurers guild and we have our partnership" Luke quickly asks "And what if I refuse?" "Then you are free to go of course, I want your aid, that is earned by agreement not through force" hearing this, Luke had a smile and said "Fine then, I will come under you but in return I want two things… first I am looking for my family that went missing after the war at Forska 2 years ago, help me find them and second, soon I am going to start my own Adventurer group and you know how costly that can get right?" 

"If that's all you need, then we agree on those terms, so do we have a deal?" Luke smiles and replies "Of course, just don't break the terms and we will be fine" they shake their hands and the deal between the prince and the adventure is sealed after which they return to Dronto with Avlis gone into hiding as the guards celebrate and so do the townsfolk as the day comes to an end.

The next day, the elf was released from the health care and was confused to what had happened in the past few hours with the prince coming to her apologizing while giving her tons of gold while also honoring her skills in fighting while on the other hand, her salon had closed down and she was out of a job which scared her when she hears a familiar voice of a man unknown to her.

"I hope you are doing well, my lady, may I ask you name?" "You are…" "Luke Clearstone, may I know yours?" "Elva Rearow" "What a beautiful name, anyhow I would like to talk to you for a few minutes if you don't mind of course " "No that's okay… I also had to thank you for your help." 

They went to a nearby café where Luke told Elva everything Silva told him about as Elva confused asks "Why are you… telling me this" her behavior was of the shy kind and also had trouble speaking the language of humans when Luke replied "You see, I want to start an Adventurer group and I want you to join me" "Huh… why me?" "It's really simple, I heard you have amazing skills in fighting while also having the Elf's blessing don't you?" 'Ah… so those are your reasons"

"Yeah, pretty much, if you don't want to join I understand and I'll leave you if you say-" "How much money… Do adventurers make in a month?" "Huh… well from all missions and stuff, a pretty decent amount but now that I am signed under the prince, it should be double that ""If that's so, I would like to join you ""Really?" "Yes, I am out of a job and I need to send money back home each month, I don't have much skills in stuff other than basic cooking and stylizing stuff so this is a great offer for me."

"Oh I already like your thinking, welcome to the group, Elva" "I am happy to be here, Luke" "By the way if you don't mind, can you cut my hair… that was my reason to come to the salon in the first place so if you don't mind?" "Of course, how would you like it?" 

A few hours later, Luke came out of his inn with new clothes and a new hairstyle with short hair, he wore a short black coat reaching just his thighs while his interior clothes being black shirt and black pants going for an all dark look as he asks "How do I fare, Elva?" "Great… Luke" "Well then, let's get going, an adventure awaits us" "Yes!" as they both begin walking out the city and begins the journey of Luke's own adventurer group which he called The Unknowns.