
Reborn Relive

A young adventurer had fallen during battle but came back to life due to unknown circumstances, knowing the feeling of death he realized he still has a lot to live for and had so many regrets, that now he wants to live life to the full with no regrets hanging behind

Alight · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Luke Clearstone

In the large city of Dronto, a man walked down the streets of the market with long hair falling down his shoulders and a sword placed on his lower back tilted, he wore a long grayish coat over his plain white and black pair of clothes and his eyes were the color of brown. A smile spread across his face when he turned to a salon and opened its door, to find the place filled with darkness and drops of blood spread across the walls.

The salon was small with a few chairs placed right from the door in front of large mirrors while the left just had a wall filled with designs but now were spread with blood all over them. A lady had fallen on the floor with multiple injuries on her body and blood coming out of her body. She had long ears and wore a pair of clothes colored green and white. Green was her vest covering just her shoulders while white was the clothes covering her body as the man said "What the-?" 

The lady slowly opened her eyes as she said "He took him away… He took the prince away" as the man approached the girl and knelt down next to her and asks "What happened here, My lady?" "The prince… he was taken… by a man of great strength… I... couldn't do anything… " The man heard these words and said "First of all, it will be better to take care of you first, the prince can always wait… because if he was taken, the guy had no intention of killing him" the lady looked at the man and said "Please… let me be… I am just a salon artist…you can just…leave me be…." as she says those words, her eyes closed and she fainted as the man sighed and picked her up on his back with all the blood covering his coat and hair, as he walked to a nearby health care to take care of her.

After doing so, he heard multiple footsteps approaching the building as he looked towards those voices and saw guards wearing gray armor approaching him while holding their spears and hats hiding their faces when one of them said "Hand over the elf to us, she was involved in the capture of our dear prince… She must pay the price" as the man stood there with a smile and replied "Come on people, you know she wasn't at fault, why waste your time here when you can be searching out there" "Shut up!, The Elf was present in the scene and we have eye witness of her aiding the man in the prince's kidnapping" 

"Oh, then how do they explain the injuries, your precious eye witnesses?" "The Prince must have put those injuries, he is a great fighter and wouldn't tolerate such traitorous behavior from one of our own!" "Nah, I don't believe it, Mind if I meet those eye witnesses?" said the man with a carefree look as the guards shout "JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO ASK THOSE PERMISSIONS" as the man pulled out a card from his pocket and as the men saw it, the guards said "Luke Clearstone, an Adventurer huh, that too a high ranker… So that's how it is, did the girl ask you to protect her?" "No No, it's the opposite, she asked me to find the prince… now would a traitor ask a guy like me to undo her deeds while also giving me such a high fee, I am not cheap you know?' replied Luke.

The guard looked towards the man and replied "Fine then, You have one day's time… find our prince and we won't capture the girl" "One day ay, thank you for the deal so where are these witnesses?" "Outside, they came to see the girl captured, go on but be mindful to what you ask… they are horrified by the incident" 

"Oh yeah, I'll be mindful, sure" as they walked out the building, Luke met the three eyewitnesses standing there

 "What happened, why haven't you captured the darn elf yet?" "Yeah, we told you she was the one who aided the man!" "Just capture her already!!" 

All three said their words as suddenly Luke hearing all of these opinions appeared behind on of them with his blade kept right on her neck "Move and you will die right here" The guards shout asking what he was doing as one of them "HE IS WITH THAT DARN ELF, HE WILL KILL US, HELP US!!" "No no, I don't care about you really, just answer my questions truthfully and we will be done firstly being what really happened at the salon" "WE TOLD YOU A MAN ENTERED THE SALON AND THE ELF AIDED HIM TO CAPTURE THE-" The sword was right in front of the guy's eye as Luke with a creepy smile looked straight at him and asked "Are you sure that's what happened, or you just want the elf to be captured…. I told you I want truth" 

The man fell back to the ground scared "Ok Okay I will tell, just keep that away from me!" Luke smiled and put his sword away as the guy begins the true story of what really happened at the salon beginning from when he saw a man enter the salon wearing full white and a long hair hiding his face

He doesn't know what happened inside but later on a man wearing all black entered the salon hiding his face as well and a fight broke out inside, after which the man wearing black walked out the salon carrying the man wearing white his hand with all his clothes covered in blood and ran away, after which Luke arrived and everything took place the same 

"And what was the part the elf played?" "We don't know, we were just told to get her captured by the salon owner" as the guards shout "YOU IDIOTS, YOU WERE WASTING OUR TIME WHEN WE COULD BE OUT THERE FINDING OUT PRINCE!" as Luke hearing this smiles and replies "Well anyhow, you all can calm down and let me handle this now, I'll see to it that your prince is back at that giant castle of yours before tomorrow's dawn, believe me on that" as one of them replies "I hope you abide by that, and we apologize for blaming your client" "Next time, look for more reliable eyewitnesses" saying this Luke walks away as the guards capture the witnesses for false statements

Luke traveled back to the salon to find a girl standing beside a tall man with messy hair "You say that the elf won't be back again, are you sure" "Yeah yeah, I am sure… now you can work here all you want without any problems of me cheating ""Yeah, thank you!" Luke, hearing all of this in hiding says "I doubt he has any involvement with the kidnapping but…" Luke walks up to the man with a smile and punches him in the face breaking a pair of his teeth's as the girl screams in horror, Luke said "Sorry, I just wanted to punch someone… I hope you don't mind" the man had no power to reply but was just suffering from the pain as Luke walked away the guards approached the salon too and captured the man too

Luke walks around the city for a while and then goes onto a nearby roof to sit by and think "There isn't any info I am getting from anyone except the girl but I doubt she is waking up before tomorrow, now that's a pickle… how am I supposed to find this culprit before morning." The sun had begun to set as Luke thought "Maan, I thought I would be able to solve this mystery with just my brain but I am tired of that… guess…" suddenly one of his eyes began to glow as he continued to say "I will cheat then."